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I know a few of you guys are also into RPG's. I just came across this recently released game called Borderlands, which is a mix of a first person shooter and an RPG in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world. Anyone look into this one yet?




It appears to also have a good review on Gamespot.com.

Edited by KalXen~SPARTA~
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I looked at this a few months back with some interest. I think Majestic may have looked at it as well, but I am not sure. Because I am still involved in one pay-to-play game, I was resistant to give it a try. If you try it out, let me know what you think.


Hmmm, I was always under the impression that this was not a subscription-based game, and now that the reviews are out, there's still nothing that mentions anything about a subscription. Please, someone let me know if I'm wrong about this, because a monthly fee would keep me away from this game, good as it may otherwise be. In fact, after a bit more fact-checking before firing off this post, I'm quite certain that no subscription is required.

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If no subscription is required, I will probably get this.


While I do not like the limitation of 4 player coop in tac games like OFP:DR (it is too limiting to run a mission with different teams), four player coop fits well in this genre. For instance having played a ton of Left 4 Dead, I feel that more than four players would hinder the game. It is hard enough to keep up with the other three let alone more. That being said, I am also looking forward to L4D 2. It will be SWEET Zombie goodness!

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My kid's been talking about this game for about a week now, and one of his buddies just bought it yesterday. I wasn't impressed with the xbox demo he showed me, but that's mostly a personal distaste for the graphic-novel looking visuals. It looks like a fallout3 style shooter. What's different?


More importantly, do I dare let my 13y/o rent this one?

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More importantly, do I dare let my 13y/o rent this one?


Thats the beauty of parenthood. You are the best judge of whether your kid can understand the difference between reality and fictional entertainment. If you think he can handle it, go for it. If you think the might someday snap and go Columbine... then I would refrain (not that video games are the cause of that behavior to begin with.)


You are the best and most of the time, only, judge.

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Any one get this and want to play co-op.


I just downloaded the game from Steam last night, and am getting my first taste of the game this morning. I haven't tried co-op yet, but I'd love to give it a go.


For the near future, I'd be available Saturday evening, US EST 7pm, same Sunday (whenever we finish racing in NFS:S).


I think Ebden asked the question about whether the game was "safe" for a 13-year-old. So far, in two hours of play, I haven't come across anything I'd consider objectionable. It's certainly a violent and bloody game, but not more so than a typical FPS, and I haven't heard any foul language yet, although the ESRB rating does list Language as one of the reasons for a mature rating.


So far, I'd say the game is like a FPS version of Diablo--it's all about leveling up and getting bigger, better loot. I suppose in some ways this also makes it comparable to the ill-fated Hellgate: London, but I never did have an interest in that game. I watched a flatmate play it for awhile and found that game to be rather dull. Borderlands is entertaining so far.


If I've encountered any downside, it would be the fact that it's taking me some time to get used to how the visual style affects my gameplay. The in-game Options don't allow much when it comes to tweaking the game, but fortunately the game has a few config files that allow you to tweak pretty much everything, including settings that SHOULD have been included in-game such as V-sync and AA.


I don't know what the default FOV is set at, but it is way too limiting. I tweaked my config to make it 90 degrees, which is pretty standard for most shooters.


If you want to know how to tweak the config files, see the sticky-posts for the game on the Steam forums at:




If the game looks interesting to you, you'd probably enjoy it.

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Anyone else care to join us sometime? My SteamID and GameSpyID are both fatal_papercut. Please feel free to send me an invite. I also play a bit of the Valve games from time to time, primarily TF2 and L4D, with the occasional round of CS:S when I feel like being all jumpy-shooty and what not.


BTW, looks like Slain and I will be running Level 11 characters in Borderlands to start with tonight, FYI.

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  • 3 months later...
I've got it and I'm loving it!

I'm currently level 15 with my Siren.


Thanks for the post about the config files, Fatal!

Whenever I play I'm on either EBDA TS or your own TS.


After completing one run-through, I have a Hunter at level 30-something (34, I think). Due to so many new games having come out since Borderlands' release and limited time on my part, I never played again to max out my character, but I plan on doing so in order to play with the new "Secret Armory of General Knoxx" DLC, which requires a level 50 character. I downloaded "Zombie Island of Dr. Ned" while I was at it, but I'm not certain if that scales-down for under-level-50 characters. If it does, I can use that to level my character without having to repeat a lot of the original content.


That fact that I purchased some DLC is indicative of my positive feelings for the game; DLC or add-ons are generally something I avoid unless I really enjoy a game or unless the additional content comes packaged with a "Gold Edition" (or equivalent) of the game. I will, however, avoid "Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot", because it's strictly arena combat without any exploration or level progression--blah!

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I have yet to play coop, but I can say that it has one big minus and that is only being able to play 4 players.

On the other hand, you don't want too many people in one game, as it is objective and exploration oriented.

I would love to try some out!


The action is pretty fast-paced, KalXen. You often have multiple enemies attacking you.

Edited by Shinobi_EBDA
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I'm mixed between the quick in/out pace of Bad Company 2, or getting this. What is the coop like? Is it quick paced FPS, or clunky?


I've really enjoyed Borderlands, but if I HAD to make a choice, I think I'd get more out of BC2 in the long run. You can jump into any BC2 server and play at any time, whereas you'll need to coordinate with a friend or two or three to do some Borderland co-op.

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