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Unlike Durka, who has a profound understanding of military tactics, I am a bit simple. So I need a simple plan that gives me the most flexibility when things go wrong as they always seem to.


I will mark the map in white

Squad leaders will mark the map in orange

Recon will mark the map in blue

everyone else can mark the map in black if I ask them to.


Do not delete or alter anyone elses marks.



Overall the plan will always be 2 pronged, involving;


1 vast assault team and a small infiltration team to destroy the main objective.

Chopper holds 13


Alpha squad

This is the main assault force comprised of


1 Pilot with MH60

3 MG soldiers (that can deploy the MG nest) - Kit MG240 and DMR

1 Medic - assault rifle/203 and smoke

3 Anti Tank (not neccesarily the AT soldier slot) maxed out on smaws and assault rifle/203

1 Anti Air - kit Stingers and assault rifle/203

1 Mortar - kit assault rifle/203 and DMR


the rest will be assaulters - assualt rifle/203 /DMR grenades/smoke


Bravo squad will be duplicate Alpha if Alpha chopper is full.


Charlie squad - recon (optional)


1 pilot with MH60 - silenced assault rifle, smoke

1 soldier - silenced weapon, smoke

Delta Squad


1 Pilot with MH60 - Kit silenced assault rifle, DMR,smaw

1 Medic - kit silenced assault rifle, DMR, smaw

2 assaulters - kit silenced assault rifle, DMR, 2 satchels


Stage 1 initial phase and insertion



Pick squad leaders, then squads, ask for volunteers, or "volunteer" people for the job.


All squads kit up, everyone not carrying a smaw tube pick 2 HEAA smaw rockets and drop them on the ground next to the box, AT guys use the Smaws on the ground to topup so that you are carrying as much as you can


Chopper pilots go to respective choppers (1=Alpha, 2=Bravo, 3=charlie, 4 = delta) and load ammo crates and return to the field but spread out in a square if possible, engines off


Alpha Bravo and Delta form a defensive perimeter around your chopper at base, squad leaders make sure you have 2 smaws and a stinger at the ready everyone else should be on a rifle they handle best. Listen for armour, the base is often approached early by armoured units. Do not faff around or discharge your weapons needlessly, you are weapons yellow

Stage 2 Charlie Squad insertion


If there is a charlie recon team they will depart first to the AO in chopper 3, they are to land without attracting attention and help me determine the best LZs and entry point for the 2 (or more) squads, mark the map with any armour encountered en route. I need safe LZs for the other 3 choppers. If possible I need an Alpha/Bravo LZ near a long clear field of vision area and near a covered route for Delta squad. They are now free to move around the AO to determine the best observation point/s. Once in position they are to mark map with D30 nests(priority please) armour and infantry Charlie squad are weapons yellow at all times



Stage 3 Alpha Bravo and Delta Squad insertions

Initial LZs will be determined either by me alone or with the help of my recon team. Alpha Bravo and Delta Teams will saddle up and deploy immediately upon my command to their designated LZs. Upon landing, pilots drop ammo boxes, medic deploy tent then cover rear, a defensive perimeter is to be established around the LZ With particular focus towards the AO and the flanks, Deploy MG nests, centre facing AO, one covering front and left flank, the other covering front and right flank. AT/AA teams switch to SMAWS/Stingers take a central position, everyone else should be covering an arc on rifles. Squad leaders check map to make sure the perimeter is properly established. Weapons Yellow at this stage. If Alpha/Bravo are immediately attacked by armour, stand firm you are well equipped it deal with it. If Delta is attacked immediately, deal with the initial wave, but move quickly to a new point to be determined by Delta squad leader with help from recon or commander.


Stage 4 Alpha and Bravo squad engagement


Once you have either attracted no attention or dealt with the armour and infantry your arrival attracted, deploy the mortars, they are only to engage the D30 nests marked on the map everyone else pack up (MG nests, medic tent) and move quickly to the Suppresion point set up the MG nests and the medical tent you should be in a line with an MG nest on each flank and the centre, AT take cover near MG nest between shots. AA stay centre and slightly back. Once in position shoot everything you see, MG nest strafe the town incessantly whether you see something or not (when the nest run out of ammo remove and deploy the nest again) you are weapons green as soon as you are in position. Your objective is to draw the enemy into your field of fire, which should overwhelming.


When you have quelled the town you will be ordered to move in for clean up, mortars can engage any target at will ahead of the advance, when given the command, do not preempt this command it will be easier to draw the enemy out into the killing field than trying to deal with them in the town.


Alpha/Bravo squads will advance generally towards Delta carefully clearing the town Any squad that observes the secondary objective can destroy it.


Stage 4a Delta squad movement


After dealing with any initial threats you will quickly redeploy along a route using either terrain or woods for cover. If you use woods the squad leader should ask for a WP barrage along the path you hope to take, this will hopefully reduce the threats that are in cover. Your initial objective is approach and destroy Radio Tower, preferably unobserved. When you have sight of the radio tower (no more than 200 metres). Go firm, cover your arcs and take a moment to asses the area. If there are only soft targets call for a barrage of White phosphorous in a line between you and the Radio Tower. When the first round hits one of the team runs through the smoke to the radio tower, careful do not run into a WP hit. The rest of the squad covers Weapons are still yellow. Plant the satchels, retreat back to the squad and blow the tower. If there are a couple of hard targets either smaw them or call in a few mortar rounds, if there are still a lot of hard targets saturate them with mortars. Finally call for a barrage of White phosphorous in a line between you and the Radio Tower. When the first round hits one of the team runs through the smoke to the radio tower, careful do not run into a WP hit. The rest of the squad covers. Weapons are still yellow. Plant the satchels, retreat back to the squad and blow the tower.


Stage 5 Town clearing and evac, this is probably the most dangerous phase.


Charlie Recon team your job is done, work your way back to your chopper, and RTB, mark any threats en route. at base heal and rearm if neccesary, await Commanders order to recon next target


Alpha/Bravo recover all nests/tents converge on Delta carefully advancing and eliminating all threats. Weapons are green. Delta will converge on Alpha Bravo carefully advancing and eliminating all threats Weapons are green. Pilots work your way back to your choppers and recover ammo boxes. All teams sort out any stragglers. Once clear establish your 3 evacs, establish defensive perimeters and call in your choppers.


Mortar men pack up your mortars and jump into your respective choppers.


Choppers advance to evac when called pickup everyone and RTB.


At base everyone establish perimeters around your chopper and one squad at a time rearm and heal. Hold and await your commanders instructions

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Friday from about 2-3 pm Eastern US timezone until sometime in the late evening or wee hours of Saturday.


This is a JIP night, right, since many of us have to WORK to afford the internet and computer we use and aren't home in the US until the evenings.


Just checking.

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This is a JIP night, right, since many of us have to WORK to afford the internet and computer we use and aren't home in the US until the evenings.


Just checking.



It starts at that time so those in Europe who've worked to afford their internet don't have to stay up until the wee hours of the morning to be able to play. Yes, it is JIP so any time you want to come in, just read the rules, get the password, and join.

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