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Understanding war in Takistan


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Frenchie has kindly figured out how to copy the explanation from the PDF file (which I couldnt do). Here it is unedited. I will go through it and correct the errors in translation


Description of the global context

"War in Takistan (WIT): Operations Iron Rain" is a cooperative mission that takes place in

the middle of Takistan. U.S. forces are trying to establish a sembalance of peace by blocking

the terrorists who roam the mountains. The Russian and Takistans armies supports the

terrorists that will protect the precious oil resources in the north.


II. Main Objective

Players must complete 15 operations tactics that will allow the U.S. military to win the war

in Takistan. These operations are of increasing difficulty. Players start on the U.S. base in the

heart of Takistan. They have several provisions to land, air, a crate of weapons containing

any U.S. equipment. They will soon receive the first goal.

You can find the description of the objective into the main menu. If you click on the goal

button, you will watch a scene about the goal.


III. Differents Goals

Destruction, sabotage, infiltration, recovery vehicles, etc. .. To achieve thoses goals, players

must analyze, and develop a plan without which the players may find themselves in the

middle of a battlefield. Players will play as a group and organize. To recap, the WIT is a

true cooperative mission, the score assesses the whole team.

1. Simulation / Arcade Game

Arcade game is easier than simulation game. This mode is for open server or open game,

when players connect and disconnect often.

Simulation game is for training for team. This simulation add somes kind of missions, has

got a more realistic scoring system.


IV. The team score

Each mission won, the score of the team increases. If the team players are bad and do stupid

things like tk respawn at the base, the team score down. If the team score is too low, then the

game stops and the war is lost. By cons, if the team score is very high, you will have the

chance to be among the best teams ARROWHEAD ARMA 2.

In arcade mode:

• The team win 5 points for each mission finished

• Minimun teamscore before end : -80 points

• Maximun teamscore before end : 100 points

In simulation mode:

• The team win 3 points for each mission finished

• The team loose 1 point for each dead

• The team loose 1 point for each respawn to base or tent

• Minimun teamscore before end : -20 points

• Maximun teamscore before end : 25 points


V. The player score

Each player have a rank. The first rank is private, and is the lowest rank of all. You can

activate the rank board by using the Tab Key. At the end of each mission, players won somes

points. Thoses points must be transfert to others players to rate their actions during the

mission. When a player receive somes points from others, his rating increase.

Players don't recieve anymore points during a mission for killing enemy or vehicle. All

points are stocked until the end of the mission in a commun pot. At the end of the mission,

there is a check to determine how many points each players have to give to others.

In arcade mode:

Points to share : ( Points won by all players during the mission + level of the mission +

number of vehicles destroyed ) / number of players

In simulation mode:

Points to share : ( Points won by all players during the mission + level of the mission –

number of civils killed + number of vehicles destroyed ) / number of players

Points to share allocation by rank

Each players have to allocate a number of points depending of his rank and the calculation


• Private = 40% of points to share

• Corporal = 50% of points to share

• Sergeant = 60% of points to share

• Lieutenant = 70% of points to share

• Captain = 80% of points to share

• Major = 90% of points to share

• Colonel = 100% of points to share

Special scoring Bonus

When a player play often near other soldier, he can win a special teamplay bonus.

• +10 points teamplay bonus

Malus - Respawn to base

• -7 points for a private

• -6 points for a corporal

• -5 points for a sergeant

• -4 points for a lieutenant

• -3 points for a captain

• -2 points for a major

• -1 points for a colonel


VI. Mission Info

« Mission info» menu give you informations about the current mission and the differents

settings of the game. You can see in the center of the menu, the current goal of your mission.

On left menu, you can see differents informations about the difficulty level, the sharing

points system, and buttons to set more your game.


VII. Check Operation Plan

« Check Operation Plan » menu permits at the 3 best players to choose the next mission to

accomplish. Other players can see mission but not validate them.

The menu show the goal of the missions , the opposing forces, the location and time of the



VIII. Recruitment

You can recruit some guys at the barracks at the base. Thoses guys are of the same faction of

your. This option is compatible with autoload feature. More ranked you are, more guys you

can be recruited.


IX. Hospital at base

Near the ammobox at the base, you can found a campaign hospital. If you stay more than 30

seconds, you will retrieve all your heal and revives.


