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3rd mission almost ready :)


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This takes place in Takistan - a pilot rescue in daylight - plenty of firefights some cqb and some searching for objectives.


All seems to be working well - probably ready this weekend for a beta test.


And I have found the location for my 4th mission - a spectacular place on the map probably never seen in Domination.


Also, updating the others to improve them.

Edited by Lightspeed~SPARTA~
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick update to my mission work -


after beta testing a couple of missions they have all been updated and will be loaded to server soon - hopefully no bugs and will provide ongoing challenge throughout the mission.


also working on a new mission in Shapur combining stealth operations for a rescue followed by some neat cqb firefight action.


will finish off another stealth mission which i have on the backburner too - problem has been the lack of night vision for Tac Army but have worked out a couple of fixes for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have updated 3 missions and released a 4th and would like to run through a couple of them if players are interested - also want to try Daisan's missions - so at some point will come on and see who's interested - let me know if you want in and i'll hit you up on TS when im ready.


4th mission involves the new map Shapur and some stealth infiltration to start - should get the heart rate up.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey lightspeed, Jeff and I are currently in need of some mission scripting tips... Get back to me when it's convenient at ********* <-----that's my secondary email, not my primary. I'll reply to your email with my primary email address and let you know when Jeff and I are usually online in Teamspeak. Thanks bro


EDIT: Hey that email isn't working right now lol so I'll just post my questions when I have them.

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if you see me .. just ask .. i wanna try some off these levels :thumbsup:




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I have a small problem for now: I can't figure out what line of code I need to put into the final trigger of the mission in order to end the mission and take me back to briefing. Tips?


Your question is so open ended that it's a bit dificult to answer mate. Your mission ending could be for any reason you decide.


A normal end would be something like:


Place a new Trigger

Decide the size (a size of 0 0 is a global trigger ie it encompasses the whole map. Any numbers entered make the trigger a specific size).

Decide what makes it trigger (Bluefor present, not present etc, Opfor present, not present).

The Type (This is the important one. Set this to End1).




I place a trigger.

I make it's size 50 by 50 (eclipe or rectangle, doesn't matter).

I make it Bluefor Present.

I set it to End1.


You now have a 50 by 50 trigger on your map. If ANY Bluefor players OR FRIENDLY AI walk, fly or otherwise enter this area the mission will end.


Alternatively, if you had this trigger encompassing any enemy you had placed and you set it to Opfor Not Present, When you killed all the enemy the mission would end (because they are dead and therefore Not Present).


Hope this helps mate.

Edited by Dai-San~SPARTA~
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my recommendation to anyone who wants to get scripting is to dload other ppls missions and unpack them with a pbo unpacker - then look at how they were made and also do searches on BIS forums. also Mr Murrays mission editor dload helps and there are a bunch of tutorials made on youtube in Armaholic.


timre frame to learn to script - if you put in 10 hours a week, you would be feeling pretty confident that you could create/find what you need to build any mission within about 3 months.


its all out there - you just have to do the research.


after you have built several missions - you will be able to produce some quality missions.

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To answer your question Dai-San: I already set all those specifications in my trigger. I have a trigger that makes the mission "Fail" if both of my pilots die, and I have "End1" set as the type, but when they're killed it doesn't end the mission. And the final trigger is the mission ends when a vehicle moves inside the trigger. I have all those options selected properly and it is also set to End1, but it doesn't end either. And I know each of these triggers is being set off, because I made music play when each of the triggers was set off. I guess I'll do some more tweaking and experimenting.


Lightspeed- Thanks for the info man. I've already put about 20 hours of studying into it, that's why this whole mission-ending trigger nonsense is frustrating. I'll get it though.

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does the final trigger 'End1' have music playing as well?


and just checking is the code for the pilots death =


!alive pilot1 && !alive pilot2

(for both pilots being dead) or


!alive pilot1 || !alive pilot2

(for one of them being dead)

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Ya I figured out the triggers problem. I found out thru experiment that if you have more than one "final" "mission-ending" trigger they can't all have the same trigger type "End1". They each have to have their own end number, so I have two game ending triggers now. Here's another question: Is there an equation I can put in my script that will count the number of players playing the mission and then generate a certain number of enemy AI so that the ratio of player to enemy AI is always the same?

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no would be nice though - there is one method though which i figured out which basically deletes a number of AI groups depending on how many in the server.


you could set this in a trigger for example when blufor is present run the check and scale the numbers -


condition -

this && {isPlayer _x} count allUnits < 6;

(if number of players is less than 6 - you could tweak this anyway you like)


on act -

nul = execVM "scripts\scale.sqf"; 



now the scale.sqf will sit in a folder called scripts and will contain this information for example -

{deletevehicle _x} foreach units group1; deleteGroup group1; 
{deletevehicle _x} foreach units group2; deleteGroup group2; 
{deletevehicle _x} foreach units group3; deleteGroup group3; 
{deletevehicle _x} foreach units group4; deleteGroup group4;

(this deletes group1, group2 etc.)


so all that left to do is to name a few groups of ai that will be deleted when the scale kicks in -

in the init line of the group leader you put -

group1 = group this;

and in the name field you type "group1" without the quotation marks.


sounds complex but very easy. ;)

Edited by Lightspeed~SPARTA~
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