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The Taking of Fallujah and other stuff


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I have to say that the Fallujah map is AWESOME! It has a lot of great new elements that mix things up a bit and offers 100 sq Kilometers of terrain and the city is 16 sq kilometers in itself! This map along with all of the other Sparta server MODS, can be downloaded HERE.

The Taking of Fallujah Mission features the following:

· ACE items and inventory, along with ACE ammo boxes.

· Full-scale capabilities, you can play it with virtually any combination of forces to allow even multi-clan events.

· Completely random objectives placement in the city.

· Completely random spawn points and enemy patrols in the city.

· IEDs in the city.

· A lot of parameters for any kind of mission customization.

· Ambient Combat (customizable).

· ACE wounding revive.


The Taking of Fallujah mission utilizes elements that are very different from what folks are used to and warrants a bit of explanation so players understand that there some serious differences. The first thing that needs to be understood is this mission is NOT a Domination 2 mission. There are Domination features like view distance and turning grass on or off are not available here.


Most of the other missions that are currently on the Sparta server, there is one common base where all co-op forces spawn. Taking of Fallujah is designed to accommodate 82 players and therefore offers several squads which populate different geographical locations on the map.


The mission objectives of the mission are as follows:

· Neutralize 4 AA sites;

· Destroy a Radio Tower;

· Kill an enemy officer;

· Liberate and convert the airport;

· Destroy an enemy supply point;


The mission is very large and requires a minimum level of strategy and coordination in order to enjoy all that it has to offer. That being said, I would like to talk about a few things that I believe need to be addressed where LOSC is concerned.


Missions like Taking of Fallujah are now a part of the general rotation on the DOM server and require a semi-structured chain of command with coordination to properly utilize the collision assets. The need for structure is not one of personal preference but is one of necessity due to the sheer size and logistics of the map and mission with has groups scattered all across its 100 sq Km of terrain.


The three LOSC servers that currently support ArmA2 are TAC/Dom, Dom and Public, of these three TAC/Dom is the most tactical which requires tight coordination and follows set commands and roles. The public server is for general use and for the most part, the players can work it out among themselves to achieve or not achieve the objectives of the current mission. That leaves the DOM server which utilizes the same password security of the TAC/DOM server but observes a more relaxed command structure.


Please note it is relaxed not nonexistent, there are rules and guidelines that exist on the DOM server so that all players can enjoy the experience. Lately what has been happening is, people take it upon themselves to break off in small rogue groups and play as if they were on the public server, or jump in assets and set off AO's or simply use air assets as a personal cab to get close to the action. These trends must stop as it is frustrating a lot of players and making the DOM server feel more like the public server. Please familiarize yourself with a previous post on this very issue "Domination Etiquette".


All of us like to relax and just have fun at times but understand your relaxed fun should not be at the expense of others. Let's pull it together and put things back on track so the servers can once again be the place where LOSC members enjoy the game play but more importantly, enjoy the comradery.


Thanks for listening.


Edited by Hajimoto
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The fallujah map is excellent. Though it did not go so well when we tried it the other night due to some tactical miscalculation to say the least.



Also, The points your bring up Hajimoto are why i dont play on the regular dom server anymore. For the most part the ACE crowd is better about those type of things, but it still exists.

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By default ACE is harder, to achieve anything ppl have to be more cooperative or get pwned.


I've not played Fallujah yet but it sounds a better concept for a Tac night JIP thing than Domination ever was (I know efforts to make Domination 'tactical' were gargantuan).

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By default ACE is harder, to achieve anything ppl have to be more cooperative or get pwned.


I've not played Fallujah yet but it sounds a better concept for a Tac night JIP thing than Domination ever was (I know efforts to make Domination 'tactical' were gargantuan).



Yeah, i have proposed a full on Fallujah tac for this weekend in the other thread. I will start a dedicated post for it perhaps.

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