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My BF tactics

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SO... yesterday I got online and into a multiplayer server for the first time with BC2. After running around the entire map and dying about 17 times during my first game, I realized that I wasn't playing the game how it should be played.


I had to think back to BF2 and 2142 and remember that the one of the best options as a lone player in the conquest style is to focus on one flag for the entire game instead of just going where the fighting is.


I prefer to defend the flag nearest the home base as it is attacked a lot by enemy who like to flank and attack from behind. Focusing on this first flag for me is good because you earn points as you retake the flag and you also have a constant defense there working to keep both the flag and the home base defended.

All of this was made easier by Yankee later joining in to help.


The other side is players, as they learn the maps, will have favorable sites to attack because they know the good spots to attack or snipe from as well as where the defenders hide. This works to your advantage because players are predictable (including yourself so watch it!) Once yo know how players operate, you can preempt their move and be where you can ambush them easily. This game initially seems to lend itself to these strategies well.



All in all, I think this is a great game and I hope to see a Sparta unranked server in the future. We'd have a blasty blast with everyone who has or will be buying this game.

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Yeah I think the game can be played well if you have teamwork and I can't wait to do the 4 man Squad deal on Hardcore with only players on TS.


Agreed. My observations were mainly for when you are in a server by yourself. Obviously, working as a team will provide better results.

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Opening night we raped and pillaged in a 4 man, only hardcore: EMT, Slain, Haloelite and myself. Once we got into the swing of it we were typically the top team pulling gold awards, stars, etc. Was some good fun and a warm change of pace from Arma for a night. It took 2 hours for us to finally get connected to a game server but once on we didn't quit until early morning.

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I've only played Conquest, but I've always made sure that I was in a squad and stayed with that squad, even when they tended to do suicidal things. As with BF2/BF2142, the game gives you extra points for completing squad objectives (provided that the squad leader sets objectives!).


Last night I was lucky to be in a squad that decided to capture a control point and then defend it for the rest of the round. With a medic, two engineers, and an assault dude (me), we held the control point for the entire round. When the medic was killed, we just picked up his kit to revive him, so there was a bit of role-swapping as we played.


For the most part, the game stays faithful to the play style found in BF2/2142. The one thing I do not like is the adoption of the health system, where you can take cover and regenerate health; I think this slightly devalues the role of the medics. Otherwise, when it comes to a fast-paced team-based shooter, I'll be playing this instead of CS:S and TF2 (well, ok, I love TF2 and will still play occasionally).

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I don't think so. Arma has a lot of strengths in the longer-term map plays, the customizable storyline/maps, the tactical play for coop vs AI/human, etc. BC2 is really good at the fast play, achievement winning feedback, and small team activity - but I wouldn't call it "tactical" - its much more run and gun. Now, if we got our own servers, could moderate it so that the ~sparta~'s could all play together on the same team, and do a little us vs world action - I could see a lot of fun and interest there.


The one thing that you probably won't see out of BC2 that we have in Arma is the ability to really meet new people. I mean "meet", not just run into. Arma's slower pace and need for teamplay, along with out ability to spam our TS3 server details, gets people together speaking much more constructively than you could of in other FPS - where the in-game chat conversation is typically defamatory.

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is this an Arma2 killer?


I agree with KalXen and Medic. BC2 is much closer to CoD4, although it does reward team-play much more than many other run-n-gun games. It's a nice change of pace for those that crave a fast game; rounds are generally over in 20 minutes, then it's on to the next round/map. There are opportunities for teams/squads that communicate and play well together that don't exist in many other shooters.


I'll still be paying Arma; NFS Shift on Sundays; Borderlands DLC; my current single-player addiction, Civ4; and most likely SupCom2. Somehow.


If we do get our own BC2 server, I think the key to setting us apart would be to have a tightly-run and administered server. Regular player/members would need to have admin access, and we can use rules that encourage fairplay/teamplay. We used such a ruleset with my old group's BF2142 server, and I think it worked pretty well. And the servers support kicking/banning/reserved slots and such.

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All in all, this is a good game. Its not run and gun 5 min rounds like COD, and you aren't spending hours on an objective like ARMA. Plus the game is pretty balanced from the beta bieng out. Sadly i have no clue as to the quality of the PC servers because i only have it on my xbox. If i run into a PC copy ill stop by and play if sparta gets a server of its own.

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if we do have our own server i suggest squad deathmatch o maybe rush but if we have small amounts of players we can lowers the tickets ( respawns for assaulter's ) so its more even.

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I had a fun with the lot of ya the other night, got some major points with EMT, Jackseven, recon, oneil, elite, etc, etc.


Great points and got some work done with that engineer, still a bad shot at times. Seems like I'm still in transition or translation from ArmA, but I sure know how to get me some dogtags lol.


Rush is the best I have to admit, love how the game either progresses or regresses (depending on what team you're on lol).


Squad deathmath Fridays seems like a good theme!

Edited by SirSmokalot
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