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The Welsh

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Ok, here's the backstory: I like to watch British documentaries before I go to sleep at night because they help me wind down and some BBC stuff is better than any Ambien I've ever taken. Last night I get to this documentary about Owain Glyndwr. First off, awesome doc. Great story and some pretty good footage as well.


What made me go shocked.gif many times were when they started speaking Welsh, particularly when they mentioned town names. I had to rewind several times to hear the name again and never could figure it out, so today I showed it to the wife and we were cracking up. It sounded like no other language I've ever heard. I couldn't pick out vowels or syllabels or anything resembling anything familiar.


It sounded like the guy from Snatch got his tongue stung by a bee while having severe sinus drainage problems. :lol:


So here's to you, Welshmen. I may not have a clue what you're saying, but at least you're saying it with style. :winner_first:


Edited by Durka-Durka~SPARTA~
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