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Anouther EA debockle!!

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well I was afraid of it, and it has rised its ugly head once again, the GREAT EA bebockle has come to crysis! I was afraid of it and now, once again, im right once again. And when are we going to get ridd of ea do to their crappy intagration. we saw this happen with 2142 and the ea downloader with bf2 expansions. This little problem caused hundreds of folks to reformatt their machines due to when it occoured they didnot know how to fix it.


Edited by Athlon64~SPARTA~
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Hey at least they are on top of it.

I was expecting to see a bunch of whining about it from the link you posted, but was pleasantly surprised to find the exact opposite. I found an apology and a statement saying they were working on it and that could have been enough right there. If it was Ubi$oft, we wouldnt have even gotten that. But EA has stepped it up a notch and provide multiple possible solutions to this problem.


While yes is remains a huge issue for the persons affected, it looks like EA is doing what they can to fix it. All in a Quick, fast and in a hurry method.

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This isent EAs first time with this screw up. you would think they would have fixed this so we the consumers would not see this again. But here we are again the same deal a year or so later. May be EA should stick to sports games if they can even do that right. We can expect to see a pacth to fix this thats bigger then the origanal game. They will basicly rewrite the entire game, They posted that becouse they allmost got into a class action law sute on the last screw up they did. I know becouse i was contacted buy a law firm that is after them and still are. Now after the pacth comes out you can expect to have any outher EA game on your machine lock up and cause your machine to crash and refuse to boot or none of the EA games will work. Lets hope they don't repete the past screw ups.

Edited by Athlon64~SPARTA~
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HA HA ya, I did the fix and it works I can now play on multiplayer, good! it erases your game code when you delete the beta. so you go in and re enter it in game tools. now everthing ok. Sorry to sound so negtive about the game. I /we have had bad experences in the past with EA. We need to wacth out thou. more bad to come.

Edited by Athlon64~SPARTA~
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Thanks very much for posting this.


I just deleted the beta and demo and defragged, and haven't started Crysis yet, so you may have saved me some grief.


One rather stupid thing about their fix is having you start Crysis as the first thing. I made the changes first, as a knew PB was enabled.

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Well with all the good ententions of punk buster, they really arnt worth a giant crap! due to there is hackers and cheaters every where and theres really no way to stop them. I got banned from total bf2 fourms for posting this, and stateing the truth to all the community out there. The cheaters are on there. They said they werent but then I had to show them they were wrong buy posting this. The truth hurt them so much and their pride, they banned me from total bf2 fourms. www.msxsecurity.com



Edited by Athlon64~SPARTA~
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Hi Athlon thanks for the good info. Don't get to fixated on cheats as they are 1 cheating themselves and 2 they will get banned, we are not mugs here and suspicious behavior will be investigated. Once we are convinced that cheating has occured the player will be banned, no ifs, ands, or buts. PB has its role to play but determined hackers will always find a way to cheat, then they are caught out by there own success. We may not have caught every cheat but we have caught everyone who were so successful they disrupted our servers. We will be as vigilant here.


Having said that sometimes good players are accused of cheating so we dont want any accusations flying around. Trust the admins and moderators to do their job, if you suspect someone send a PM to one of the admins or mods and the matter will be investigated.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh to follow this up, the MSX security sight had been dropped off the net. On their sight, they claim that their Cheat/hack is undetectible from punk buster, They pride them selfs on defeating punk buster in some sort of way to fool the screen shots it takes in detecting the hack/cheat. But when on that sight, it gives a list of players on line in real time useing the cheats/hacks. Kind of stupid right?

Edited by Athlon64~SPARTA~
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The American authorities might waste your tax payers monies, hunting and closing down hack sites but at the end of the day they (hack sites) are two a penny, one down one up. I can not believe that the FBI waste resources on game crackers when people are being murdered, rapped and abused everyday in the USA, such a shame this world is where priorities are so well balanced.




Top it all off GameCopyWorld is the biggest supplier of hacks cracks and cheats based in 15 countries inc. ones the FBI have no authority in. Something is backwards when priority one is game hacking.

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