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Patch 1.54 is Out.


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Hey guys, for those of you not getting the British DLC, the newest patch has been released and is ready for download.


1.54 Highlights


* Arma 2: British Armed Forces Lite - all units, vehicles and weapons from Arma 2: British Armed Forces are included in this patch with lower quality textures and audio files. The full version of Arma 2: British Armed Forces with high resolution textures and packed with a new campaign and large selection of new single player missions is available for purchase, see www.arma2.com/baf for more information about the content of Arma 2: British Armed Forces.

* Engineer - Engineers have undergone some serious training and are now capable of repairing damaged vehicles and defusing mines.

* Artillery Computer - All indirect fire weapons can exploit the brand new artillery computer by selecting it in the Action Menu (default binding is the mouse wheel). The artillery computer initiates an interface where you can see your weapon, and the associated minimal and maximal ranges on the map.

* Numerous stability and functionality fixes and improvements.

* Reworked MP Session Browser and Mission Selector.

* See readme.txt file for more information about the fixes, improvements and new features coming with Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead version 1.54



What this means is those who don't get the DLC can still play with those who do have it, so we don't have to start up an extra server for each version.


EDIT: If you're getting errors like below, just ignore them. The patch supposedly installs successfully. I dunno...


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I'm getting a nice error message: "Arma 2OA is not installed on your computer or installation is corrupted." :question:


Do you have steam mate? if so you have to wait till steam get it available.

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Finally got the computer back up and running. Arma 2 is patched to 1.54, BAF is downloaded and running. Yet, when I try to join the Sparta server I get to the point where I can pick my class. After it loads and everything it just boots me to the server selection screen. I have no idea what is wrong. Any suggestions?

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do you get at least a sort of "session lost" message?


It happened to me and whoever was in the server was able to see I was lacking of a file. Then Andrewman helped me fixing the issue sending me the missing or corrupted file.


Ask ppl on the server if they see any reason why you get kicked out

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In case you experience an "Error found in file EXPANSIONS\ADDONS\missions_e.pbo" error during the update installation, click the "Ignore" button and continue with installation.

When finished, download the file missions_e.pbo separately here or KH Mirror here, then search and replace the original file within your Arma 2 installation folder.


Follow these instructions (even if you didn't get an error during installation). File is Here

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