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Happy Veteran's Day!

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Hey all, hope everybody's having a great Veteran's Day. So far, I've gone to the annual downtown parade where marching bands, various militay units, and all sorts of groups march along our main street. Oh, did I forget the planes doing the missing man formation, and Kiowa helicopters demonstrating at building level? Pretty freakin cool. Now I'm off for my free dinner at the local buffet place.


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Our local golden corral tells us to wait till monday because they don't want to lose out on profits during the weekend. I love the Kiowa Helicopter. When we were in Mosul, those guys would buzz us all the time, and it took the boredom out of guard duty when they were out doing their stunts over the city.

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November 11:

President Wilson proclaims the first Armistice Day with the following words:


"To us in America, the reflections of armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country?s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations?"

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In Canada we call today "Remembrance Day" We remember those who have sacrificed themselves for all of us and those who continue to do so today. I thank each and everyone of you personally.

I attached a poem written by a Canadian Soldier that for Canada has a very deep meaning. I hope it will for you as well. I remember my Uncle Lorne James who was part of the invasion force in Holland during WWII whom I had the pleasure of knowing as a child up until he passed on in the late 70's and I pray for my Cousin Travis Dixon who right now is in Afganistan teaching Afgan's pilots how to fly CH60's for the United States Marines.


In Flanders Fields

By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army


IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow

Between the crosses row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.


Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.



We owe you all alot.

Thank you

Jim Neil and family

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