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Operation flashpoint 2 - Wish List

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Taken from OFP2 Forum 11 July 2008


You got more.... ?





* Greater number of represented nations.

* Support for multiple weapon positions on vehicles.

* Improved collision detection (particularly inside buildings).

* Apparently we want more realism! More realism! More realism!

* Simplified modding ability.

* Dynamic campaigns (both single-player and multi-player).

* Co-operative campaign.

* Improved AI: Role specific AI (soldier, sniper, pilot); Non-scripted, convincing civilian behaviour.

* Backwards compatibility with OFP addons.

* Forget FPS squad-based combat. OFP2 should apparently be an RTS.

* More convincing physics engine.

* Opportunity to take on a greater variety of roles in the single-player campaign.

* Ability to move around freely in/on moving vehicles.

* Improved damage model for infantry (and vehicles).

* Modern conflict based in real-world hot spots.

* Improved AI for non-player vehicle positions.

* Improved AI targeting priority (particularly tank gunners).

* Objects have realistic penetration values (ie. so you can shoot through a wooden door, etc.).

* Allow people with handguns to move as fast as those equipped with rifles (more of a fix to the current system).

* Boggy terrain areas where men and vehicles are slowed.

* Certain soldier classes cannot operate certain vehicles (ie. regular infantry or tank drivers cannot pilot aircraft, at least not without a severe penalty).

* Certain soldier classes receive lesser penalties for using specific weapons (ie. a machinegunner will suffer less recoil when using an M60).

* Modeling of underground tunnels.

* Trench warfare (presumably both graphically and in respect to AI).

* Vehicles able to be loaded into larger carrier vehicles.

* Voice-Over-Net factoring in proximity for volume control.

* Animals inhabiting the terrain.

* Remove collision LOD for incidental objects (eg. tent ropes).

* Improve the inventory system insomuch as the way weapons are picked up and exchanged.

* Greater number of civilian models (eg. different body types such as fat, thin, short and tall; children; etc.).

* Wounded soldiers are incapacitated and show signs of pain both visually and aurally until killed, healed or otherwise unconscious.

* Wounded soldiers should die or enter a state of unconsciousness for the remainder of a mission if left untreated.

* Infantry banter on the battlefield.

* Ability to travel between different maps during the one mission.

* Pizza eating contests and combat chopsticks.

* Improved visibility from inside vehicles (or more accurate situational awareness through audio. ie. sounds indicating engine state in aircraft).

* Ability to place objects (eg. sandbags, fences and machineguns in defensible positions).

* Passenger positions on top of vehicles (like tanks).

* Refined movement speed for infantry (similar to Splinter Cell's implementation of the scroll wheel).

* More involved/detailed training levels at the start of the single player campaign (maybe with the ability to skip training altogether for seasoned players?).



MULTIPLAYER (Multiplayer Thread)


* Support of greater player numbers (supported by official servers).

* Join-in-progress option (although another user expressly stated they don't want this option).

* Improved multi-player interface.

* Vehicle respawn (or simplified methods thereof in the mission editor).

* Game mode that includes weapon/vehicle/object purchase options (a more RTS style of game).

* Ability for CO's to 'paint' the map to communicate orders/tactics to the men.

* Better/Easier voting system for kicking/banning.

* 'Persistent' online battlefields.

* Online statistics tracking of players (to recruit players of certain capabilities).

* Skip intros in MP games.

* Missions and addons downloadable from server while joining missions.





* Modeling of proper urban and indoor combat.

* Effective inter-squad communication.

* Calling for air Support and artillery strikes.

* Improved flight control system for fixed-wing aircraft.

* Realistic aircraft avionics.

* More realistic aircraft control (and of all vehicles, flying or otherwise).

* Simplified orders menu/system.

* More accurate behaviour of support units (medics for example).

* Weapon jamming.

* Ability to command at platoon or company level.

* Ability to order men to carry objects (eg. carry ammo crates to a new location).

* Hand signals.

* More units allowed per squad.

* More groups allowed per side.

* Include morale as a more distinct component of the AI.

* Allow tactical planning during briefing.

* Ability to dig trenches/foxholes (sounds like more fun than playing missions).

* More logical control over AI targeting menu.

