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About custard~SPARTA~

  • Birthday 11/30/1964

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    Reading UK
  • Interests
    Avoiding being told what to do in my spare time. Reading, films, growing veg playing games and trying to be a good dad and husband.

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  1. Grim suggested this https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/59B657D731E2A11D-Overthrow @Gunthar as your last request didn't work do you want to try it? needs this https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/5D8CAE1570401332-Overthrow-RHSCompatibility
  2. Perhaps we need to be a bit friendlier in SC and encourage ppl to join in with us when we play, I sadly admit the first thing I do when joining is press F12 and hide chat.
  3. I used to take the prospector multiple times to the nearest refinery and fill it with orders, when all the orders were complete I rented a freelancer Max to haul it all. Refining ores takes a long time but it's worth the wait I think.
  4. Lol that's awesome parking
  5. and the ability to share each others ships at least it's looking closer for this stuff 👍
  6. I have so many guns I feel like The Lord of War
  7. Work around for infinity symbol on cargo containers We need to get our loot on
  8. He mentioned that, but regardless when in 'local' inventory they allways work in my experience so selling isn't an issue, maybe a trip to Farnesway in a Herc 🤣
  9. @Zeno~SPARTA~ Watch this mate, move EVERYTHING into a container and sell everything at Cargo Services screen! #Gamechanger
  10. Good lord playing with Luggage sounds less painfull, I'd wait until that has been fixed mate, we can't do salvage this weekend Cent is useless he has real life stuff to do until Sunday!
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