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Smoke's Complete Pack - Addon package! **UPDATED Vrs1.1**


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Hi All,


Posting once again to give an update....I've been pretty pretty busy as of late as some have noticed my absence!


The F-111 Project and Cluster Bombs got put on hold for a while but were never dropped!


I do however have a couple addon planes and such that I think some of you might dig a bit and could come in handy for Domination and any other modes out.


I Went ahead and tested them with the Sparta package, with CAA1 or otherwise known as Sahrani, and even added them to an existing Domination for the heck of it. Now since I'm kind of sketchy when it comes to modifying Domination and more familiar with the workings of "Evolution" from Armed Assault 1, I thought my efforts would be best served working back on the cluster bombs and getting that past a beta phase or state.


But I however did get a working and balanced Domination out, mostly for concept and a mere suggestion for an Air Cav style Domination that would involve infantry and ground forces, but not a full fledged "Air Domination". Also this will show the concept of minimalism as all the Dominations seem to have an overkill of some ground vehicles that are never used. Goes without saying that you can still unlock same amount of Ground Vehicles.


First, what's required with this?


CBA, latest version suggested. I suggest everyone use version that is to be downloaded with ACE. This is a needed addon for most if not all new addon's.


Go >here for the CBA and ACE packages. <--link

(These addon's have not been fully tested with ACE and some may not work!!)



"The Package":


Smoke's Complete Pack Vrs1.1<--link


-Smoke's Cluster Bombs on A-10:






-OH-58D Kiowa Warrior and Scout versions (my Fav and if you like the A/MH-6 this is for you)


-OV-1D Mohawk (Observation and light Reconnaissance Plane, also features a medium armed version)


-F-15E (2 Versions have nice Guided bomb cam effect, yet no true Cluster bombs, kind of buggy)


-F-16 (fast and furious is all that needs to be said, nice armament toy box with this)


-AN-72 Russian Jet Transport (kind of a hoot to see 15 guys drop out of this thing)


-Mando Missle Support (This one is for the mission makers....cool flare avoidance system and nasty missles!! Can help with implementation, more to follow on this one, get with me.)



-Extended Event Handlers (this helps as some of the mods need it and helps with added scripting without having to add too much to missions)



Re-pack as you see fit but for a condensed package its not too bad and would accentuate Domination style missions.


All I can say is, use the Kiowa's! You can use these to your advantage when spotting targets for the Air

Edited by SirSmokalot
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So last night had a blast with a group of y'all last night testing these out on a Domination I imported some of the new addon materials in this package.


Thanks to the following who helped and enjoyed the testing (Excuse Spellings and if I left anyone off the list):


Tyler ~SPARTA~







Those that didn't get in with use thanks for wanting to get setup and following us on ArmA 2 Launcher:



JamesM (hopefully he gets his mod problems worked out)


Good Times!!


Should be on later this evening roughly 9-10pm CT and have added some minor changes to test Mission and may go ahead and release a version of the Cluster bombs tonight!!! I'll be releasing a download that will include items that just need to be copied to the @S@


Get with me tonight in TeamSpeak or PM me if you have questions, concerns, prop's, etc.....complaints will be noted but probably ignored (j/k).





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yea sorry didn't link up last night had something come up....maybe later tonight I can get something together, that is unless its put up on the servers.....now wishing I setup my home PC with remote access in order to start up a server at least for you guys.

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We can setup a server for you if you want.


To be clear, we need caa1 (I will use the same as we use for our sahrani server) CBA (the same as we use for our ACE servers), your mod which I am downloading now.


I need your version of domination (even if its a test version).


The wreck chopper recovers side mission bonus vehicles. Domination has a a respawn script it uses for the basic vehicles, but I use a seperate respawn script for vehicles I add.

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We can setup a server for you if you want.


To be clear, we need caa1 (I will use the same as we use for our sahrani server) CBA (the same as we use for our ACE servers), your mod which I am downloading now.


I need your version of domination (even if its a test version).


The wreck chopper recovers side mission bonus vehicles. Domination has a a respawn script it uses for the basic vehicles, but I use a seperate respawn script for vehicles I add.



Right on Zeno....would love it hosted. I'm on-board with you on the CAA1, and CBA. Simply put as long the CBA that's used for ACE is used, no problem there.


As far as the Domination that is current, I have a "to-do" list that maybe you can help me with or feel free with the edits if you think it could be a "quick-n-easy". I'd like to get some F-16's in as unlock-ables, yet added one easily accessible to start out with for air support.


A small issue has come to mind with the current package though.


This of course was an after thought...and wonder about the ramifications of a few unnecessary files now in the package, namely "extended eventhandlers". The .pbo file in question, is located in the addons folder of the @S@ main folder(<arma 2 Dir>\@S@\addons). It should more then likely be removed due to CBA having its own. I've revamped the package and for those few that do have it , may have to remove "extended_eventhandlers.pbo"*** (Link is updated with new package as of this posting.)


*** Et Al (everyone else): Let me stress again, you don't need this if you currently have downloaded "smokepack.rar", extracted the @S@" folder and placed it. Just remove the "extended_eventhandlers.pbo" from the addon if you are running a current CBA! It has this script and may cause unexpected results I haven't witnessed, but logically will.



On a different note:


In my free time I've started work back on the Cluster Bombs and F-111.


Ideally I'd like to get something simple so at least some people can get a peak and sneak preview of what's coming, especially for Operation Arrowhead, I'll make sure to that!






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I recommend you change your addon name to_v1.1 or something so people do not have to delete anything.


When you have finished modifying your domination file let me know.


Once you let me have all the latest files we will test it on the server and if it works we will add the files to our download site. It can replace the carrier dom server.




