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Domination! 2


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Just read at Armaholic that Xeno brought out an updated version of Domination.


I had a look at the changelog and it is really big.





- fixed ACE artillery operator not getting Call Artillery action

- corrected fsm build

- fixed kb related problem



- MHQs must get deployed now before someone can teleport or use the other features, boxes can still be dropped

- You should search the bodies of dead main target mission units (officer, other units), maybe you'll find some usefull information that will help you (not available in the TT version)

- A few more main target missions

- Added some more sidemissions, now 50 sidemissions in the normal version

- SAT view (from Vienna) added, available at MHQs

- Added SADARM to artillery

- Artillery uses now some of the effects from the ARTY module

- Artillery action menu is now also available in vehicles for artillery operators

Wrecks of vehicles you've got for solving sidemissions, etc, will now get deleted after an hour (default) if nobody brings them to the wreck repair point, can be changed or disabled in the server lobby

- Winter weather from ruebe added, depending on the weather conditions it may snow, there may be fog on the ground and colors look like they do on cold days (too much rain = no fog and no snow)

- Mission now takes place in November instead of June like before (needed for winter weather)

- Blood and dirt hit effects added

- Replaced team Echo in all non ACE west versions with a CDF team

- Added vehicle hud. Chopper hud fixed and colors changed

- More features can now be changed in the lobby (parameters), all in all 63 parameters that can be changed depending on the version

- Camo nets get spawned for the initial vehicles at base

- Dom uses now kbTell/BIS talk system to broadcast most of the serverside messages (including speech for some messages)

- Admin spectate completely rewritten (much much faster now), to end it press X

- Admin lock vehicle feature fixed

- Automatic teamkill kick added. If a player reaches a specific number of teamkills (number can be changed, default is 10) he gets kicked automatically. If the player then joins again and does another team kill, well, immediate kick, and so on...

- Added admin dialog for logged in admins, accessable via Status Dialog. There an admin can reset teamkills and ban or kick a player. The position of the player is shown on an embedded map control plus some other info.

- TT version enhanced (should be completely bug free now including side missions, me hopes :-)), capturing camps is now available in the TT version too

- TT version points system changed (points can be altered in i_common.sqf, d_tt_points)

Random number of camps at main targets

- As long as the anti air radar at base isn't destroyed you can track enemy air movements on the map

- Net code completely rewritten (event based). Dom itself now only uses one publicVariable

- Internal vehicle handling rewritten, initial base vehicles/choppers are initialized completely different now

- Markers are now created on the fly instead of using editor placed markers

- Almost all call compile formats removed and replaced with either missionNamespace/object getVariable (specially in the revive version) or with better coding

- Revive uses event based net code too (own system) instead of millions setVehicleInits like before

- Removed all AI chopper/plane start positions, they are now created on the fly based on island config sizes

- Reading in description.ext class Params optimized, mission variables are created on the fly from description.ext class Params by writing them into missionNamespace

- Headbug fix now also works on LHDs

- Artillery used by AI enemy artillery observers fixed and particle effects added

- Getting points for transporting other players in the Ranked version fixed and optimized

- Same for ranked vehicle check

- BIS_Effects_EH_Killed, BIS_Effects_AirDestruction and BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2 replaced with versions without setVehicleInit (can be disabled in the lobby, it will surely break addons like WarFX which I can live with as I don't use them :-). No I won't answer why but there is a reason why)

- BIS HALO code transfered to sqf, added sound during freefall

- Mando missile version removed, nobody played it

- Player to player message system will now add new received messages while the dialog is still open

- Code for showing player names above a unit optimized

- New TeamStatusDialog version added (cleaned up and optimized)

- Player names now also get stored when a player leaves a server. A message will show up if a player connects with a different name including a log entry into the server rpt

- In the TT version a warning message shows up if a player switches sides

- Corrected saving autokicktime in onPlayerConnected

- onPlayerConnected uses an object now to store player values instead of an array (with UID as key)

- Destroyed AI vehicle handling changed (no more replacement with a new destroyed vehicle, only dead crew inside vehicle gets deleted immediately)

- Many files changed, removed, rewritten and optimized, more precompiled functions and scripts

- Internal folder structure changed

- Cleanup of all files plus more macros

- FSM decompile info gets removed during build for smaller FSM sizes in the release missions

- Developer version plus dom_maker included in the download file. For dom_maker you just need the - - FSMCompiler from the BI Developer Tools

- Plus gazillions of other changes, enhancements, optimizations and bug fixes that would simply break the post

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Just read at Armaholic that Xeno brought out an updated version of Domination.


