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Battle of Namalsk


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Good morning Ghosts.


As you may be aware there have been several terrorist attacks on European soil over the last 12 months targeting European Union officials. At last count the death toll from these attacks stood at over 1700 civilian casualties and 47 EU officials. Understandably, Europe is in a state of shock and want action now to end the bloodshed. The difficulty for Intelligence Organisations up to this point has been the fact that noone has claimed resposibility for these attacks...until now.


It appears a new terrorist cell calling itself the 'European Nationalist Alliance' (ENA) has come forward. The terrorists are calling for an end to the European Union claiming that the freedom of immigrants to settle in any EU country is destroying the fabric of national identity. They claim to have large stockpiles of bio-chemical weapons and missile capability and will use them unless the EU disbands immediately. Fortunately, through this contact with the ENA our Intel Unit has determined the whereabouts of this organisation, a small island called Namalsk, 50 miles off the North Coast of Europe, and we have put a man on the ground to conduct recon of their operations.


Under normal circumstances we would consider airstrikes to deal with these radicals, however, the risk of releasing bio-chemical toxins into the air which would be blown by Northern winds straight over Europe is too great. Instead, we will conduct a ground operation to secure the island and eliminate the threat. Your first mission will be to insert covertly by boat on the North-East of the island, destroy a Radio Tower and disable the Radar Tower in the area. This will allow us to move reinforcements in with ease should the need arise.


In addition, you will be required to infiltrate a Chemical Warehouse, eliminate all hostile forces and search for bio-chemical containers - these barrels are usually blue in color. Once you have completed these objectives we will move reinforcements in to secure the North-East perimeter of Namalsk, and you will proceed on foot to a rendez-vous point to meet with Sasha Petrikov, our contact on the ground.


Understood? Ok, grab your gear - you deploy in 2 hours.

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That's a great back-story, nice job.

Where can I join the ENA............


Some very nice men from the MI5 and MI6 will be round to see you shortly watchy :lol:

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Not as secret as they used to be it would appear.



Not....gonna.....click.....ahh dangit i did it. Now I'm on their radar. It's funny how they have it labled as "the OFFICIAL Secret Intelligence Service website" lol.


Not as secret as they used to be it would appear


I'm betting Area 51 even has an official website, but to access the really good stuff one would probably have to be a level IV mage wizard or something.

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