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Is it better Dead Space 2 or Medal of Honor ?


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So, this is a nice surprise..


got this email because I pre-ordered BF3 :


"As a special thank you for pre-ordering Battlefield 3 early at Origin, we're offering you a bonus PC digital download game. Please apply the code below at the shopping cart to redeem one PC Digital version of one of our recommended shooter titles: Mass Effect? 2, Dead Space? 2 or Medal of Honor?. "


Too bad I already have Mass Effect 2, but.. what do you fellow Spartans suggest?


Dead Space 2 or Medal of Honor ?

Edited by Batwing~SPARTA~
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Hello brother Batwing!

Here are my thoughts on this post:


A great game with an AWESOME single player campaign. The missions are believable and because you know that real Tier 1 guys were consulted during design, it does nothing but elevate the mood or authenticity of the game.

Multi-player - More of the same as it relates to a military twitch shooter ala MW2, BlackOps, COD, BFBC2, blah blah. But keeping things fair, MOH does a better job of MP than BlackOps as you have the Frost Bite engine, which you may remember in Bad Company 2. Much more realistic ballistics and resupplying as you have to go to the ammo deposits not have a magic box dropped at your feet. The battles feel more real and gritty and being chopped with an hatchet is humiliating.

Dead Space 2

A great Sci-Fi story and the ability to use cool weapons while being exposed to awesome visuals. This game scared me so many times that I was jumpy in real life after playing it for a few hours. The single player is top shelf and very fun. There is only one thing that hurt the SP experience, the game's save option which requires the player to make it to a specific location in order to save your progress. So when you have that extremely difficult area that took 20 mins to complete, be prepared to doing a few times before you can save and move on.

Multi-player - This game does not get enough love in this category because there are not a lot of people that realize how much fun it is. Think of L4D/L4D2 mixed with Aliens vs Predators, in that it is humans against monsters (or monster against humans if your monster pre-disposed), this game allows you to be a kick ass Human with high tech weapons or you can be one of the very specialized alien/monsters and pounce, rip and spit on the humans. MP Co-Op is a blast too as it forces a group to work to together to achieve the objectives and some very scary but funny memories will be made here.

Final Thoughts

MOH - Great Military shooter with an AWESOME single player experience. Same old same old MP but with large community actively playing.

DS2 - Awesome Sci-Fi shooter that will scare the pants off of you, challenging and memorable. Fresh MP experience combined with Co-Op and Adversarial but with a smaller online community.

Hajimoto's bottom line - You have BF2, BF 2142, COD, MW2, BFBC2..... You've have plenty of these types already and BF3 is coming!

DS2 for the WIN!



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Yeah my man :) thx for the exhaustive review :)


I watched a few videos in meanwhile to see what is all about on both games.


True, MOH is somewhat we already saw all around, I am very intrigued by the AWESOME single player way better than the Multy experience. I have BC2 and is more than enough as experience, when I am inthe mood for that style of game. I preordered BF3 which will be the top notch on this style when it will come out, so I don t really care too much about the MOH multy.


I might really anjoy the campaign tho.


On the other side, the terror Sci-Fi envoironment on DS2. It would be different, but I guess is not my way. I am absolutely not into "terror" games, involving Zombies, Monsters, Abominations of any kind. To me the Sci-Fi great game is something working on the lines of Mass Effect (waiting for the 3 indeed). I never played any of those kind of games because really lacking the interest for their "subjects".


Buttom line I think I ll go toward MOH (still deciding, so any other comment or suggestion is very welcome). A bit concerned about the comment on the SP being a very short experience, but on the other hand, is FREE so I can t complain anyway :)


Thx so much :)

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Sorry my post was brief but Hajimoto nailed it with both reviews. It was funny that Black Ops was released to decent reviews but MoH not so much but we were still in Afghanistan when they released and it was unanimous among all of my Troop that MoH's SP was alot more believable and fun. I noticed that military folks seemed to appreciate the subtle things in MoH. I will not however retract the short comment as the SP is over rather quick but hell free is free.


If DS2 isn't really your genre then I would say go with what you enjoy. Can't beat free either way but I can at least assure you that short or not you'll like the campaign in MoH.


The only caveat to all that is I would highly suggest trying one of the Dead Space games if you never have. Wasn't really my cup-o-tea either and I picked up the first one on a whim a while back and got hooked.

Edited by PvtHopscotch
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Thank you all guys :)


I took my decision and I wnt with MOH, which is closer to my standards :)


I ve been playing the Campaign, I went thru first 2 missions, difficult to say, because the Campaign is so well done and cohesive that you barely know when a mission ends and the new one starts. It is extremely well done as storytelling :)


The "Awesome" used from Haji to describe it is nothing short of it.


Yes, it is something we already saw with other games, but it gives a different feeling. Somewhat more realistic, approaching the action.


I think I took the right choice, I am satisfied and I am enjoying it. Maybe I will give a shot to the multiplayer too, later on :)


... it is nice during your gameplay, you may ask your teammates for ammos, that s a nice touch. Another nice touch is the opportunity to see a light reflex onto enemy sniper scopes.. a momentarely blink giving you a clue of where the Sniper is.

While using your sniper scope, the scope vision is slightly distorted by the curved lenses...


I am pretty sure I ll find other little particulars, but these touches contribute to make this gamea somewhat different experience among "clones".

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