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Durka's Pilot Rescue - CooP Version


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I believe I've finished my pilot rescue mission, but please feel free to report any bugs you see. Putting the LHD in there was the most difficult part.


- Situation: A pilot, along with his crew member, has been shot down somewhere north of Devil's Castle. Your job is to help the pilot evade the enemy while conducting a rescue operation. Pilot and Crew Member, you first need to get your bearings, find where you are on the map, then get to a secure location and guide the chopper in for a quick rescue. Get the pilot back to the carrier safely without being shot down by the air defense network.


- Features:

1. Total random placement of pilot and crewmember within a 850m radius north of Devil's Castle.

2. Patrols coming from the west as well as the castle looking to kill the downed crew and anyone who wishes to rescue them.

3. Demands use of land navigation knowledge to get to your destination safely. (no GPS)

4. A civilian hunting camp where you might/might not find additional weapons.

5. 1-16 players.

6. Requires the LHD Carrier addon (included)


Like I said earlier, report any bugs via PM please. Thanks.


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