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Hello to all from Rooster!


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Hey guys, just got all set up thanks to the help of Jeff and Xeno!


Had a lot of fun running around and just learning the basics. Apparently Jeff says I'm a good shot, but I'm not so sure yet, haha. I'll have to test my mettle in a more difficult scenario or a full on assault in an AO.


About Me

Name: Sean

Age: 20

Home: Minneapolis, MN USA

Occupation(s): Work part-time at a gas station, interning at a music studio in St. Paul (went to school for audio production/engineering). I'm also currently serving in the US Army National Guard as a Cavalry Scout in the 1/34th "Red Bulls" Division. I wont give specific unit info unless asked personally in a less public discussion. My unit is deploying this May to Kuwait/Iraq to serve as convoy security for the draw-down in the theater. However, I'll be sitting this one out this time. I've got a child on the way and my mother just recently passed, so there's a lot of family affairs to take care of unfortunately.


Game History

I found you guys through the recent articles on PCGamer.com. I've been lurking them for some time and have watched all of the GR:IT conversion vids and was really impressed by what I saw. The kicker was when I saw Evan, my favorite writer, join up with you guys and have a blast. Most tac/realism teams I've come across in almost every FPS has been full of very bossy, pushy, unfriendly people. I saw something very different here, and it finally convinced me to buy ArmA2 + OA. I come from a history of twitchy, fast-paced shooters, but have always enjoyed the tactical realism sub-groups found within those games. I've played everything from CS 1.6, to CoD:UO, BF2, BFBC2, Black Ops, and everything in-between. Technically, I'm still currently a senior member of B-Team Gaming community, but they've been rather distant lately and I probably wont play with them much until BF3 comes around. Their focus is scrimming in Black Ops and playing APB:Reloaded, neither of which appeal to me in the least anymore. I also have played a variety of RTS games, but don't get around to them as often as I used to. Lately I've been playing Dawn of War 2: Retribution. I own Starcraft 2, but I just can't keep up with the majority of players who play that game every day, lol. Other random games I play on occasion are League of Legends, Minecraft, Left 4 Dead 2, Civ 5, and BFBC:V. There's only a few games besides BF3 that show potential for me to purchase this year: Brink, Portal 2, and Red Orchestra 2.


Well, I'll end this wall of text for now. I hope this to be the start of some great friendships! Hope to see you all soon on the virtual battlefield!


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Welcome, Rooster! I'm glad to see that you found your way to us and are already joining in on the ACE server. Keep an eye on the forums so that you can sign up for some of our TAC missions.


I would also love to spend some time playing DoW: Retribution with you. I've been trying to find someone I can play with to level-up my Lord General (and other characters).*


As per your comments about "very bossy, pushy, unfriendly people" in other TAC-play groups, I think you'll be happy to know that you'll find none of that here. We have no rank structure; no single person is in charge of everything. We value the different experiences and skills that everyone brings into the group. If you have an idea, by all means, please share it with us.


We also play some of the "twitch" games as well, including Left 4 Dead 2, Bad Company 2, and CoD: Black Ops. We usually play Black Ops on "Crouch Only" servers so as to lend modicum of tactical consideration to the game. One of my favorite quotes from Zeno in regards to Black Ops is that the game is all about "running around in circles", and that the only tactical consideration is whether you will "run around in circles clockwise or counter-clockwise".


I'm looking forward to seeing you in-game. :)

* Thinly-veiled implication that y'all need to get off your butts and get this game.

Edited by Fatal_Papercut~SPARTA~
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Welcome rooster ,I'm glad to see that you are set up and ready to go (thx to zeno ) ,We play many different games not only arma .

Hope you'll have a good time playing with us.

If i'm on ts and you need help don't Hesitate to ask.

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Oops, sorry Zeno. Been playing too much Dawn of War. ("DIIIIEEEE XENOS!") lol.


Fatal: I'd love to play sometime! I'm not the greatest, still trying to get used to the new balance changes (melee/swarm armies are ridiculous right now) but I've been going back to my roots and playing Space Marines again. I must say they are rather fun to use once more. Used to be an Eldar player, but they've been significantly nerfed as of late. Wanted to use a new army that wasn't Nids, Orks or Chaos which seem to be the armies of choice atm.


I think that's an incredibly refreshing way to run a tac/realism team, especially with the amount of professionalism shown when in game. I suppose the "leaderless" approach does live up to Spartan tradition in some ways. I come from a gaming community as well where there aren't really "leaders" per se, just founders and senior members. It was fun for a time because we were very relaxed, no drama, just wanted to have fun, etc. However the founder (who became a rather good friend) has had different interests lately and has been bringing in ringers from other teams to allow B-Team to play in more professional leagues in Black Ops (ESL, MWT, CEVO). I'm not against it but he seemed to leave a lot of our original members in the dust for more "skilled" players, myself included. That, and I'm just plain bored with Black Ops.

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Age: 20<<<<<<< minor problem here seeing as hes not a 45year old virgin..... :) welcome!and stay away from me Roach and Goon cause we are the @Spartabulletmagnet mod! :thumbsup_anim:

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