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Is Flaming Cliffs 2 worth it?


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Hey Durka,


I am afraid your question is incomplete.. is FC2 worth it, compared to what?


In my opinion FC2 is a great enhancement for LockOn. It is a great Sim and on V.2 they finally solved all the garbage around the Multiplayer and the server browser.


FC2 is compatible with Black Shark sim, which is very appealing.


The newest A10C sim is not compatible with FC2 "yet" but they said are working on it.


I didnt try A10C yet but I fly every now and then on FC2 and I consider it a more interesting experience because offers variety trading hard core realism.


Of course A10C is top notch sim hard core realism but is "specialized". A10 is all you got.


FC2 is simplified on avionics and systems but give a wide choice of aircrafts and overall is still a Sim and not an arcade.


Be adviced tho, you are going to enjoy this kind of sim only if you have a decent HOTAS system, which can be an important part on your budget.


I said decent, not necessarely top notch, hoever is not gonna be a nice experience with a 20 bucks set, if you know what I mean.

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Ahh yeah I forgot to mention I was really only interested in something that I could spend time to learn, and then be able to hop on and play with others 30min at a time. FC2 sounds better for that sort of stuff, or i might someday plink down the cash for the Cliffs of Dover.


FC2 has a decent learning curve, is extremely well done and can be played in COOP creating beautiful missions.


Read reviews about CoD because I heard bad stuff, really bad stuff about it.

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I wouldn't buy CoD for about a year anyways, until all the bugs are fixed or they go under. I forgot that I have to buy original LockOn (again) first to get FC2, so I might hold off on that as well. Sure would be nice if they used different maps instead of the same region all the time.

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You don t need to "buy" the original LockOn in order to install and use FC2.


Hajimoto had a post, cannot find it, but you can ask him, there is a way to download a LockOn version adn install it, not even launch it or authenticate it. Just have it there. Then installing FC2 will recognize LockOn and will install properly and working.


FC2 is sold as a "stand alone" so is not required for you to buy anything else.


If you decide to get it, just ask us, because we will give you a way to have it running.

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After having another go at LOMAC, I'm realizing how intensive these flight sims can get when it comes to controls and such, not to mention expensive! My little $30 joystick took about 45min to configure last night, and then the profile ended up not getting saved lol.


Afte you buy the $100+ joystick/throttle, then spend the time to set up a trackir stystem (another $100, or $30 if you have the knowhow) you've already spent so much money that the least expensive item is the game, lol. It does look fun, though. As a sidenote, I saw this cool app for the iPad that looks awesomely useful in a flight sim....


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As I said above on another post, unfortunately approaching a Flight Sim cannot really work if you don t get the "accessories" to work correctly altogether.


However there are several levels of "expensive" set-ups and you dont have to go necesserely for the most expensive one. Also important to know, when talking about LOMAC, not always all of those nice gadgedt reproducing instruments will work, especially if you plan to fly on Multiplayer Servers.


There are issues with 'security" because hackers always plague games like these ones, so many servers out there will limit the amount of info you can access to limit the possiblity of hacking. As a results, you beautiful home-made cockpit will never work as supposed to. Nothing you can do about it.


My suggestion is just stick with what you need, meaning a Joy a throttle and maybe pedals. Get an average set. if you know you are not gon a be a crazy Sim person, you don t need to spend 300 bucks for your set.


I have my Saitek X45 system for sale at the moment and i can give it to you for $30 + shipping if you like. It is old but still perfectly working. Actually it is considered quite obsolete but what do you want for 30 bucks? :) and then "obsolete" respect what? if you know you will be just an occasional simmer, this set is way perfect for you.


It was obsolete for me and I got the Saitek X65 which goes for a retail price of $350 and I got it from a Spartan friend at only $170, great price ! but do you really wanna spend that much if you are gonna fly twice per month ??


When you get the basic set, not spending more that 100 bucks you are all set. If in the future you need, you will buy more expensive toys.


Do not approach a Flight Sim without a basic set, is gonna be only frustrating. Save your time and go for another game already ;)

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I just got the game and it's beautiful, but there's no f-ing manual. I go to the website and they charge extra for it. Anyone know where the digital copies are? Also, I tried to do the training missions, and find out I have to download them from their website. Well, I go to the website and it won't let me download them. WTF?

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Understand where the misunderstanding is and you are right, is not exactly user-friendly.


So, disregard the TRAINING section, do not even go there. In fact i guess those are not even "missions" but VIDEO you can download and watch at your leasure. You can watch those video from youtube as well, they are exactly the same or just streaming them from the internet, no value in "downloading" them.


so, Do not go to the Traning area.


Just go to the MISSIONS area and you should see a lot of missions there. Each one of those with the word "Practice" are obviously, training missions and you will read explanations on the briefing and during flight of what you are supposed to do and how.

Remember the Pause/Break is the pause botton for this game, so during training mission if you have to read the message appearing on the top right corner with the instruction, just pause the game and take your time.


Let me know if you need other support.

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however... just to stay on topic... Is Flaming Cliffs Worth it?, check this video and subscribe the guy channel ! (and watch all of the other videos he has on it..)






And bytheway I love ths one too..



Edited by Batwing~SPARTA~
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