X. Repair center

Near the Hq, you can found a repair center zone. If you put a vehicle on it, it will repair it and

reload weapons.


XI. Player revives

Player have tow solutions when they die. They can respawn at base but when they do it, the team

loose 2 points or they can waits for a medics. In last case, only the player score is affect. The player

loose 3 of its own points.

When a player begin he has 6 revives. Higher is his rank, less revives he has.


XII. Personnal respawn

Each player have a personnal respawn, and can build a tent at the place where he wants to respawn.

The player can respawn at the tent position, only if the tent is alive.


XIII. Ied & Bomberman

Sometimes it's happen you are near from ied or bomberman. At those time, you will hear a

bip sound. Depending the distance of the ied, the sound is not the same. Take care ! Only

engineer can desactivate ied objects and no one can stop bomberman.

Engineer to desactivate ied have to complete a keyboard combo. A keyboard combo is a

following sequence of numpad key. Each time, a numpad key appear at the screen the

engineer must hit it (once time). If the engineer fails, the ied will explose.


XIV. Civilians and fame

You must protect the civilians population and be aware that nobody die during your

operation. The civilian population look for your action in their villages. They can come near

you to look what you do, they can organize revolution and at this moment take weapons and

fight against you.

You can see the global rate of the population at each enf of mission through the fame rating.

More ugly is your fame more civilians will take weapons. But (..) it s' not because they have

weapons, you have to shoot them. So you should check each time, if civilians are friend or


The civilians will put their hands over their heads during checking.


XV. Complete and finish a mission

• To complete a mission, you must achieve the goal. To finish a mission all the players have to

go far from the red zone. When a mission is finished, all players win points to share. The

enemies will be clear from the map, and a new mission will be compute.

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Thx Zeno, thats help a lot to understand scoring system.


Batwing, there is no tac style of playing for this map. You go there complete mission and pull out using fastest and most effective way you can come up with.

Large squad, lots of gunning makes this map only worse and make you loose points most of the times

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Batwing, there is no tac style of playing for this map.


I'd have to disagree with you there, Peter. There is ample opportunity to play this scenario tactically. I am inclined to say that with no tactics at all, you are certainly destined to fail. There is quite a bit to take into consideration. The mission at hand, the restrictions put in place by the mission maker, as well as the mechanics of the scenario all need to be taken into consideration when accepting and executing a mission.


To be honest, I am quite mystified by the reluctance of many in our community to give this scenario a try. It is drastically different from Domination, but I for one, find that very refreshing. I might be biased, as I have been working with Zeno on doing modifications for both Domination as well as WIT, but the way WIT was coded and designed is absolute genious. It is extremely well made and I really like the way it plays.


I sincerely hope that you all give this a try and play it the way it was meant to be played.



- JHunter

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got it saved on a notepad..


will read it at work ..


i for one like the simple (sometimes) OBJectives .


see ya soon .


Don't think you must FEEEEEEL (Bruce lee) :rip_1:

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I'd have to disagree with you there, Peter. There is ample opportunity to play this scenario tactically. I am inclined to say that with no tactics at all, you are certainly destined to fail. There is quite a bit to take into consideration. The mission at hand, the restrictions put in place by the mission maker, as well as the mechanics of the scenario all need to be taken into consideration when accepting and executing a mission.


To be honest, I am quite mystified by the reluctance of many in our community to give this scenario a try. It is drastically different from Domination, but I for one, find that very refreshing. I might be biased, as I have been working with Zeno on doing modifications for both Domination as well as WIT, but the way WIT was coded and designed is absolute genious. It is extremely well made and I really like the way it plays.


I sincerely hope that you all give this a try and play it the way it was meant to be played.



- JHunter


Looks like im confused about what you guys mean by tactical. If thats playing with plan i never play other way. If you mean gathering people assigning roles and use military style comm, thats more like organization not tactical for me.

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If you dont play this with some kind of tactics and organization then you will eventually get swarmed by the reinforcements and you will be forced to "BlackOps" the target,ofcourse tactics and organization will always be abstract.


There are some flaws though as Peter points out in his post,when there are alot of players the entire team is more likely to get penalized, and as Zeno said yesterday during a "session" the rewards\points could be exploitive by just sitting there and taking out wave after wave of reinforcements...this will not increase your personal score but it will increase the teamscore as said in section V.

