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Posts posted by KalXen~SPARTA~

  1. A solution for the pilot-problem could be to delete 4 - 6 classes and add 4-6 pilots. In addition we could lock all aircraft including the MH60s except for the pilot class. And only people on TS can actually choose the pilot-class. I think there are a few MP-Missions like "Hunt for Waldo" who designed it like that.


    Not that I want to debate this here but.....

    There aren't that many airplanes on this map to constitute dropping so many classes for this. But to key into one item you mention "And only people on TS can actually choose the pilot-class" - how would that be managed? That is the crux of this whole debate and without some script that ties the Arma server to the TS to actually do the checking, it becomes an administrative headache. Admin's are not always on so a bunch of clases would become unplayable.


    MH6 is working on a password solution for the actual airplane doors.



    I just think with these airstrike, artillery and Tomahawk things we could bring some atmosphere into the battle. Can you imagine the faces of our fellow gamers when advancing into the AO and then suddenly from the nothing 4 Harriers appear dropping each of them its full load of 4x6 Bombs into the center of the AO.


    Or a Tomahawk which crashes from the sky into a D30 site.


    Could be very atmospheric....


    Would be very cool. Would also shift the game balance, so it would have to used sparingly. We already have artillery officers, so if we did something like this to call in an air-strike from harriers, I'd have it on the team leaders only and limit it to once an hour - and remove their ability to call a drop for an actual M119. Would need to think on it.


    Just keep in mind the game balance - its not a movie scene, and if the wow factor takes fun away from everyone else I don't want to add it. One guy with the big red button and everyone sits around playing cards.... no.

  2. I am getting this message after I deploy the mortar and turn on the targeting map




    or something like that

    Is this normal


    It doesn't seem to affect anything but I'm trying to isolate the issue. The required include files are in the initilization... MH6, do you recall?


    Ah - found an article online about this - affecting everyone since the 1.04 patch. Artillery bug

  3. I think C is done for now. FTPing it up for Zeno.


    Total list of changes:

    1) I have tweaked the Vehicle Supply areas around the map, moved them to better locations based on the Big AO's, added a bit of fortification. 3 instead of 4.

    2) C130J now drops the requested items instead of AH60. MUCH faster.

    3) New AO: Orlovets

    4) Mortar Soliders are back. All for you MH6.

    5) Removed a few of the Hummers from base - was a bit much.

    6) Ammo boxes cleaned up with Zeno's latest fix for all russian weaponsalong with extra SMAWs, etc.

    7) Fixed some spelling errors.

    8) FULL ammo boxes placed at each of the vehicle supply locations. Map has now been makred with an "A" where each of these is.

    9) Tweaked the main/side mission awards to remove hummers.

    10) Tweaked the counterattacks down a bit so we don't end up with the 100 tank assault situation, but still hard.


    In the works:

    I am holding off on the ambient system until I have it working correctly. This system will include additional activities that the AI will do during an AO. Spawn a convoy of reinforcements to the town, attack the MHQ, set up sniper positions, call in air strikes (Kav's code), etc.

  4. This isn't my domination. This is OURS. The more ideas on content the better..



    As for the ambient - you were seeing just the messages. As I had stated, the triggers were not in effect yet. I was trying to test if the MHQ trigger worked, but we decided to just keep on playing. :P


    As for the ambient messages, they will not be as frequent as you saw. But also one angle of my idea on 'intel' is that its not always correct....



  5. More progress on Big AO 1.17T_c:


    1) I have tweaked the Vehicle Supply areas around the map, moved them to better locations based on the Big AO's, added a bit of fortification. 3 instead of 4.

    2) C130J now drops the requested items instead of AH60. MUCH faster.

    3) New AO: Orlovets

    4) Mortar Soliders are back. All for you MH6.

    5) Removed a few of the Hummers from base - was a bit much.

    6) Ammo boxes cleaned up with Zeno's latest fix for all russian weaponsalong with extra SMAWs, etc.