I had a look at the changelog and it is really big.





- fixed ACE artillery operator not getting Call Artillery action

- corrected fsm build

- fixed kb related problem



- MHQs must get deployed now before someone can teleport or use the other features, boxes can still be dropped

- You should search the bodies of dead main target mission units (officer, other units), maybe you'll find some usefull information that will help you (not available in the TT version)

- A few more main target missions

- Added some more sidemissions, now 50 sidemissions in the normal version

- SAT view (from Vienna) added, available at MHQs

- Added SADARM to artillery

- Artillery uses now some of the effects from the ARTY module

- Artillery action menu is now also available in vehicles for artillery operators

Wrecks of vehicles you've got for solving sidemissions, etc, will now get deleted after an hour (default) if nobody brings them to the wreck repair point, can be changed or disabled in the server lobby

- Winter weather from ruebe added, depending on the weather conditions it may snow, there may be fog on the ground and colors look like they do on cold days (too much rain = no fog and no snow)

- Mission now takes place in November instead of June like before (needed for winter weather)

- Blood and dirt hit effects added

- Replaced team Echo in all non ACE west versions with a CDF team

- Added vehicle hud. Chopper hud fixed and colors changed

- More features can now be changed in the lobby (parameters), all in all 63 parameters that can be changed depending on the version

- Camo nets get spawned for the initial vehicles at base

- Dom uses now kbTell/BIS talk system to broadcast most of the serverside messages (including speech for some messages)

- Admin spectate completely rewritten (much much faster now), to end it press X

- Admin lock vehicle feature fixed

- Automatic teamkill kick added. If a player reaches a specific number of teamkills (number can be changed, default is 10) he gets kicked automatically. If the player then joins again and does another team kill, well, immediate kick, and so on...

- Added admin dialog for logged in admins, accessable via Status Dialog. There an admin can reset teamkills and ban or kick a player. The position of the player is shown on an embedded map control plus some other info.

- TT version enhanced (should be completely bug free now including side missions, me hopes :-)), capturing camps is now available in the TT version too

- TT version points system changed (points can be altered in i_common.sqf, d_tt_points)

Random number of camps at main targets

- As long as the anti air radar at base isn't destroyed you can track enemy air movements on the map

- Net code completely rewritten (event based). Dom itself now only uses one publicVariable

- Internal vehicle handling rewritten, initial base vehicles/choppers are initialized completely different now

- Markers are now created on the fly instead of using editor placed markers

- Almost all call compile formats removed and replaced with either missionNamespace/object getVariable (specially in the revive version) or with better coding

- Revive uses event based net code too (own system) instead of millions setVehicleInits like before

- Removed all AI chopper/plane start positions, they are now created on the fly based on island config sizes

- Reading in description.ext class Params optimized, mission variables are created on the fly from description.ext class Params by writing them into missionNamespace

- Headbug fix now also works on LHDs

- Artillery used by AI enemy artillery observers fixed and particle effects added

- Getting points for transporting other players in the Ranked version fixed and optimized

- Same for ranked vehicle check

- BIS_Effects_EH_Killed, BIS_Effects_AirDestruction and BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2 replaced with versions without setVehicleInit (can be disabled in the lobby, it will surely break addons like WarFX which I can live with as I don't use them :-). No I won't answer why but there is a reason why)

- BIS HALO code transfered to sqf, added sound during freefall

- Mando missile version removed, nobody played it

- Player to player message system will now add new received messages while the dialog is still open

