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DayZ 1.7.2 Released


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This is a big update and has been in the works for some time. I will update the server later today. It usually takes a few hours for me to get the option to update it as well. It's also smart to hold off until some preliminary comments to make sure your character doesn't spawn in dead, without gear, in the ocean sort of thing.


Also make sure you have the most updated Beta patch for some of these fixes to take effect.


UPDATE : 9 JULY 2012


Affected addons:

* dayz_code 1.7.2

* dayz 1.3.1

* dayz_equip 1.3.4

* dayz_anim 0.3


Developer's Note:



* [FIXED] Infected hear perfectly through objects (noise reduced by 50% through an object)

* [FIXED] Animal bodies despawn way too fast (now despawn automatically after 2 minutes)

* [FIXED] Corrupted update data causes people to spawn in debug forest (now will not save corrupted position data)

* [FIXED] States where animal might stop walking around (now should walk around more)

* [FIXED] Animal AI routines consuming large amounts of FPS (now in line with Infected AI routines, reduced FPS usage)

* [NEW] Player Syncing system replaced (increased performance and ammo quantity tracking)

* [FIXED] Error reports are almost invisible (has now been fixed)

* [FIXED] Daylight calculations causing slight FPS issue

* [NEW] Visibility now smoothly alters based on sun, moon, cloud, rain, and fog state

* [NEW] Aubility now dampened in rain and increased by fog

* [FIXED] Object cleanup causing significant (huge) performance issue on servers (reduced by up to 50%, means more players + zombies possible)

* [FIXED] Use of "allMissionObjects" causing performance issue on clients (new engine command "entities" used to improve FPS on clients)

* [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)

* [FIXED] Inspection of dead bodies does not work (fix only applies with ArmA2 Beta 94033 and above)

* [NEW] Exponent driven probability introduced into visibility calculation

* [FIXED] Hatchet/Crowbar requires reloading ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/34903 )

* [FIXED] Unlimited Wire fence/Sandbag/Tank Trap Bug ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/34283 )

* [FIXED] Duplication Exploit on object pickup ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/34031 )

* [FIXED] Not full magazines disappear when you reconnect ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/33998 )

* [FIXED] Dead bodies still have the heart beat for low humanity ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/35050 )

* [NEW] Set Bear Traps that break player and infected legs, kills animals, when activated

* [NEW] Authentication process streamlined with new ArmA2 Beta commands (publicVariableServer and publicVariableClient)

* [NEW] Authentication for duplicate IDs supportive of the new beta patch (ArmAX users)

Edited by Phisher~SPARTA~
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Server updated.


patch updated .

Zombs ar Frozen for me , but was still on the same location ..



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patch updated .

Zombs ar Frozen for me , but was still on the same location ..




Well, I updated it but later rolled back to


I spawned once on a marshy island and had to swim for it. As I swam towards shore you could see the zombies turning to face my direction. It was spooky.


Problem is, they can perceive you really really easily. I think that made the zombies too easy to evade, but the new detection system seems to have almost swung the balance back to 1.7 (?) where the zombie aggro issues were way out of hand. This, to me, is almost as bad. Probably not so bad when you're armed but just starting out it is brutal.

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