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The Minecrafter's Warning


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In the villages they tell tales of young men who found caves, promising endless riches in their lowest reaches. They see coal, then iron, then gold and diamond, driven ever deeper and further into the dark abyss. They run out of torches but carry on regardless, fueled by their seemingly limitless findings. "Just one more diamond", they seemed to say, "and I will return to safety". They sleep in narrow alcoves on beds made of planks and wool, their only light being the streams of molten lava, glinting off their treasures, barely keeping the endless dark at bay. You may think this to be a fine adventure, but know this: A careless step, a terrifying plummet and a slow demise of broken limbs in a dark chamber filled with unearthly growls is how most of these stories end. Somewhere deep in those mountains are piles and piles of riches, returned to the earth they were so greedily robbed from, and lost wandering souls who will never find their way home.


Be wary, miner.

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:) but..... /back /tp med or /tp ste or /tp haj /tp emt with all your dough! im still pissed i lost all my inventory....$#^@$^ steel and his minecart!!! lol Edited by EL_n00biachi
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