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Everything posted by Cent~SPARTA~

  1. Cent~SPARTA~


    3.12 has brought some stability and quality of life improvements. Personally I have found it to be quite stable with reasonable frame rates and some new missions. Mining is now as feature complete as its possible to be with the full path being: Hand mining Single seat ship mining Ground vehicle mining Multicrew ship mining Refining of raw material sale of processed/refined metals more ships and vehicles will be made available from other manufactures going forward - but now its a matter of content rather than capabilities for mining.
  2. downloaded and installed - i did wonder if you chaps were still playing. If its anything like L4D i can see us having a bit of a laugh.
  3. I think i may dust off the old flight suit myself this weekend
  4. belated but many happy returns old man!
  5. @custard~SPARTA~ I did a thing - meet me in the verse tonight!
  6. I think Cy has the X56 (could be wrong) and I am using the TT1600 HOTAS from Thrustmaster. I used KaM for years in SC - in fact i only brought the HOTAS after flying DCS with Zeno and the crew. To be fair - i would never go back to KaM in any flight sim ever again now. Worth every single penny!!
  7. Really enjoyed the game last night - thanks to Halli and his brothers for hosting. Got me in the mood for some more CoH if any of the Euro type fancy a game???
  8. Only one. Fully crewing a Carrack and flying off into the black looking for adventure! (or possibly a wormhole or two :))
  9. New patch is live. Short on content - but there has been a push for better server stability, LTP or long term persistence and bug fixes. I have set my initial spawn point to New Babbage and i am currently waiting up at Everus Harbor for y'all to join in!
  10. You can fit anything upto the Ursa rover into the Conni - space isnt the problem, its the size of the ship. With the Freelancer and Cutlass - the cargo deck and the pilot cabin are on the same deck. you simply drive up the ramp and get out - job done. You have to lower the cargo deck to the ground with the Conni before you can exit. then do the reverse when you want to fly off. if you are doing it solo - the Conni would take twice as long as the others to be flight ready. ideally you'd want a 3 man crew to run a Conni and a ROC combo. A Pilot, Miner and a Cargo loader.
  11. Aurora MR Cutlass Black Conni Taurus Caterpillar (in game purchase) Greycat buggy (in game purchase) Tumbril Cyclone (in game purchase) Hull B Freelancer (no idea why) Prospector (in game purchase) As of Nov 2021 1, Mercury Star Runner (MSR) lti - This is my Primary Pledge (back form 2012!, CCU'd everything else apart from the Cutlass to buy the MSR) 2, Cutlas Black lti In Game Purchase, ROC
  12. they are puurty - however mostly empty at this point. The ambient sound is rather amazing as you walk around it must be said. So far i have been blown to bits 3 times outside Everus harbor. some of the more enterprising hoodlums are using a QED just outside the port. You cant jump away and others cant jump in - can be a bit frustrating!
  13. Sun rise on Ariel Game is soooooo puuuuurty!
  14. Mining with Custard in the wastelands.
  15. ROC = Money printer! Custard, cheques in the post mate
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