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Yeah I am talking about the general plot/sub-plots of the movie, not really the graphics, effects, script, or acting.

I hope I can find that video again.


I was pumped after I saw the film and when I watched the vid, I felt let down cause it it pretty correct. :(


The new Star Trek film is worth the watch though. Even in the theater. I would like to go again but I still need to see Wolverine and Terminator sometime soon. Might make it a double feature day on Friday.


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Star Trek KICKED ASS man! I was worried it would be a butcher job of the original characters, but I was worried about nothing. With two exceptions, Spock and Uhura, the characters were spot on with the original in base personality and other base characteristics. The Spock and Uhura exceptions are explainable with the plot and make sense based on the storyline. Those exceptions are not great distinctions anyway. Loved the film and would like to see it again.

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Message fron Starfleet: ** Warning - the following commentary contains opinion and possible spoilers ** Message ends


Well I watched the little vid and dont fully agree that they took an idea from anywhere except a typical story line development between good and evil, protaganist and antaganist ect that leads to simularities in plot development for alot if not most movies. Star Wars is Star Wars and Trek is Trek and never the two shall meet and its silly to even compare the two. The very creative singularity induced timeline change really lets us see the charectors develope without damaging the Trek we grew up with and opens up a whole new StarTrek universe.


See through clear to the outside glass bridge screen......... bla


Enterprise is a bit of a flowing form, Kind of art-deco... Warp 4..... come on.... Lets get Montgomery playing with those engines.


Beaming effect looked pretty weak, kinda like fireflys on acid.


Best movie Ive seen in a long long time.


Bones charector was spot bang on. Kirk was very beliveable as a younger Kirk especially when taking the bull by the horns. Uhura was hot hot hot, Spock was a bit more emotional than id like to see and the Uhura interaction was a bit wierd for me. Scotty was ok and especially the line " Im given er all shaes gott kaptin!" . Sulu was 100% Sulu. Chekov was pretty good too. they all had hints of the original actors down pat. Incredible.


Altogether I cant wait for the sequal's. Just remember to take off the parking brake lol .

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Dammit Jim! I'm a Trekkie, not a film maker!




The weird thing was that I saw a couple of the parallels while watching ST in the theater, and was thinking about it and talking with my wife on the way home. When I got home, I logged on and saw this video. Was weird, if nothing more.



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I watched this film in french, I had to concentrate on what was being said and concentrate on the fast moving action, so no part of my little brain was available for making comparisons.


"Sacre' Bleu! Cap-i-tan!" :lol:


I liked the Checkov guy, and had to snicker a little at the "Weektor Weektor" part

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Did you know that every major english speaking actor and actress has a dedicated french voice over actor who always does their voice. That way the french voice of the actor is always the same.


Canadians have there own french voice over actors.


Sacre bleu indeed


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Did you know that every major english speaking actor and actress has a dedicated french voice over actor who always does their voice. That way the french voice of the actor is always the same.


Canadians have there own french voice over actors.


Sacre bleu indeed



That's interesting. It's fun going to Latvia and watching the translated shows like "Walker Texas Ranger." Every show on LNT is translated by one man, and one woman. EVERY show, and the guy sounds so bored out of his mind that it could be a major dramatic scene and he's monotone the whole time. At least the girl tries to give some sort of emotion, but it hardly works :) It'd almost be better if they just left the subtitles up!

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