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Thanks man.


Actually mod "naming" you're thinking of shouldn't matter when it comes to folders..this is just a compilation of several mods running along with each other. As far as vehicles are concerned..if you have an ArmA 2 Launcher app, then get it , this will make your life easy running and disabling mods. Folder names don't matter and its an addon that CBA runs anyhow.


Did some testing and came up with some new additional stuff in a separate package.

Smoke's CBUs



As far as the Mission, it has the Clusterbombs as well!!!


Sahrani Domination ArmA 2 with addons enabled






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I put it on the server but there is an error and it wont launch. Catch me on TS and we'll go through it.

Wont be home till its fairly late...at least another 3hrs...whats the error? I maybe able to resolve it from here!


Is it an ArmA load error or is it a Mission load error? Make sure you have all the following for the mission I sent you:


-smokepack-updated.rar --> @S@


-smokeXpansion.rar --> @S@X


These addons need to be active, along with CBA.


Is that any help? At work at the moment sorry! Also is there any reference to F111? That should have been removed and even tested with Yoshi last night...he connected with no errors and we had only a couple small texture "blips" come up.....minor fixes and will get fixed soon, but can be bypasses and game will continue if you get a texture error...think there's only 2 that come up.

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The server goes into a loop trying to load the map, so something was missing


The server was running


caa1 (comprised of oac_core and caa1) - the same as our sahrani server.

CBA (version 96) same as our ACE server




The server config launches DomA2_Sahrani_1x.Sara


I then tried to run it locally and I found the error, I had to also run the littlebirds mod.


The server is running now.

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The server goes into a loop trying to load the map, so something was missing


The server was running


caa1 (comprised of oac_core and caa1) - the same as our sahrani server.

CBA (version 96) same as our ACE server




The server config launches DomA2_Sahrani_1x.Sara


I then tried to run it locally and I found the error, I had to also run the littlebirds mod.


The server is running now.


Good deal Zeno, Thanks alot!


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Got on the server this morning and checked it out....seems stable!! Gotta see how it runs overall though. I'm not sure how stable the Domination mission was to start (Return to Sahrani 103?1.03?), but seemed fun with AI!


I'd like to incorporate a revive version that has bigger AO's, that might take some collaborating with you and Kalxen, Zeno, or a few out there that are familiar with Domination's scripts.


@All, let me know what you think of the combination of vehicles and aircraft. I can make some revisions later.


Also disclaimer, the only addon that is made by me is the Cluster Bombs, the camo pack is by Fortran, and other vehicles are done by various members of the ArmA 2 Mod community and listed in the Readme with in the pack.

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Well done, Smokes. The only "bug" I've noticed so far is with the A-10. It's camo to start, but it's grey after respawn. In regard to additions: Can we get some attack choppers? Pretty please?


As for the clusters....



Edited by Tyler~SPARTA~
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Well done, Smokes. The only "bug" I've noticed so far is with the A-10. It's camo to start, but it's grey after respawn. In regard to additions: Can we get some attack choppers? Pretty please?


As for the clusters....




Thanks!!! Cluster bombs will definitely be fun to play with as I'm working on adding them to F-16's (unfortunately wont carry but a few).


The camo texture not showing up is "INIT" based on the object...so not perfect. There's a "script" to bypass this though, need to work on this...but not a show stopper. A small last minute addon I wanted to squeeze in. Can be done mission side which is awesome (as long as Fortran's camopack is installed)!


Attack Choppers o sound like a nice addition...this was supposed to be more tactical in a sense..but purely concept.


Maybe with help from Zeno and others that know Domination functions better then I, we can get some tweaks in on more recent Sahrani Dom missions!

Edited by SirSmokalot
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Thanks!!! Cluster bombs will definitely be fun to play with as I'm working on adding them to F-16's (unfortunately wont carry but a few).


The camo texture not showing up is "INIT" based on the object...so not perfect. There's a "script" to bypass this though, need to work on this...but not a show stopper. A small last minute addon I wanted to squeeze in. Can be done mission side which is awesome (as long as Fortran's camopack is installed)!


Attack Choppers o sound like a nice addition...this was supposed to be more tactical in a sense..but purely concept.


Maybe with help from Zeno and others that know Domination functions better then I, we can get some tweaks in on more recent Sahrani Dom missions!



I think maybe moving all the aircraft to the main base, but keeping the numbers low will end up being fairly popular. Though it isnt too bad now.



The F-15 is bonkers

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yea I thought the mission was needing to be more tactical since I thought it would be on a different server then Air Domination Server. Since it is I can definitely revise it a bit and maybe throw the AV8's on it as well.


This mission's concept can be used for a Tactical server as we were being really tactical with the little bird sighting targets from below ridges...was real cool!!!


Hope people will come to enjoy this over the weekend. Also look forward to some sort of Carrier domination with these goodies...just be sure to get with me for proper Camo textures applying to the A-10. Currently they disappear and revert to stock textures after re-spawn.


On that last note if Zeno or MH-6 can give me some decen guidnace in Domination script Init's I can implement a script that will keep the camo textures!

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FYI, the link to download the @S@ addon is no longer valid. It seems to have been removed from the server. I'm in the process of uploading these addons to a new location. Will post those links when available.



I updated the links while at work.....put the links directing to the Smoke Pack Complete.


This package includes:



-items listed on first post of this thread.



-includes my Cluster Bombs and A-10 replacement Textures that are activated by scripts in missions.



-For right now this has the Kiowa release that is compatible with ACE. More will come and this should be a good repository where addons that become or are compatible should be put into for troubleshooting reasons.

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