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On second thoughts this skin does look too much like a hack


I have downloaded and installed a mod loader though and am downloading some of the stuff in this thread



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Its not a hack,i used a skin like that for 2 days 10months ago...after that you pretty much know where every weakspot is and it gets useless and annoying.

The weakspots are pretty self explanatory anyway,lower glacis plate,hatches,cupola's,any plate thats (semi)flat,sides and rears obviously.

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Didn't say it was mate, IMO it is too much like a hack for me to use. I have np with others that use it.


Do you use any mods atm Noob? Can you recommend any?

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I know,i meant you shouldnt think or feel as if it was a hack...but it is and looks cheesy as hell doesnt it lol

I try to keep the mods at a minimum now with patches coming at a fast rate....i use to have a stat mod showing wr of the tankers...so i know who to ignore and who to prioritize etc,skins for every tank....theres a lot of awesome skins for each and every tank!...voice and soundpacks...now i only use a simple reload timer mod.


I try to keep away from random battles these days...hell i dont even have premium anymore!:X me, skaz, jeff and some others you know have become somewhat a bunch of elitist dicks...if my platoon doesnt get 6 to 15 kills in a random>>we lose...it gets aggravating and well...its...not fun when its pretty much your platoon vs 15 tanks. So we only do CW for Flame Warriors A team...we control Spain and are moving into France,it is a lot more fun when the opposing team is pretty much just as good as your own team.

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That link you gave in post 3 has some awesome mods listed,just try to get the mods that fill in a missing feature and arent just flashy bullshit versions of whats already in game....fe there is a mod that tells you where you are being shot from showing GIANT arrows and text on screen lol...silly stuff like that just distracts you.....well i guess youre just gonna have to try em out and see what you like :X

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So whats the score with teir 10 tanks in CW is it still IS7 and MAUS mostly or did the last patch make any difference?


Does the reload mod give a numbered countdown instead of the graphic thing we have as default?

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So whats the score with teir 10 tanks in CW is it still IS7 and MAUS mostly or did the last patch make any difference?



Does the reload mod give a numbered countdown instead of the graphic thing we have as default?



It changed A LOT,T30s dissapeared from CW pretty much completely; Mauses still for chokepoints and smaller maps....the 7 is...the 7 and will always be used,especially on the larger open maps.

The BatChat took over the roll of the T54\Patton...tough some clans still hold on to the 54 or a 54+Batchat combo.....the 50B is very popular as a support tank but gets one shotted a lot.

The T110 is popular too taking over some of the spots the Is7 was filling in.


YES!it gets you both, its imo a lot better....not sure why but it is lol

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I've had a look and read about some of these mods the last few days,

Colour coded hit marks all over the tanks (bright pink, green, red, orange). I got the say looks and acts like HACKS to me, me personally I'm not going anywhere near them, my 1st and last word on this subject.

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