- Code for showing player names above a unit optimized

- New TeamStatusDialog version added (cleaned up and optimized)

- Player names now also get stored when a player leaves a server. A message will show up if a player connects with a different name including a log entry into the server rpt

- In the TT version a warning message shows up if a player switches sides

- Corrected saving autokicktime in onPlayerConnected

- onPlayerConnected uses an object now to store player values instead of an array (with UID as key)

- Destroyed AI vehicle handling changed (no more replacement with a new destroyed vehicle, only dead crew inside vehicle gets deleted immediately)

- Many files changed, removed, rewritten and optimized, more precompiled functions and scripts

- Internal folder structure changed

- Cleanup of all files plus more macros

- FSM decompile info gets removed during build for smaller FSM sizes in the release missions

- Developer version plus dom_maker included in the download file. For dom_maker you just need the - - FSMCompiler from the BI Developer Tools

- Plus gazillions of other changes, enhancements, optimizations and bug fixes that would simply break the post


Are we going to be switching to this version?


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Forgive my ignorance, but what is the 'TT version'?


Two Team. It is a version where there is basically a red team, and a blue team -> both fighting to take control of the main AO.. whomever has most points wins concept. Very few people ever played it as it really isn't TvT, but it really isn't Coop. Its like 2 teams vs the AI.


I say go for it - wouldn't hurt to try it and I'd be interested in giving it a shot. It looks like he rewrote so much that its almost a new game. It also looks like he added in the ability for one squad to play CDF, so while it may not be the ability to control the AI like opfor commander, it gives the ability for some people to fight against the main team(s).

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Have been added to the MPMissions folder we can give them a whirl today.


I am interested to see if the carrier version works better than the last one.




I just had a look on carrier dom. I had an issue with a chopper falling from the deck again and again. But at least I didn´t had some "holes" in the deck as in former versions. But maybe this is because I didn´t tested it long enough.


Anyway for considering an improved version of carrier dom for an air dom server it should be tested quite well. But I think that we really need a server concentrating on air assets as so many of us enjoy flying in Arma2.

Edited by Kavlarakos~SPARTA~
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I tried the carrier version as well it seemed ok but I dont like that it uses the main base as well.


Only the F35 and AV8B can launch from the carrier and landing back on it is a bitch.


Still we can give it a try then see about adding our own variations.


For Air domination we would need an enterprise class carrier so that we could truly put everything on it or we could use 2 LHDs one for choppers and one for fighter bombers. This needs further research.

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I tried the carrier version as well it seemed ok but I dont like that it uses the main base as well.


Only the F35 and AV8B can launch from the carrier and landing back on it is a bitch.


Still we can give it a try then see about adding our own variations.


For Air domination we would need an enterprise class carrier so that we could truly put everything on it or we could use 2 LHDs one for choppers and one for fighter bombers. This needs further research.


Any way to add another carrier to the map? have each as a spawn point as the main base is now?

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is there anyway to add code so that when you touch down it automatically shuts down and stops the plane before the end of the carrier? I see a problem with a planes lack of reverse, unless i missed somehow to reverse a plan in ARMA.


We will add the little tractors on the deck to reposition the aircraft


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Just found the first error:


The folder in everon_domination "x_missions\m" must be renamed into "x_missions\mev"


Another issue i found in everon domination is that all the sidemissions for that island are just copied from the chernarus map, so that there appears a sidemission like "steal a prototype chopper at the airfield in Krasnostav". The mission exists and I also think that also the chopper exists but only the description of the sidemission is wrong. No Krasnostav on Everon...


So sb has to rename all descriptions of 50 sidemissions now.

Edited by Kavlarakos~SPARTA~
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Any chance in one of these releases can we get an Osprey (MV-22) back....PLEEEEEAASE!!! I miss it!


Also any word on adding a the Kiowa (OH-58D) that's out, there's a version that is ACE compatible....that thing rocks!!!

Edited by SirSmokalot
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