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Purpose: Set an access password on a channel

Command: /chtsetpassword [old new]

Note: Sets or changes the access password on a channel. Requires Operator priviledges. If a password is not specified, a dialogue will be popped up to query this info.



Purpose: Set an operator password on a channel

Command: /chtsetoperpassword [old new]

Note: Sets or changes the operator password on a channel. Requires Creator priviledges. If a password is not specified, a dialogue will be popped up to query this info.



Purpose: Set a moderator password on a channel

Command: /chtsetmodpassword [old new]

Note: Sets or changes the moderator password on a channel. Requires Operator priviledges. If a password is not specified, a dialogue will be popped up to query this info.



Purpose: Activates operator priviledges for this user

Command: /chtoper [operpassword]

Note: Assigns Operator priviledges to the current user. If a password is not specified, a dialogue will be popped up to query this info if the user doesn't have Creator priviledges. A Creator could just change the password, so he doesn't need to enter the password.



Purpose: Sets or clears the public flag for this channel

Command: /chtsetpublic [on|off]

Note: Channels are by default non-public, and can only be made public by somebody with GML priviledges. Public channels are in everybody's channel list.



Purpose: Silence a character within a specific channel

Command: /chtgag who why [duration]

Note: Gags the given person for a given interval. A specified duration is given in minutes, the default is 30 minutes.



Purpose: Unsilence a previously gagged character

Command: /chtungag who

Note: Removes a gag from a gagged character



Purpose: Sets or clears the invite only flag for this channel

Command: /chtsetinviteonly [on|off]

Note: Channels are by default open to all who are interested in joining them. Invite only channels are just that, by invitation only. If you aren't invited, you aren't joining.



Purpose: Sets or clears the moderated flag for this channel

Command: /chtsetmoderated [on|off]

Note: Moderated channels only allow moderators to speak except through private messaging.



Purpose: Kicks a user temporarily from a channel

Command: /chtkick who

Note: The user can join again at his/her leisure, but with a wounded ego.



Purpose: Revokes an invitation to a channel that is by invitation only

Command: /chtuninvite who

Note: The user cannot join again until reinvited.



Purpose: Sends a private message to a character

Command: /chtpriv who

Note: You can also send to mod, op, allmods and allops.



Purpose: Configures role level access restrictions to a channel

Command: /chtsetroleaccess role1 role2 ...

Note: You must have all the roles specified to access the channel.



Purpose: Configures corp level access restrictions to a channel

Command: /chtsetcorpaccess [on|off]

Note: Configures a channel to allow only people of the same corp as the caller.



Purpose: Invites a character to the current channel

Command: /chtinvite who



Purpose: Joins a channel

Command: /chtjoin channel



Purpose: Changes the creator of the current channel

Command: /chtinvite [who]



Purpose: Leaves this channel

Command: /chtleave

Note: You cannot leave your location, corp or gang channel like this


Gang chats: chtpriv. .


Corp chats: chtoper, chtpriv, chtgag, chtungag. Corp directors have Creator priviledges.


Location chats: chtoper, chtpriv, chtgag, chtungag.


Custom chats: all features


The following commands require Creator priviledges (All GM's have Creator priviledges.): chtsetoperpassword, chtsetroleaccess, chtsetcorpaccess, chtsetcreator


The following commands require GM priviledges:



The following commands require Operator priviledges: chtsetmodpassword, chtgag, chtungag, chtsetinviteonly, chtsetmoderated, chtkick, chtuninvite


Gameplay Related Commands


/cmd autopilot

Purpose: To toggle Auto-Pilot.

Command: /cmd autopilot on/off

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