* Realistic loading times.

* More accurately modeled damage depending on munition type (eg. the difference between AP and HE).

* More functional (read: realistic) vehicles.

* Realistic laser targeting.

* Possibility of overheating engines.

* Allow soldiers to roll while prone.

* Ability to roll handgrenades.

* Ability for soldiers to swim.

* Ability for soldiers to climb trees and houses.

* buildings with Doors (that actually action open & close)

* ladders to climb up towers (water & lookout), ladders that actually can be used, ladders on the

sides of buildings for roofs

* Ability to administer first aid.

* Steerable parachutes.

* Infantry lean function.

* Automatic switching of primary to secondary weapon upon depletion of ammo (even if the feature can be toggled from the option menu).

* Morale and competency checks for AI when their CO's are killed.

* Greater AI ability for suppression fire.

* Greater AI situational awareness (ie. no standing around as they watch Barry die next to them).

* Separate handgrenade key (instead of switching to them as a primary weapon).

* AI will destroy a building or tactically enter one when aware of the player's presence.

* Ability for infantry to carry any ammo type regardless of current weapon load.

* Ability to carry more than one primary weapon (encumbrance penalty may occur?).

* Level design should limit the improbable (eg. a plain soldier being able to infiltrate a base, steal a chopper and clear a map of enemies).

* More realistic base layouts and armament.

* Greater stealth ability (including stealth kills).

* Hand-to-hand combat.

* Coordinated AI squad movement.

* Realistic radar modeling.

* Increase sniper performance.

* Ability to take prisoners.

* Improved tank gunnery and tactics.




* Realistic damage modeling for vehicles and buildings (objects blow apart, glass shatters, bullet holes).

* Buildings and vehicles burn appropriately when destroyed.

* Improved, detailed textures.

* Complex/realistic terrain.

* Larger terrain.

* Larger cities.

* Improved weather effects.

* Realistic gore effects (eg. dismemberment, accurate entry/exit wound textures).

* Improved/Realistic explosions.

* Secondary weapons displayed on units (eg. handgrenades).

* Deformable terrain.

* Destructible environments

* Grass depicted as physical object rather than a plain texture.

* Tall grass.

* Quality voice acting.

* Improved vegetation (at least to the standard of Ghost Recon... I thought it was going to be a 2006 game?)

* Greater variety of skins/textures (particularly for infantry).

* Better looking hands on infantry models.

* Improved night vision.

* Modeling of thermal vision.

* Modeling of mirrors.

* More animations.

* Moving foliage (ie. in the wind). For both visual effect and it "reduces the eye's sensitivity to motion".

* Denser forests.

* Make the ironsight view a 3D object with greater parallax when moving.

* More realistic rifle recoil (manually pull the weapon back down).

* More foliage.

* Fire/burn damage.





* WYSIWYG editor for briefings (preferably integrated into the mission editor).

* WYSIWYG oriented mission editor.

* In-editor scripting support.

* Deformable terrain editor.

* Better control over vehicle/unit behaviour.

* Easier control over objectives.

* Fluid camera scripting for complex scenes.

* Lip sync tools.

* Simpler error reporting system to determine errors.

* Ability to place all objects available in the game.

* Include simple campaign creation options within the editor.

* Ability to port PC-made missions to console versions of the game.

* Movie-making capability.



UNITS/WEAPONS/TOOLS (Equipment Thread)


* Flame-thrower.

* Aircraft carriers, submarines and greater naval forces in general.

* Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) weapon support.

* More/Greater variety of units in general.

* Booby traps.

* Small scale artillery (eg. mortars).

* Heavy lifting aircraft (eg. vehicles slung under choppers).

* Torches.

* Knives.

* Greater variety of 'Eastern' weapons and vehicles.

* Interchangeable hardpoint options (eg. Humvee with choice of .50 cal or TOW).

* Body armour for infantry (but leads to slower speed and fatigue).

* Radio operator.

* Greater variety of mines.

* Greater variety of ordnance carried by aircraft (specifically bombs; napalm, cluster, anti-runway, anti-bunker).

* Hardened fortifications.

* Flashbangs.

* Modern anti-vehicle weapons.

* Pill boxes.

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