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I do agree there may be some exploits on the system, but unfortunately those exists for almost any game version.


When we say "We are a mature group of people who like to play ARMA in a different way" I hope we mean that: we are mature enough to recognize some flaws and just not use them, trying to keep the game enjoyable.


However, I consider this map extremely refreshing and I am always for variety of style.


I personally strongly consider WIT a tactical engagement. I do believe the larger is the team the larger is the challenge and more Tactical the engagement has to be.


With "Tactical" I mean with a plan of engagement and roles and use military style comm. The 2 things go together.


I played this mission without all of the above and was very frustrating d the team was seriously penalized and eventually the War was lost.

That was a "learning session" for everyone and is perfectly fine playing just to learn, not to "perform". However that shows exactly my point. This scenario should be engaged with a high level of tacticism.


The beautiful thing is, due to he different nature of the missions, you cannot even use the same tactical approach, forcing you to think about the right way to approach.


Buttom line this is a very Team oriented game. A lone wolf here is a killer for the team and the mission in general.


I hope when everyone interested will be "ready" and understood the features of this version, we will be able to engage missions in the OGR style we like.

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You have to decide what do you call exploits and flaws.

Playing efficient way is not exploit neither flaw!


Most of the mission for this scenario is kill someone, destroy something, steal something, not really designed for large number of players. Most of them can be completed using javelin or silence d pistol. More like single player campaign.

So there allays will be one guy who do the job and the rest who can just support him.

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In regard of the Topic "Understanding WIT" I have a question.


I never play medic role so my knowledge is limited there. Also I see we are using ACE now on this scenario, unsure if you implemented the ACE Wounds system too.


However, something weird happened yesterday and here is my question.


I was engaging, I got hit and start bleeding. I took some extra minutes to complete my engageent and kill my closest threat. I was probably bleeding a lot, before i was able to apply a "stop bleeding" solution, I went uncncious.


Finally a Medic came over and I guess he healed me, but I was still flashing black-outs on my screen, with some red borders and after few seconds I felt unconcious again.


Another Medic came over and he said although he saw the option "heal engineer", that was not having any result. I was there on the ground unconcious for a while and the option "respawn at base or tent" never appeared.


Then finally with ESC I forced a manual respawn and I got the option to respawn at base.


Was all of this a big glitch or is your understanding there was something wrong on the revive procedure ?

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You have to decide what do you call exploits and flaws.

Playing efficient way is not exploit neither flaw!


Most of the mission for this scenario is kill someone, destroy something, steal something, not really designed for large number of players. Most of them can be completed using javelin or silence d pistol. More like single player campaign.

So there allays will be one guy who do the job and the rest who can just support him.


It's very simple. Just change the way you play. Do you really need to use Jav's or silenced pistol? Sure, if you're the only one playing. When I played domination, and it seemed too quick or easy to take towns, we did very little changes to the server, and we just adjusted the way we played.


For a capture/steal mission: Send a small SF team in (just like in real life) to capture/steal the objective while the rest of the team (Rangers) occupy the enemy and provide cover/extraction. I played the other day for a few minutes and also found it refreshing. I don't understand the resistance either.

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I must admit, Like a few people, I'm failing to see where your coming from here Peter.


I have read and re read your posts and don't get it.


Are you saying that Domination is a lot more 'Tactical' than WIT?


If so then tbh I have to totally disagree with you. It's the player's (as Durka said) that decide whether to make it 'Tactical' or not. Believe me, I've played Domination games that I would argue are as far from tactical as you can get. I've also played Tac-Dom nights that have been left begging in that department.


I don't find ACE makes the game any more 'Tactical' either. You can play any of the game types as 'Arcadey' or as 'Tactical' as YOU decide and can have varying degrees of success or failure.


Whatever Map, Mission or MOD I play I try to play 'Tactically' which (as far as I'm concerned) means that I look at the Objective, assess the options and Assets available, then formulate a plan to achieve the objective with minimal casualties and engagements. As far as I'm concerned the 'Ultimate' successful mission is one where you don't HAVE to fire a single round.


I would encourage everyone to give the WIT game a go and judge for yourself, it may, or may not be your cup of tea but until you have understood the rules and objectives, don't be so quick to dismiss it.

