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Paranormal Activity

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I hope I'm not out of line by talking about movies here, as I haven't noticed any threads about them...


A film called "Paranormal Activity" is beginning to see wide release throughout the U.S., and if you're a fan of scary movies, I'd recommend it. The movie does a really great job of building tension and creating a sense of dread in the viewer, whereas most so-called "horror" movies these days are nothing more than a showcase for the goriest special effects that the filmmakers can fit in their budgets.


I have no idea if there are plans for an overseas release, but the buzz that this film is getting--and the fact that it is a genuinely scary show--hopefully means that our friends across the pond will enjoy it relatively soon.


If you've not yet heard anything about it, you can see the official trailer at the official website here:




** EDIT: ** I found this video on YouTube; it consists entirely of audience reaction to the film:



Edited by Fatal_Papercut
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Yeah, I heard about this and watched the trailer a few days ago. Looks like a different type of movie, a-la Blair Witch Project, which I thought was genius and scary as s-t! But, then again, I'm a 'fraidy cat so anything scares me, but I'm also drawn to that sort of crap. lol. I'll tell ya what, I'll NEVER get my wife to go with me to see it though!

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