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Server 2 is a tactical mission server


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Guys we have 3 servers, server 2 is for tactical play. That means noone does their own thing (a thing of which I am guilty of from time to time). Dying in game even once should be considered unacceptable, dying many times makes a mockery of tactical play. On the nights you want to have fun doing what pleases you please use the evo or dom servers (even then dont spoil the game for others by needlessly initiating contacts that compromise others).


Server 2 is for team play, by all means share your thoughts about how you think we could best approach a mission, but get all players on board for your idea before initiating it.


This is not addressed to anyone in particular but I think server 2 should epitomise our tactical ambitions.

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An interesting problem came up yeasterday. When we attack a small group we count in the engagement (ie one person countdown 3...2....1... shoot then everyone shoots. When I did the countdown and shot, the american players heard me shoot on 2. This means there is a 1.5 - 2 sec lag in TS.


We may need to do it so that everyone opens fire when they hear the first shot.

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This is always a problem when using comms, but tbh the alternatives (anyone just opening up when they feel like it, or trying to listen for the first shot) is far worse than a small lag delay.


At least people are ready for the contact by knowing that a countdown is initiated, this focuses people and raises awareness so even a small time delay is expected and allowed for.


Normally the delay is in favour of the counter so I have always been in the habit of doing my counts this way.






Then I delay my shot by 1 second so effectively my count is 4 seconds.

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The problem is caused by time discrepancy between game and ts. So i think we can use some other way if accuracy is required.

1. using the voice system within the arma to count down

2. using the command menu to confirm fire/engage, assuming we are in 1 team for these maps.

These 2 way might keep our actions in 1 step

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Hey gents, thought I pop in and see how things have been. We go off sound though and it works like a charm. Key to that working is position. For separated units, its tough ie: few hundred meters apart, etc. But if u make sure everyone is in hearing range, its the best way to do it. Wont be perfect, but close enough.


Dont know if your remember, but ages ago a few of us did that "Delta Force" by RTY or something. We killed the 3 Gens in the hotel at Arcadia then hit that base North of it. We all crawled up to the fence's edge, except Zebb because he got stuck with the 107 lol. But once we were poking out of the bushes, all 4 of us lined up a different targets and fired when u heard the 1st shot. Was fish in a barrel after that. Just have to make sure of who is firing first. And that person firing first, needs to make sure everyone can hear him. If its SD or QDS, you just have to tighten up the group more.


Happy Belated Birthday by the way Zeno :D

Edited by Seven
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Another reminder, do not go solo on server 2. Do not make unilateral decisions that the whole team has to pay for. If you have an idea about a different approach to a situation, by all means share it but do not "just do it".


Why bother with all this you may ask?


Well we talk about enjoying tactical play, part of the tactical play is to formulate a plan (as a team), then implement the plan. Not to spend 20 minutes discussing a strategy only to have someone do something else.


We all make mistakes (I know I do, lol), but please try to stick with a plan or explain why you want to modify the plan and get consensus or the squad leaders approval.


I dont always agree with the leader, but unless I make a mistake or misunderstand I follow the leaders instructions. I do this because I had my chance to put my ideas forward, if the team didnt think it was an optimal solution I go with the agreed plan.


I know I am ragging on about this, but the message needs to get through. A plan involving stealthy and slow infiltration can be fucked up in moments by overambitious advancing, wasting all the time invested and leaving the infiltration team in a precarious position.


Despite the tone of this note, the quality of the gaming has improved significantly. Particularly with regards to join in progress. I have found people joining an existing mission without exception have made efforts to grasp the situation, always ask what weapons they should choose and where (and how) they should approach the group. This is both courteous and respectful and is much appreciated. The biggest downside to missions is finding a time when people can get together, a smooth join in progress make that concern redundant.

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