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Announcing: Sparta Tactical Domination Nights: UPDATED


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That was a lot of fun. The first 30 minutes of OPFOR was sitting and listening and trying to figure out where people were. We saw some helicoptors dropping people off to the north and figured an assault from Devil's mountain and a second stealth force coming in from north. Most of the aggression was fromt he west until sniper fire did come from Bravo to the north. We laid mines, Durka sniped 30+ kills, and Lightspeed was having phenomenal success with opfor artillery taking out Charlie team completely twice and holding up that west edge.


Once the camps were taken and the radiotower down, we figured that was it. But then we found these brand spanking new and shiny M1A1's and an Apache parked in the middle of the field. As recent volunteers for the Eastern Affiliates of Valet Parkers, we decided to take them all for a spin. -2 tanks, -1 Apache. Needless to say, that might be a lesson for someone on where to park and keep it guarded.


Unfortunately it seemd the internet was having a bit of an issue and several of us dropped here and there but definately a blast.


(PS: I'm not surrendering to ya guys anymore when the AO is almost done, you cheeky gun-toting redneck bastards.. :P You done shot mah Durka-Durka.

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I'll expand on Kal's post a bit.

First off, great game and it was fun playing against you guys. I wish I could've been on BLUFOR, but the situation at the house (screaming wife, contractors working on kitchen) made it imposible to put me on TS for very long. Here's a map of the first AO and how things looked to go down from our position.

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This AO an the layout of the camps turned out to be a dream for OPFOR, but it could've easily been one for BLUFOR. It looks as if you guys set your main force down at Devil's Castle, with a secondary force to the north, but it took them some time to get into position. Also, it looks like you had some aerial support to soften up the AO, mainly to the south. What you guys ran into was that we could easily get into a position where we could see the 2 western camps and the radio tower, all from the center camp. All it took was coordination on arty strikes and some sniping to keep you uncoordinated. I sent a lot of rounds downrange, and missed ALOT, but it didn't matter, because I was able to "herd" you in the directions our arty was landing, or just suppress you long enough to get forces up to you.


The hill to the north of this AO is great for observation, and it's great if you have some equipment to overlook the AO, but it is absolutely horrible to do assaults from. It's just too open. Devil's Castle is a bit different, because it's pretty wooded, and provides decent cover, provided you move correctly. If you are moving toward a target, and you want to stay as concealed as possible, pick a line and stay on it! Think about how cats stalk their prey. They position themselves way back, and just follow that line straight in. You guys on Devil's Castle were hard to see at first, but then you started running left to right, right to left, and I was able to pick you up without using binos.


Also, this brings up the rule of "gain the high ground." You guys did a great job of maintaining the high ground, you just became very exposed and trapped when you assaulted from it. High ground is great for observation, and for sending down hell fire, but it is only good for assaults when your enemy is at the foot of the hill, not a half-klick out observing you.



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Use of the aerial assets to soften the AO was a good idea. I would've placed a sniper team to the north, instructed them to be invisible, and I possibly would've used those two tanks to fire from there as well. The Assault from Devil's Castle could've been supported as well by snipers on the top, and the main force moving around the base, or the main force just moving in a line towards the camps.


Also, coming in from the South could've been a good idea. Although the ground isn't as high as the two hills to W & N, the flat terrain might have masked your movements of the main force while the commader watched from devil's castle or the other hills and gave support accordingly. The biggest clusterfark came when you guys rolled your tanks into town. Because you were playing Rambo and left one of your tanks unsecured, you allowed Kal to steal it and blow up the other tank, not to mention getting it blown in the process. Bringing the Apache into the camp was daring, and might have worked if there had actually been two people in the bird. Luggage's bone head tried to take it swiftly though and got it destroyed lol. Either way, it was fun and was a very hard AO to attack, even in the last 20min when every AI was killed and it was only the 3 of us defending. I'm going to have to chalk that one up as an OPFOR victory:)


(ps: hope no one found this boring, I just think it's fun analyzing this stuff and thought it might have been good to share.)

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As far as my perspective regarding January 29th's TacDom is concerned, you will literally be able to see what I saw, thanks to the magic of Fraps. Tonight's fun has been compressed into twenty-minutes of video that will find its way onto YouTube sometime in the coming early morning hours. I'll make another post as soon as the footage is available for viewing (the videos are being rendered as I write this). The native footage was captured at 1080p, which YouTube now supports; hopefully their transcoding engine will do justice to our escapades.

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I wasnt the commander, but this is what I saw.


It was determined to use a tank assault, we had enough for 2 squads with a tank and a humvee each. But people kept joining. Alpha had enough for 2 tanks and set off to the NorthWest of the AO.


A spotter was para'd to Devils Castle on the West


Bravo kept getting additions so we joined the fray late, but with 2 tanks and an Avenger.


Bravo approached from the south. After some engagements, we lost both tanks and the avenger and started again. We then inserted by helo to the North and moved around the map to the east, to get eyes on the camps and the tower. We initially encountered no resistance but a Ural ZU23 in the trees shredded our position but was almost inivisible. We continued south but then were sniped by Durka, who managed to get the rescuers. Kalxen joined in on that attack. I stayed under cover not wishing to add to your score. The rest if the squad regrouped to assualt with tanks again, more luck this time. I stayed behind and sniped your d30s from 1100m with a DMR until I ran out of ammo, then moved north again.


Bad telecommunications contributed more to the dissarray than opfor.


Charlie squad was then added, but I was busy so I couldnt tell where they inserted.


No helo dropped people to the east, although the attack helicopter might have operated from there.


All in all it was a tough AO which was well defended, bravo opfor, you made it a slog for blufor.

