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Everything posted by Phisher~SPARTA~

  1. That looks like a blast, I will try it out this week.
  2. It's not my footage but I just d/l it and fired it up in the editor. I basically created a get from point A to point B mission, lots of fun. You can randomize the zombies so you don't know where they will appear. Hopefully this will have MP support someday, it would be a great survival game once a month or so. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9207
  3. I know Medic either has or will be seeing this shortly on Reddit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThfQsyf4y-4
  4. I honestly had a blast with War in Takistan. I believe Jeff had said it earlier, it's basically just beefier side-missions. It has a couple kinks to work out but overall I think it is a great blend of mission objectives but choice in how you execute it.
  5. It's worth the download just to decimate a town with the B17
  6. I know some of you were big fans of the Invasion 1944 mod for AMRA, it looks like the team just released a new version for ARMA 2. I've been kicking it around for a bit and it's a lot of fun. I doubt it's worth spending the time/effort getting it on any of our servers, but for those who enjoy the single player aspect its worth a free download. Invasion 1944 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCJEzkLllws&feature=player_embedded
  7. Awesome video. I would love to take part in the future. It's funny, I've been forced to take a backseat to gaming recently because I was offered / took a full-time editing position (one in a million). If I couldn't offer my sweet ARMA skills I would love to help with the post-process, if you would have me. I don't think my gaming machine at home would be able to capture at a decent frame-rate with all the bells and whistles turned on, but in terms of editing / color correction / titles I would love to be involved. If anything you could shoot me the original video and I could cut a trailer or something. EDIT: I forgot to add, I have access to thousands of effects if you ever wanted to "spice it up". Explosions, muzzle flashes, impacts, dirt charges, glass hits, blood spurts... Full disclosure to the audience of course.
  8. Any Spartans watch AMC's Mad Men? My girlfriend got me hooked on it this year and I watched it all on netflix. I work in post-production in Los Angeles and like to recut TV Shows / films that I like. I thought I would share it with you guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y0wl-isLeg
  9. Just so everyone is aware, the Steam holiday sale starts now. I would only recommend buying when a game goes on the "Daily Deal" list, as often it can be marked down by like 80-90%. Check back everyday for new deals. Today Only: FEAR complete pack: $10 Portal: $4 F1 2010: $20 Titans Quest Gold: $5 Super Meat Boy: $4 The Oddbox: $13 LEGO Batman: $5 Fallout 3 GOTY: $20 Prince of Persia: 75% on all Prince of Persia games Battlefield Bad Company 2: $7 Deus Ex complete pack: $3 Publisher Packs: 2k Mega pack: 81% - $80 THQ: 87% - $50 Bethesda: 55% - $70 Rockstar: 71% - $40 Eidos: 88% - $75 Epic: 80% - $15 TellTaleGames: 62% - $15 Valve: 86% - $25
  10. I know what you mean Durka. I do recommend checking out some of the mods for Medieval Total War II: http://www.moddb.com/downloads?filter=t&=Search&kw=Search+...&type=def&game=231 There are several larger mods that completely over hall AI, Terrain, Graphics, and general game mechanics. I am actually downloading the "Third Age" mod, which is a huge total conversion mod set in the Lord of the Rings Lore.
  11. Phisher~SPARTA~


    Have you tried the Zargibad insurgency map? (I think is much better), I noticed the takistan version is the only one playing these last couple days.
  12. I think this should replace TacDom, after several hours of teamplay today it was apparent that this is closer to what we look for on Tac days. Infantry combat is the core of this mode, the up-armored humvees are strategic, and additions like the fireteam HUD just sweeten the deal. I think we could still add to this with some of our modifications, but as it is now I think it is more enjoyable than domination.
  13. There is also a Takistan version which actually feels smaller, when you get intel nearby a city you know it has to be somewhere close by. In Zargibad, there are so many buildings that it can get time consuming.
  14. This is a great map. It is set up similar to the Insurgency maps for Battlefield. I was able to play in a full server last night and I really enjoyed it. If we get it straightened out I think this would be a good alternative to TacDom.
  15. More timed sensitive side-missions: Kill general in 15 minutes before he is evacuated. High valued target will by flying over town X via chopper, make sure you shoot him down as he flies over before he escapes. Watch out for escorts! Capture missions: Include some ground vehicles to the capture X vehicle and take it to base. Offers a bit a more danger and challenge, maybe some roadblocks along the way.. Even some specialty vehicles instead of the standard tank or jeep. [EDIT] I think I remember there being a tank capture mission I just don't think I have seen it any time recently. [EDIT] Priority / Sniper missions: Kill high-valued target before setting off any alarms. (basically kill a certain unit without being made aware to the enemy) Scavenger: Sort of a S&D mission where you have to find either an item, or building without being given exact coordinates. So search X town for missing documents, or find the body of a contractor. Requires players to go door to door, or to canvas to find the objective. Rare Doomsday Missions I remember there being a nuke script. But the idea for this mission is that it rarely triggers and only if a certain # of players are on. But it could entail destroying a SCUD launcher or killing a certain unit in X amount of time. Failure to do so results in catastrophic damage to the main base (Nuke, Artillery, Massive Armored/Air Column). Just some quick ideas, not certain how difficult or time consuming they would be to implement. Thanks!
  16. I just picked it up. I never had COD4 but I am really liking Black Ops. It might sputter out like BFBC2 but so far I am enjoying it.
  17. I believe OA. My regular ARMA directory is void of any mods/ace folders. Do you have Combined Operations setup and working? If so, then definitely OA folder.
  18. Hey Zeno, A couple quick notes on your latest update. I joined in as Alpha Squad Leader and I spawned on top of a roof of a building. It might just be the squad leader but I think it needs to be moved. Also, Scorpion noted that he had encountered enemies with x-ray vision and instant headshots, I'm not sure if that is result of ACE or some parameter. Otherwise, we love it!
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