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Hows your character coming along?


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I hope everyone's character is coming along well. I havent been able to get on much over the past couple days and wont be on on New Years Eve all due to working. three 12 hour shifts in a row in the ER can pretty much do any person in.


I will be back shortly, probably on Tuesday during the day.


Plans for my character:


I am now training up for a mining barge, but in the mean time I want to buy a new cruiser or battlecruiser, mounts some cargo space mods and a few mining laser. then place a couple Large storage containers at the asteroid belt to store veldspar in, then go and get it with my Mammoth Inustrial ship.


This wont be the fastest way to mine, but it will be good enough for the time being. At least I wont have to make a trip back to the station every five minutes.


Plus with the battle cruiser, my turret skills are high enough that if any rats come in to the area I can defend my self.


The mining barge will take about a week to skill up to and then another day to outfit properly. We'll see how it goes.


I will post pictures of these ships and fittings when possible.

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I am up over 50 skills but have not figured what direction to go. I am in the middle of some missions but I do not have the ship to kill the enemy. They keep firing missiles at me and tearing my ship up. I am having to warp out come back but right now I am trying to skill up. I need to find a way to make more money, down to about 7,000,000.

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Well whatevwer money you need, i will help. you really wont start making any money till you hit level two missions AND have the skill book diplomacy to level 4.


As far as missions go, I can help you kill those guys when I get a chance. But I wouldnt take any missions until you can fly the best frigate or a destroyer. They say it is possible to do missions in the entry frigates from the start, but you will die alot and spend far too much money for it to be practical. Wait till you get a Coercer (Destoyer). It wont take long.


Also going out to buy a whole bunch of skill books right off the bat isnt the way to go, you cant train them at the same time so having them all at the same time is like sitting on a ton of inventory and not being able to sell it. You can do much more with the money elsewhere.


As far as figuring out where to go in skill training. What I did was create a solid combat base level first. This way I can do courier missions and missions that require combat while I train for everything else. It does take a while to train these skills, but I am including the Engineering, Navigation, Drone, Gunnery, Missile launcher, and of course the Spaceship command skills as all being part of this "base line".

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I got a key to beat PotBS, and declined it. I LOVE EVE.


@ Postal, just try the 14 day trial thing to start with if you like it, just buy it a month at a time. And if you get called to duty, you can do one of three things. #1 just put the accnt on hold where they dont delete it but you cant access it (and dont have to pay for it) or, #2 cancel it all together, but you have to start from scratch if you want to start again, or #3: pay each month or in bulk for a 3, 6, or years worth of time and let one of us or multiple keep your skills training while youre away. This way when you get back you are still right there with us.


Either way, glad to have you aboard the EVE online train.


Anyone else?

Edited by Medic~SPARTA~
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Firstly a big thank you for the Isk boost from both Medic and Cobol, This has made my choise in fitout a nightmare as soooo much gear.


Ok now down to the guts ...


Since all you guys are preocupied with killing i decided to go a different route and be the support cornerstone and chose my character for Electronics and Engineering with a dose of special forces and military training included.


What I'll end up with is a weapons platform like no other :P ... I'm wanting to be stealthy, and be a right proper pain in the arse of all who come near me. This will be achieved running a tech 2 Kitsune electronic warefare frigate for battle group encounters. Now it's up to you big boys to look after poor old Mutly right !! , Coz I'm goin to be there number one meat steak on the bbq as they are not going to like me one bit. Here is the picture ... Big bad battleship attacking all of a sudden propultion goes offline leaving him dead in the water followed by more catastrophic coincidence as his weapons power down and will not aquire target. jamming his sensor arrays into the bargain and while all this fun is happening I'll be pissing myself laughing while having a beer as i watch YOU guys drill him a new collender .... Should be fun right :)


Now just in case your thinking I'm defenceless ... Think again ! My attack is going to be long range with missile bombardments and high power rail guns fireing plutonium plasma shells. So i can also look after myself and if all goes south .... Jump in da Pod and collect the insurance.