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Charlie inserted South then moved to come in from the East as a diversion (Luggages idea) we were only three strong so when we lost tank we had to move quick to avoid being flanked, we did ok at this until Lightys arty took us out twice.


Wish I could've stayed longer.

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We were doing well but it took us so long to get started we gave the opfor a long time to get situated.


We also took the NW area cleanly, but then we went over the hill towards the two bases... That turned out to be "Hamburger Hill". I can't even remember how many revives and kills (to myself) that happened. I just remember looking at my map and everybody was red.


I eventually ended up in a squad that moved in on the city, which worked very well. We moved through it and cleared as we went. That was going well, and we got both bases back.... for a while. I was watching my partner from a distance and he was taken down by one of you guys, I had a shot but my rifle was sighted for the wrong range and I got killed.


I also heard that a helo and tank were taken, but was nowhere around when it happened. I have to say I was laughing a bit when that took place, good one opfor, lol.


Great game though, all assignments were carried out and it was a well run game. We all did what we were told and our leaders took our suggestions when given. (We finally bailed out of Hamburger Hill.) After our evaluation of the position our leaders split us up and took the offensive, which won us the battle. Hats off.


All in all, great night. I think we all learned something and will put it to use next week. Great game all.

Edited by 1VB_SARmedic
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yes the arty is a god send for opfor - perhaps the arty timers need to be extended to make it a little more difficult. it seemed everytime i blasted you by the time you regrouped i had arty at my disposal again lol.


We initially encountered no resistance but a Ural ZU23 in the trees shredded our position but was almost inivisible.


so glad to hear it got some action - spent a bit of time trying to get my men and vcl in good placements and i did tuck him in nicely but thought he would be wiped out early. it seems the placement worked.


as an opfor owning that AO i do think the north and south would have been the best places to come in from - definitely south with plenty of tree cover and hard to spot anything at range - i would have aimed to push into the main village first and then moved out from there to clean up the perimeter bases. but it's easy to say that from where I was - I guess out thoughts were that you would definitely attack from the west, you did and we were more then ready.


Durka makes an excellent point about moving in a line - it's not just rhetoric. When you guys moved down the hill in a line you were very difficult to spot in the trees but as soon as you started running across the face it was like shooting fish in a barrel - easy to see - easy to suppress - and easy to kill with long rifles or arty.


Lessons Learned all round.


Gr8 game.

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this game mode is the worst thing thats come along in my prespective, having to deal with both ai and human which both require completley dif tactics just pisses me off.. how about just getting a tdm going?


anyways last night was the last time for me

i love the opfor command ability and favor of it,but i have to agree with you dealing with ai or humans Requires different tactics in alertness for small details.

it will always be easier to defend than to attack.it all comes to the element of surprise.

opfor players gave us a big deal of Trouble last night.

but bluefor commanders will learn the lessons for the next battles to come.



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I hope Luggage (or anyone for that matter) did not take my previous comments as a "holier than thou" or a "should'a done" attitude. I'll refrain from posting those for a while.


I hope Luggage (or anyone for that matter) did not take my previous comments as a "holier than thou" or a "should'a done" attitude. I'll refrain from posting those for a while.

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me too - i took it more as a post game analysis - and it is bloody hard work trying to take a town with human opfor so apologies.


maybe if it is that difficult we need to look at modifying the opfor human abiltiy.


proposed changes -

only 2 human opfor allowed.

set arty to twice as long or 1.5 times as long as b4 - i just had too many at my disposal last night and with the blue crosses displaying on the map whereever bluefor had been spotted made it too easy. alternatively remove the blue cross markers altogether.


personally i found tacdom with only ai is just a bit too artificial and too easy - i like the human element for sure but maybe just not so powerful anymore.



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I'd agree on limiting OPFOR arty strikes from 30min to 40 or 45. It was originally designed to be used once per AO anyways. I think Luggage was holding back some of his equipment like the arty out of respect for us, i I'm not mistaken.


That being said,I can't wait to try an all-infantry AO.

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I am absolutely sure it was faster then that - seemed like 15 minutes to me


I would like to see Arty become available again - not a once only thing - but just a bigger delay between strikes so that the Commander will time the strike more carefully.

Edited by Lightspeed~SPARTA~
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this game mode is the worst thing thats come along in my prespective, having to deal with both ai and human which both require completley dif tactics just pisses me off.. how about just getting a tdm going?


Just the opposite for me, and I'm mirroring someone else thoughts here as well: the AI alone is too easy; having some real players (with a knowledge of tactics, no less) to go up against was great. Even though we outnumbered OPFOR in the "humans" department, I still felt like it was BLUFOR that was being hunted, and that added some real suspense and excitement to the game. Plus, you'd probably never see crazy-fun stuff like Durka jacking a bird if you only played against AI.


We all have different tastes, and as I recall, the last TvT we had was fun, too. And good ol' regular TacDom has been a staple for who knows how long. I think that's one of the great things about our group: we have enough people to offer a variety of play variations, and I'm sure we'll be mixing it up again in the near future.


Looking forward to the next session I can be present for!

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I also like the opfor commander missions. I drafted my comment 20 times trying to find a way to express my thoughts, I am sure it has come across harsher than I meant it to. I think the game play is challenging. Not to mention the amount of work it has taken to sort this out to such a high level of quality. All thats left is to fine tune the balance which take time and patience.


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I just want to say one thing:


Maybe it was a desaster for Blufor yesterday (what in addition means good jop opfor) but also it was really great fun yesterday.

And for me the biggest indicator for that is to do not can tell how fast time passes by. And when I looked at my watch yesterday after only finishing one Ao i really was impressed and shocked.

I don´t know exactly how long we played but maybe we broke the record for completing just one AO???

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