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Questblack says hi


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Hello Fellas,

A very vast weBsite here, so forgive me if I have not posted in the correct place!

I am an OLD fart 43 y/o. I loved playing BF2 and Americas Army....Waited for AA3 to come out and was

majorily disappointed! I found Arma 2 purely By accident!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS My dream game....I always wanted something that was tactical and large scale.

I dove into this game, and have Been playing for aBout 5 months or so...

LOL.please forgive my B's...my KeyBoard ONLY does CAP B's for some reason..must have spilled some BEER on it or something....lol


I joined a Big named clan, and they Bored me to death....they played twice a week at Best!

I am very vocal, Because I WANT TO LEARN!...I was Banned, Becaused I talked too much and questioned their dedication...

AnyHOW, I have Been literally and TOTALLY playing By myself the entire time....

So, I have some Bad haBits that need to Be Broken!...

BARE with me...I am a team player....

Even though I may not act like it at times...My feelings won't get hurt...PUT ME IN MY PLACE!

From the few short days I have played with you guys, I am convinced this THE PLACE TO BE!

I just have to unlearn ALOT of BAD HABITS.

I can fly semi decent, kinda frustrating to not Be ABle to get into a Basic vehicle to meet up with TEAM.

But, i understand, i won't selfishly fly...

Man, I am soo excited and BUmmed out at the same time.....

I thought i was a decent player only to come here and find out that I SUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!lol

But, thats cool, thats what i am after....Teamwork, Strategy and KNOWLEDGE!

Like i said, I am vocal, But, I remain quiet until like I think I have a Clue as to what is going on...

And I admit, I AM CLUELESS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I am a dedicated player, mayBe not 7 nights a week...

But, I do have a family like most proBaBly do.

I wait, until they go to Bed and then play. And Sacrifice my own sleep to play.

COD 4 MW2 or no other run and gun game interests me.

OK, I'm out,,,got to Be to work in 5 hours...LOL


BruceALMIGHTYY AKA Quest_Black


Special Thanks to the guys WHO took the time out to talk to me tonite.

I know I was a detriment to the TEAM! Will try to do Better!

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