Now thats Phase one in my approch ... Phase 2 is similar except with a blackops battlecruiser with with warp gens and jump drive and a nice slick cloaking module. This is sure to provide many hours amusement for all to watch and fly. However this ship alone will cost me in excess off 1 Billion so will be a while till i get that far, However i endevour to have my first Electronic nightmare on the payrole in aprox 2 weeks ... I can build a moderate one now if you think there is need for this vessel.


So now you all know what I'm planning ..... I expect you guys to protect me well as the enemy will want me dead FIRST !! Coz if i get to play they get very dead.


Again thanks to the Isk input to get this off the ground as i just tonight got a very fast mid sized level 2 frigate up with 2 Thumper Missile launchers at level 5 and level 3 Rails online and i have a level 4 frigate with 4 missile hardpoints and 3 rails being constructed now. So missions should be quite rewarding in a week or two.


I'm still deciding wether to build a mid size Griffon Electronic jamming platform to play with also you all might sway me on the verdict over the next few days.


Ok my little story so keep any Skills books and Rail and Missile launchers you dont want please as they don't come cheap ... 4 million for 2 launchers kitted.




(In game name > MUTILATER [Yes Caps for all] add me to your list of enemy)

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Sorry guys, cannot comment on my char. He's too busy Training he a social outcast, a total book worm.


Oh must go train and train some more.


Catch you lads around 2020 for a beer.







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LOL Cobol. Nice plan Mut.


Myself I am training for a retriever at the moment to mine with/for you guys After that, I will be focusing on getting my gunnery skills up to V for energy weapons. I wan tto be dealing max damage with every shot.

Once I am comfortable enough and have more tech two items available I will go back and try a battleship again. Will need to train up for the Amarr though, as the only battleships I can fly are Minmatar.

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Okay so I thought I was going to be in the mining barge by the end of today, but I guess I am blind or stupid, or maybe, just maybe both. Argh. I will be at the least another 8 to 9 days. I need Industry Skill to level 5, not level 4 which is what I had thought initially.


Skilling Industry to level 5 from 4, even with my learning skills to level 4 and 5s, will take 7 days and 9 hours, then i have to train my Mining Barge rank to level three which should take no more than 24 hours.


What a pain. I was hoping to mine some with you guys this weekend. School starts Monday and I will become very busy, very fast.


But then again, this game is a very long term game. this is how it goes I guess.



Edited by Medic~SPARTA~
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I am now in Deepari with my Mammoth and I am once again trying to get this new toy working correctly, so far its a no go. I have check all my setting twice like Santa on Christmas Eve and now its off to the races. I am looking forward to seeing how much ORE I have in the AM.


I put a Miner II on it and it collects 80 and change m3 every 60 seconds, so it will take about a half hour to fill up. Then about 5 min for the unload and return process and then start over.


I cant wait till Sunday at 1300 EST, my Industry Level V will be done and I can start on the Mining Barge Skill. After this, the fun should begin.

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Medic ... ever considered mining from a Battleship platform ? Gives you best of both worlds.


Also a tip .... Stockpile your ore don't just sell it as your net profit after refining is way greater.


If we have a very well trained refinery dood ... We all can benifit as the losses are minimal even none and only the tax is the issue then .... Maybe we could buy him his own POS :)


Not everyone can do all .... Mining and wealth come with teamwork.



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Well I went to bed last night with this thing working like a champ and when I get up in the AM, it hasnt made but one trip to the station and its sitting there doing nothing, so I will have to figure it out a bit more.


@Mutly: I was reading this Mining handbook Viii found and I am really thinking about it now. I do however want to try the Retriever for a bit. After all this is what it is designed for. Then If I dont like that, then I will go for a battleship. Currently I can fly MinMatar BSs but not Amarrian.


The trouble with using my Harbinger, which is a battlecruiser, is that the cargohold is way too small. Even with 3 Cargohold Expander IIs, I still can only hold around 924 m3. I would have to look into which BS (within the Amarr and MinMatar classes) would be best all around, as the ones in the PDF I am nowhere near flying.


As far as saving the ore and then refining it, thats what I have always done. If somone is training the refining skills please speak up and let us know.

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I was thinking that I would start my second guy off in this field. Havent yet as I can trainin only one at a time, but Ill be soon to the point with "Radish..." that I can play safe more or less with that guy and train the other for a bit. Then we could mine and distribute the cash as required ect.

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