Edited by Dai-San~SPARTA~
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I agree that WIT is built on the case that the team must work together to be successful - and sometimes that means the best thing for you to sit out or find a supporting role to the main group. Much like in TacDOM where a small squad takes out the tower while other provide cover. Yesterday when I joined, the team was on a mission to dress in civilian clothes and sneak into a town to find some papers. They were already halfway across map and sneaking about carefully behind enemy lines. For me to try to get to them would of potentially make them detected. So I waited until that mission was complete before leaving base. On the next round we had to defend a town, and I mainly played medic while most others were doing most of the fight. (Still don't entirely know how the medic thing works though..)


BTW: I noticed the WIT map was on the ACE DOM server. Maybe we should put it on the TAC server instead? Could help to force/promote the fact that it is much more tactical in nature to be successful.

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WIT is on every server, ACE and non ACE, including the public server.


The ACE servers have proper ACE WIT (the Base layout is different)


BTW I dont think you guys are saying different things, just the same thing differently.


WIT is supposed to have enemy scaling, based on number of players at beginning of mission, however the reinforcements are currently not scaled. Once you are detected make sure you have a group ready to protect the insertion team from the reinforcements. All good fun.

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We have updated War in Takistan


The non ACE version is called




We have lengthened the amount of time before a base vehicle bounce back to base by a factor of 3

Vehicle respawn works in simulation and arcade

We have added 2 little birds

Some of the boxes are preloaded with useful ammo and weapons


The ACE version is called




An Ammo truck has been added

2 Littlebirds have been added


This isnt a change but please note that in simulation mode on the ACE version the vehicles do not respawn.

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i appear to be late to the argument, but here's my two cents:


its rather refreshing to have a game type where failure is entirely possible. right after frenchie discovered it, we ran a tac-dom on it and got our @$$es handed to us rather handily by the AI, and a lack of teamwork. leadership was something of a problem as well (btw, i was a teamleader, and i am bashing myself as much as everyone else who was leading when i say that.) we didn't have proper coordination, and we didn't have a sound plan. we got schooled.


now, with a bit of organization, and definite restrictions on comms (doesn't mean military lingo, b/c you would honestly be amazed how little the military uses it. most conversations actually sound like 2 guys hangin out at home) you can have a thoroughly enjoyable time.


besides, there's nothing like dressing up in civvie clothes, walking into a town, and capping a warlord with a silenced pistol. only problem is...the defenders are instantly alerted, and you are most definitely surrounded by them. extraction is definitely touchy!



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I always(sometimes), look at it this way ,if i was alone how can i get in do the job and get out again without a scratch ..(hoping)(distance worx too but got detection so have to mave a lot anyway ..)


meaning ; thinken one step ahead (or 2)(where am i going where can i hide having my flanks covered at least_1(2).)

(i like using the houses /Knowing the GAME gets you far )(maybe plan B steal something )


how can i get out (shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line .)(But most off all patience..)


(i always try to pick easy missions )


funny anecdote :

Two bulls ; dad and his son .

There on top of a hill .

Looking down they see lots of cows .

The son replies ;lets RUN down and F*kc us a cow ..

No NO NO The dad replies ;lets WALK down and F*kc them all ..

hahaha got it ...

greetz ..

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funny anecdote :

Two bulls ; dad and his son .

There on top of a hill .

Looking down they see lots of cows .

The son replies ;lets RUN down and F*kc us a cow ..

No NO NO The dad replies ;lets WALK down and F*kc them all ..

hahaha got it ...

greetz ..



I know it a little different.

.. lets walk slowly and fuck only the prettiest one

Edited by peter~SPARTA~
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There is a ACE new version on the server




And a new non ACE version



There is something wrong with mission



after load this mission there is no weapons in main box, also i was not able to pick up objects i suppose to steal from enemy,

Sarrok had same problem


Also could we have set it for simulation by default please

Edited by peter~SPARTA~
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I also am having problems: I cannot connect to the servers. They fail to recognize that I am running ACE. I have tried running both 1.09 and 1.10. No joy.


** EDIT ** The error I am getting is, "You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.acex_veh_stryker". It's not one of the messages I can click on and it goes away. It kicks me back out to the server browser.

Edited by Fatal_Papercut~SPARTA~
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