    7) Fixed some spelling errors...


    Working on adding a bit more 'ambient' activity to the AO. JackSeven, Scud, and AlarmedBRead got a tiny taste of that tonight.. will continue on it tomorrow.

  6. Yep, agreed. I'd say for the Sparta DOM maps we will try to homogenize the main items that people like such as the ammo box placements, etc. So once Zeno has it worked out I'll merge it into the BIG AO.


    Other things being worked on:

    1) Counterattacks: tweaking these a bit more on balance and challenge.

    2) New mission actions: Enemy has been getting wise to our use of MHQs, so they might send teams to seek and destroy them.

    3) Idan's two items (Remove all humvees from the rewards. Change the HH-60 that delivers ammo/humvees to a C130.)

    4) Administrative code is being worked on by MH6 for controlling who can be a pilot on fixed wing.


  7. This sounds good to me, but as someone who loves to fly I have a request. Take away everything but LGBs for ground attack, and make a CAP role useful. If there was a lot of enemy air power that needed to be kept in check then having either CAP or fighters ready to role to intercept to enemy air assets would be a good thing. Could we have one or 2 pilot characters in the game who are the only people able to fly jets, and can basically only carry a side arm?


    Sneaky - maybe its this flu I can't shake or I'm just plain dumb today, but what is CAP or LGB?


    As for adding the pilot slots - I'm mixed - these slots will likely just get sat on until a plane shows up, and the real tweak is to check for if they are on a list of trusted pilots that we'd maintain or on TS.


    MH6 - did you have any luck looking into the SQL DB, or local file DB concepts?

  8. You mighta done it already, but if not, could you please fix artillery so it can be used indirectly? These big AOs would be excellent for supporting artillery fire.


    You just need to call

    [_veh] call BIS_ARTY_F_initVehicle;

    for all artillery pieces upon creation.


    Which file is this in MH6, do you remember offhand?

  9. We are about to push this up to the US server.


    Side Mission balance The side mission has an assortment of goodies to win; air assets are harder and the focus on side mission rewards are still land.. however, behind door 1 could be a ZU-23 or Shilka..

  10. We can throw it up on the server and stress test it.


    I would get rid of the Osprey as they just give the admins more work to do.


    It will be tough when there are few but it will be challenging


    Osprey removed. I also found the arrays that control how often air assets are given vs land and tweaked it to be harder for air assets as reward, but the reward list is not changed.

  11. If you run this add-on does that make you incompatible with "un-modded" versions?


    Add on's are added to your command line or shortcut when you launch Arma. Many people will create multiple shortcuts based on what kind of server they are joining. Our main public server will not have this on it so if you tried to add that to your command line and connect you would get disconnected.

  12. The good old days. I am now only entertained by video games, porn, and the occasional RV with the wifey. LOL. IPB Image


    I absolutely do not get excited about video games, or porn, or camping. No way... uhm.. no.. way.. hrm.. ok, at least one of those is a daily occurence, but I have to draw a line.. yes, draw a line. Wait, two of those items ...

  13. Good tactic, because if you destroy the front and back, you'll still have a middle. Destroy the middle, and you probably get the front and back as well. Then again, if you destroy the front and back, the middle won't be in very good shape, either.




    If an object doesn't exist, could you add a missile object to the client's download when they access the map?


    LOL..... Apparently typing on the iPhone can have some auto-correct disadvantages..

  14. Just curious but are there any models in the stock Arma files to place a missile or a middle battery on map? Not a working one. Just looking for some side mission content to go destroy a middle.

  15. Yes, there is some concern there and I need to see what I can do to tweak it. I am not as concerned where in the red zone the radiotower or camps are spawned (there is some code to keep them a bit away from each other) but I am reviewing placement of guard troops/armor. Instead of guards randomly being in the AO I will look into how to get them to spawn at or near the targets. Patrols will continue to be randomly placed. And snipers or arty spotters I am going to see if I can get to spawn near the highest points in the AO.

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