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The mad ACE guys playing on our server asked me to port domination to Ovaron for an exciting project Involving a carrier and other things. Unfortunately there were technical issues so I have made this a straight forward port with the US base on the western runway (they are still working on the project but it will be mission based).


The port is 99.9% complete but I want to test it, if anyone is interested let me know.


Once I have tested it I will add more AO's and side missions (Currently 11/10)


Ovaron can be downloaded here.




(Thanks to JHunter for helping me get rid of the camo netting).

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The mad ACE guys playing on our server asked me to port domination to Ovaron for an exciting project Involving a carrier and other things. Unfortunately there were technical issues so I have made this a straight forward port with the US base on the western runway (they are still working on the project but it will be mission based).


The port is 99.9% complete but I want to test it, if anyone is interested let me know.


Once I have tested it I will add more AO's and side missions (Currently 11/10)


Ovaron can be downloaded here.




(Thanks to JHunter for helping me get rid of the camo netting).


Do you mind if I start to add a carrier to this?

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A test earlier today showed few problems (since fixed). I have upped the AO's to 15 and am working my way through the side missions, right now I am up to 17. I need to make sure there are enough side missions of each type. Once this is done it will be finished.

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Ovaron Domination is as complete as it needs to be for now.


RH weapons added

15 AOs

20 Side missions (More will be added)



Ovaron 1.3 can be downloaded HERE


The idea is to set the ACE server up as an Islands server (which can obviously run Chernarus, Takistan etc). The server will start with Lingor domination but you should launch Arma 2 CO with both Lingor and Ovaron activated. This will give you the choice of switching between islands without restarting your game.


The AO's are set to ordered for now, random will work but I have not fixed the other parameters.


Ovaron is there as an option, Lingor stilll has a lot of play in it.


I will see about retrying the port to Chernarus and try to get the lag down.

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on Ovaron1.3


Did a small test ;Looking good (very open terrain on the first EO)



(i used Ovaron as a normal @mod)

Edited by EBE
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on Ovaron1.3


where do i we put what ( so i don't make mistakes )


Thanks to Killerbees, I can answer this.


If you have an older version of Ovaron, please delete the @ folder. This should prevent conflicts from accidental merging or overwriting.


I tend to have a 'working file' in my ArmA2 folder that I move all my mods into and unzip them there as a staging area. This keeps me from actually installing a mod into the ArmA2 folder instead of screwing it up.


I like to format the mod as an '@folder/Addons/*.pbo' before I copy it to the main directory. This way I have a backup that I can burn to a compilation DVD. It also helps the add the names of the version number into the @foler name. FOr example, @Ovaron1_3.


Once you have deleted the old version files, Check to make sure the folder format is usable. Once you have your new folder "C:...ARMA2/@Ovaron1_3/Addons/*.pbo" don't forget to add it to a command line switch or easier is the use of a Launcher program.


Generally, this is more of same and you probably new this above information already but it was a good refresher for me as I haven't played in quite a while.

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Sparta has 3 arma servers


1 Public domination, this can run stock dom in Chernarus, Takistan and Zargabad


2 Tac server, this server has been a swing server for stock Lingor, Insurgency. With the increase in interest in mission playing it has gone back to its primary role


3 ACE server, Obviously runs ACE but has also been used for Lingor, with the increase in popularity of the mission server, Lingor has been limited to ACE. For this reason Ovaron will also be restricted to the ACE server.


I hope this clarifies things

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So far 3 small errors have been noted


One of the MHQ choppers is locked - fixed

Ambulance is locked - fixed

RH ammo not in main box - fixed



no spotting rounds for the smaw - fixed

Move northern Boats nearer to Base - fixed

Add 81mm Mortar to CSW's - fixed (Lingor and Ovaron)

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I tried Ovaron last night and had a blast. The level seems very well designed and it makes a nice change to go back to a more European location after Lingor and Takistan. The AOs were quite entertaining, I managed to get a cheeky Mi-8 kill with a metis and a lot of luck. The limited ammo drops are a welcome addition in my opinion.


Hats off to the blokes giving the mortar support to myself and Crown Royal. I can't remember who you were but you got us out of a few sticky situations with well placed rounds!


Equally so, hats off to Zeno and everyone who helped get Ovaron onto the servers. :thumbsup_anim:

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