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About Cent~SPARTA~

  • Birthday 07/16/1981

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    Whatever i can lay my hands on :))

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  1. Its sad to see some of the names at the start of this thread. Wonder where some of them are now.
  2. oh yay. @Custard the loot horing queen can get back into action!
  3. You get nothing at all when you ping?
  5. oohh nice. I'm looking forward to the Org feature's being implemented.
  6. If you have one, and have the cash - its certainly one of the best all round heavy fighters available. Beats the Arrow, Hurricane and Sabre in most metrics for a ship of its class.
  7. Does my bum look big in this? Halli, Just about to get on the lift at the back of the Reclaimer.
  8. Time to get suited and booted!!
  9. Couldn't be bothered to start a new post!! Lots of games being played in the Sparta community at the moment, with the focus around WarThunder, DCS and Starcitizen. Given that these are all multiplayer, and we all want to play them to various degrees with each other, it's probably a good idea to sort a bit of a schedule so that those that want to - can arrange their social lives accordingly. Apparently people do other things - no idea who they are or what those things could be? but hey ho. From my own perspective, I'll be doing the following Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday - Starcitizen 18.30//20.00 WarThunder or DCS 20.00//22.00 Thursday - DCS 20.00//22.00 Friday - Starcitizen 18.30//22.00 Saturday - WarThunder or DCS 18.30//20.00 Starcitizen 20.00//22.00 Sunday - Any?
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