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About custard~SPARTA~

  • Birthday 11/30/1964

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    Reading UK
  • Interests
    Avoiding being told what to do in my spare time. Reading, films, growing veg playing games and trying to be a good dad and husband.

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  1. you are properly on the naughty step 🤣
  2. The lifts at the prison are broken my term has been increased to life probably
  3. After numerous attempts I finally got a Mercenary mission...... now I am in prison
  4. Excellent I'll add the ones that have returned and the new one 👍
  5. As discussed my primary home is Lorville and I am basing myself out of Everus Harbour. Have limited kit but am ready at Everus with weapon and cargo box in Cutlass to go bunkering. I did note however there was no bunker mission available at Everus when I was prepping.
  6. If it's the wild West I am going to be bad Apart from getting into a server it was very smooth and enjoyable.
  7. Change firing mode is between 'staggered' and 'all', i think. I did think the targeting info very useful.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heApVu2dsOM Guide to using weapons turrets, we all could learn from this I know I did!
  9. Are we good with me adding the winterize mods and the partially configurable conflict mod to our config?
  10. My gear and an upgraded Terrapin is at Everus What fits in an Idris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LmqA5yBx-s You don't need to take on the Idris straight to the ground action possible? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEbCshHzW5Y
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