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New Indy Ship - Primae


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Today, Outer Ring Excavations [ORE] CEO Afait Assette surprised New Eden with an announcement in what seemed to be an impromptu but well-orchestrated press conference from the normally tight-lipped executive. She led off her prepared statement with the following message addressed to all capsuleers.


"ORE has prided itself on being at the cutting edge of the multiple industries based on extraction and refinement of natural materials. We have provided capsuleers with the ships, knowledge and materials to retrieve innumerable resources, from some of the rarest minerals in the universe to the humblest chunks of Veldspar. Now that tradition continues. I am here to unveil the Primae, a technological marvel capable of catalyzing the recent, burgeoning industries on the planet surfaces of New Eden.


And, now that full production of this robust vessel is underway, I can safely announce that our agents will be delivering one Primae ship to each capsuleer in all corners of the universe, free-of-charge, to try out for themselves. We firmly believe in the proven technology ORE has to offer and trust that pilots everywhere will come to as well, having been given this unique, unprecedented gift to fly for themselves. No strings attached."


With that, Ms. Assette unveiled a marvelous work of concept art for the ship for the stunned crowd, reproduced above.


Beginning June 29, 2010, you will find the ability to redeem it on your account login screen. You can then assign it to a particular character and a friendly ORE agent will deliver it to your hangar bay. You will be able to redeem the Primae once per active (not trial) account and will no longer be available after downtime on Tuesday, July 13th 2010, so make sure you log in to receive yours.


Furthermore the Primae does not require any special skills to fly, but training at least a minimum of planetary interaction skills and beginning your planetary exploration would help to make the most of its abilities. You may find the planetary interaction tutorial video helpful before you jump in the Primae.


Here?s how to redeem it:


Log into the EVE Online client.

At the character selection screen there will be a Redeem Items button in the lower right corner. Select the character you wish to receive the Primae and press the Redeem Items button.




Check the box next to the Primae in the confirmation window and press the Redeem Selected Items button.

You will receive a confirmation window that informs you which character is receiving the Primae and in which station it will be deposited. They are always deposited at the character's current location. The ship can not be redeemed if the receiving character is not docked in an NPC station.

Click Yes to accept the confirmation window if you are happy with your decision

Log in to that character and jump in your new ship!

Enjoy! And fly safe.


- CCP Zinfandel

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I like the thingy that turns....



I have recieved two of the three that I have coming. I just need to Bring Mal to a safer location so I can trade it it to JD.


I have 2 characters who can do this, but I haven't been bothered to actually begin the mining. maybe tongiht I will actually do it for some passive income to offset POS costs. Not sure how much money is involved but it should be a learning experience none-the-less.


This ship might help. who knows?

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it is for industrial purpose to aid in the placing of planetary interaction. it has dedicated cargo space for the planet stations you need. other than this it is a big time gank magnet. So you are better off not flying it. You are better off in a an indy that can cloak like the Crane.

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