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  3. I am now learning how to mine the Prospector. It's a great little ship and I have learned to leave alone lower valued minerals such as Aluminum and other low paying ores. One issue I have is the Prospector Bags are way to small. Would love to meet one you guys who have a Mole in space so i can swap out my bags from the Mole then you just reclaim your Mole. I bought Mole bags but there is no way to transport them. Well at least it would not transfer to my Connie.
  4. Earlier
  5. Grim suggested this https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/59B657D731E2A11D-Overthrow @Gunthar as your last request didn't work do you want to try it? needs this https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/5D8CAE1570401332-Overthrow-RHSCompatibility
  6. Perhaps we need to be a bit friendlier in SC and encourage ppl to join in with us when we play, I sadly admit the first thing I do when joining is press F12 and hide chat.
  7. Great question. Games come and go but folks get bored and move on. As for me I have enjoyed this group of folks! I can't do the run and gun style games as my reflexes are not what they once were.
  8. Its sad to see some of the names at the start of this thread. Wonder where some of them are now.
  9. I used to take the prospector multiple times to the nearest refinery and fill it with orders, when all the orders were complete I rented a freelancer Max to haul it all. Refining ores takes a long time but it's worth the wait I think.
  10. Ok so scanning is a bit different now. Tab key is the ping unless you keybind a new one (middle mouse/or 4th left hand side mouse button). I set my strength of laser using plus + and minus- on the key pad. (stock is middle mouse) For example, Dolvive takes about level 22-23% lazer before it starts climbing the gauge. When the gauge gets to the red line in my pic. I level it off there and don't go higher. (see red mark on pic)
  11. Added the Misc Prospector but one thing is for sure, you need the Connie to haul the extracted minerals to a ground base for sale of the product.
  12. Must have glitched into the station just like we can out of it. Someone posted about it on Spectrum I dont think thats suppose to happen - General - Star Citizen - Spectrum v6.25.0 (robertsspaceindustries.com)
  13. Lol that's awesome parking
  14. Zeno~SPARTA~


    Security at Everus Harbour.
  15. and the ability to share each others ships at least it's looking closer for this stuff 👍
  16. Looks like the update this week cleared up a lot of issues. Now we all need an org base with beds, lockers, boxes and gun racks & etc.
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