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40mm "Machine Gun"

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Medic, you should purchase this and put it out in your fort for defense, when the zombie apocalypse comes.



First off, I would never purchase one or more of these. I would build them. ;)


And secondly, how do you know that I haven't built them already?

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Have any of you guys built a potato gun? They're just as fun, with a little more danger mixed in :)


Yeah, back in high school. I think it's still in my parent's attic. I built it so I could use interchangeable barrels for different sized spuds. I also decided to not use a pezio-electric grill starter, instead I used two steel bolts and rigged an electrical power outlet and switch using romex to complete the circuit. For the power source, I got some extension cord wire and two male ends with grounds and made a male-to-male extension cord. Plg one end into the wall and the other into the modified outlet on the P-gun. When you flip the switch, it went boom every time. We used Aqua-Net for our fuel, because that's what my mom had sitting on the sink.


We launch one on to a neighbors roof, four houses down, one time. Why is it when something bad happens it always sounds louder than when you do something on purpose? The sound of it hitting that guys house could have woken the dead.

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The interchangable barrel is a very good idea, because you never know the area you are operating in and you never want to leave evidence behind.


My sister, in college, had a next door neighbor named Aquanet. No Joke.


We once rigged the P-gun with 3 layers of acorns and two layers of sliced potatoes as a "wad." It became a gigantic shotgun. Some idiot decided to shoot the thing straight up in the air....

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If a Medic in Arma can fit a tent and a generator in his backpack and a machine gunner can fit all those sand bags and materials to build an in placement, why couldn't an engineer (or some other role) be able to hold one of these 40mm guns in his back pack? =)

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Why can't they fit a RECARO seat on there ....



where do they find theze guys ..... haha

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