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Well yesterday I went to an airshow in a small town about an hour away from me. It was a really nice sunny day and they have a really nice grass runway there. They had a lot of WW2 and even some WW1 airplanes there with a flyover demo from the Viper west demo team there as well. I took a lot of pictures of almost all the planes there. I know I'm not the best photographer ever, but these pictures came our fairly well. You can tell where my digital cameras batteries died and I started to use my phone for the pictures, but even those came out fairly nice. =P Hope you enjoy them =)




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Thanks.. I forgot to mention that I was listening to one of the vets that was there tell his story about WW2. He was a B-17 crew member or pilot, can't remember which one, but he flew 51 missions from Italy to Poland and other places. He was saying though that after a certain miles flown in 1 mission, it gets counted as 2 missions so it wasn't really 51 actual missions, but 51 credited missions. Still, that's a pretty damn good number for a B-17 and her crew.

Edited by evilducky
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nice pics bro, a guy from my work went to this air show in chino cali




I was in Chino twice but before i was interested in photography. And that's best freaking airshow ever. They have a lot of prop planes, stuff real man like most :)


I start sorting my aviation pictures lately

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