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BF3 Comms ideas and suggestions?


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I know, another BF3 topic, but I was wondering how we might structure the BF3 teamspeak server when the game goes live. Without knowing exactly how the squad creation / joining system is going to be implemented it might be a bit premature but for now we know we will be able to join up with our friends and move with them after rounds.


The most logical solution to me is an Infantry Squad and Vehicle Squad. Tank crews come to mind first as needing the ability to call out targets quickly. On the infantry side I've noticed how important sound in this game is. I've been able to hear enemies approaching from quite some distance. On metro I could hide out in a room with two entrances and hear which side the enemy was coming in well before they crossed the threshold.


Now the downside to this is that the squads will probably want to communicate at some point and without knowing how the squads get assigned, it might be more random from round to round. What I do want to avoid is the cluster fuck of having 10 people in the same channel calling out every 5 seconds. It's a serious handicap when you remove half your senses while playing.

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First off, it very much depends on the abilities we have for squad management, and whether tactical play is doable.


Unlike Arma2 Dom or Tac play where everything is slowly calculated against AI, the human vs human factor will require lots of split second decisions and chatter. This can be best dealt with by setting up squad based channels, each squad having a certain focus or objective. On Saturday, we had about 8 people in one server, and we did kind of a zone control. Granted, we couldn't get everyone into the same squad in-game, everyone in TS was working together to hit certain objectives and control certain areas. It worked, not perfectly, but it did.


If we got to the point of having a server and filling an entire side w/ LOS players, we could obviously get more advanced into how to communicate, etc. But if the opposing side is just filled with kamikaze jet fighters and kids in jeeps w/ C4..... Again, Tactical play may not be doable.

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Are we still getting a los server for BF3?


I've rented a 32 player US server (located in Virginia) for a month. After that someone else will hopefully have some servers up. Or I may continue to rent it, but I'd assume people would prefer 64 players.

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