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Domination vs. Scripted Missions


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Hey guys,


Domination can be fun, although it is becoming a chore to keep up with all of the add-ons I need to play, and I'm not terribly thrilled with all of the maps in the rotation. It's becoming very "same old, same old" for me.


Still, my point is not to complain about Dom, but rather to see who else is interested in playing mostly scripted missions, including some of the missions that come with the original game and the DLC packs. Then, of course, there are all of the user-made missions, including Lighty's great work, the stuff I've seen from Dai-San, and Gunthar's epics that, if they were movies, would bankrupt Hollywood. All TAC play, of course. I've got a few that I've downloaded from Armaholic that I'm itching to try, no mods required.

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I enjoy missions of course!


However it looks like playing a mission "requires" some planning and organization and that is probably the reason why are not so popular.


Sparta main style is "everyone is free to enjoy the way he/she likes" which, yes.. is nice on one side but then get difficult to handle specific events because of a lack of... organization.. :)


So, I am all for missions only if they will be planned correctly.


The way is the one F_P used for the Movie events:

- time and date

- Roster

- Requirements

- Puntuality and Order


With this expectations I am all for missions.

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I will be there. I am only running on 8GB of RAM at the moment (I know, QQ) but everything else looks good.


This is also great because it helps me to resist the temptation of purchasing Crysis 2. If I purchase it, I'll be compelled to download it, and if I'm downloading it, it sucks up bandwidth. So, problem solved. For today, at least.

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Tonight (26th)

20:00 gmt

No mods required.

My old mission on Utes but tweaked ;-)


I wondered what you'ld been up to, we have friends over this evening so I'll miss it. Well I'll be on after the friends have left and as it's Dai's mission your probably still be playing it so I'll listen in :bleh:

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Interesting news: I've been forwarded the server info for the mission we were going to be testing today; we do need a minimum of 8 players to start it up, and the more the merrier.


I have the password so that we can login, and I know what mission(s) to look for. The only possible downside is that the server is somewhere stateside, so our EU brothers may have higher pings than they are accustomed to.


No need to vote now or sign-up; if we have enough people to run it, and if everyone wants to give it a shot, we will do it.

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