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Well seems that GM has made a predicted come back, paying off their goverment loan and stepping up production and hireing more workers and getting ready for the next generation of nifty cars. Whats really cool is any handicapped person can drive it, provideing they have use of their hands, and can change from a car to a pic up truck or suv buy swiching bodys.

The Hi wire


Edited by Athlon64~SPARTA~
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Very cool... I have been a fan of HFC tech for a while and now it is on the doorstep. One question... how much is 5 million quid? What is a quid?



What a 'quid might look like to an american------> http://www.8legged.com/DFL_entryJS.html


A "quid" is a slang term for a British pound, same as the American use of "buck" for dollar. £5m would equate to a little over $8m at current rates.

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The 5 million is how much it cost gm in reaserch on it and it will not cost that much to the buyer of coarse. It probley be cheaper then the jap snapper version due we are not as fanatic as the japs. I would own one of these then a honda any day. Becouse the dollar would stay home where it belongs. And we need to get the new camaro production back out of canada and back into the u.s. where it belongs. As it is right now the u.s, is still the worlds biggest producer. And my full size GMC truck carrys more,tows more, and has a 100,000 mile warranty, and gets better fuel milage then a toyota tundra or ford truck. BONZI! I think i will stay with GM owned them all my life and they are just designed better and are better.


The new ZO6 corvete can get up and run with a ferrari at a fraction of the cost with better saftey equipment.getting allmost the same horsepower from a v8 and not a v12 engine. Sence the 1980s Gereral Motors has been the leader in on board automotive electronics and still are. Comming out with the first on board programmible computer system for cars and heavy trucks in the world perioud!.


And if im not misstaken the OBD 2 computer system used in audi and bmw are delphi as well.


The only reasion that a ford and dodge truck runs is buy the dependability of a GM computer made buy delphi electronics wicth is a devision of GM.


So you say where are the electric cars? HERE! With no bad batterys to have to replace at great expense to the owner after a year or more after bringing it home.

this is the machine to own. Readly convrtible to what you want. And it produces so much power @ 80kw after getting home you plug your house into it to run your whole house for allmost free. A normal house with everything on only draws about 20kw or so.


They better hurry getting aubi dubi done becouse its ready to fall out from under them. The fossle fuel collaspe. The arabs will be chipping the diamonds off of their gold plated mercedes soon. They know this and thats why fuel prices have ski rocketed, evey time they rise the price demand falls off kind of keeping it under control in the U.S.

Edited by Athlon64~SPARTA~
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