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Everything posted by StevenADunn~SPARTA~

  1. My Carbon foot print is Size 7. It's because of jack ass ads like this from 'environmentalists' that this will always be a problem. People 'doing their bit' won't even scratch the surface, it is industry and governments that have to do their bit for any of this to work.
  2. :Scotland:Just got my copy of OA, see you guys on the battlefield!
  3. Great!, british troops won't be safe in ARMA now either. I can hear the reports of friendly fire incidents already................ lol
  4. Geez, David deserves to get his cereal swapped for kitty litter! lol
  5. Ah duct tape, the abductors tool of choice.......... Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver!
  6. Hi Snowshoe, Good to see you back, and of course you would be welcomed! Steve
  7. Big Case, more fans, always works. I have always kept to Towers and added big fans, never had a problem with heat.
  8. Happy belated Birthday Ulrik, hope you had a great day mate!
  9. God, not only posts, we get an insight into some of these minds, oh dear......

  10. God, not only posts, we get an insight into some of these minds, oh dear......

  11. Yeah, can't disagree, but she ain't on TV! Agent Sarah Walker is though........
  12. Medic, Go to the shortcut, right mouse click properties, go to the shortcut tab and then click on advanced. in there you can tick the 'run as administrator'
  13. Typical, trust MS to make you need to drop your security to play a frickin game........lol
  14. Batwing, I have the same problem, so don't know how I could use this without the ping details, it would just be a guess!
  15. Happy Birthday mate! Have a good one.
  16. Best of luck mate, hope you get something soon!
  17. Best wishes Cy, I'm sure it will pan out well for you mate!
  18. LOL, Ok Durka, you've read it twice ............. whats the answer? ;)
  19. A 43 year old civil servant has become the UK's biggest Lottery winner after stepping forward to claim the 84 million pound record prize. Nick Clegg from London didn't even realize he had won the fortune until his wife found the ticket in a pair of trousers she was about to take to the dry cleaners. He was about to throw the ticket in the bin when he noticed a copy of the News of the World had the numbers printed on the front and they were exactly the same as the numbers on the lucky dip he had bought. Clegg had just started a new job earlier in the week as a PA but is keeping quiet as to if he will carry on working. He suggested he might pull a 'sickie' tomorrow as he plans to have a few drinks that will no doubt go on well past midnight. He did hint however, that he is looking forward to returning to work on Tuesday to tell his new boss to 'stick his shitty job up his arse' although his wife has warned him not to use bad language just in case he needs a job again in the future. He will celebrate at the weekend by holding a big party expected to be attended by many people, unlike a previous party of his that attracted only a few people even though many said they were interested.
  20. Sorry MH6.............. SAVE THE CHEERLEADER, Save the world!
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