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UN-FILPPING believeable a courageous-restraint medal?????????????????

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haha... next, they'll be giving out medals for doing absolutely nothing.... wait... that's what this is.


Generally, The U.S. goes in to a country because the civilians are in mortal peril. The medal is given to those members of the military who arrive in country and do absolutely nothing about the situation they were sent there to take care of. This is ridiculous.


Another thought...

Keep in mind that in America, we reward failure even as children. Johnny's Little League baseball team is the worst team in the League not to mention history and the League gives him and the other team members a trophy at the end of the season for doing nothing other than showing up. They say it is to reinforce the values of sportsmanship. I say it is to reinforce the getting-something-for-nothing mentality that our society is brainwashing our kids with. If every kid gets a trophy, then where is the incentive to practice with your team so you actually become better than the other teams to win the only trophy that should exist?

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Not sure I read it the same. To me if "refrain from using lethal force, even at risk to themselves, in order to prevent possible harm to civilians." is responded to as "a medal for not doing anything" then that makes me think that there is a shoot first/ask questions later mentality. Deciding to not throw a grenade into a schoolhouse of kids holding 1 terrorist in lieu of another option to me would be akin to someone thinking about best choice of action. Seems most of the people replying would be asking why did you only throw one grenade.


Granted, I agree its a liberal strech for a medal....

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