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Arma - Reforger - 'SPARTA dedi test'


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Luggage has kindly put up a server - usual PW, the server names in this posts title




The Barbie server we have been playing on has 81 pages of items in the arsenal, I think this is way too many (for our server to test with so few ppl giving feedback). If there is a MOD/server setting you really want please post it here and we will test it.









I have found a quick way of auto generating the mod list, for the config, without having to type anything so moving forward I just need the mods name. If a mod has any dependencies these are auto generated as well.


If you discover a senario you wish to test please also post that here.



Edited by custard~SPARTA~
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Bacon Loadout Editor



2.74 MB


GM Persistent Loadouts



368.99 KB


For Grimm (this has 4 dependencies so not urgent)




114.50 MB



Edited by custard~SPARTA~
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I have found a quick way of auto generating the mod list, for the config, without having to type anything so moving forward I just need the mods name. If a mod has any dependencies these are auto generated as well.


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  • 2 months later...

Grim suggested this


 @Gunthar as your last request didn't work do you want to try it?



needs this


Edited by custard~SPARTA~
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have a couple of mods for consideration


Vpad and the minimi.


The Vpad mod brings a tablet with the map in it when you press M, it can be used whilst driving. Holding M brings up the full map, google it to see what you think.


I have checked out some LMGs with optics including one based on the newish 6.5mm Creedmore ammo. That mod really slowed opening the arsenal (I thought the server was going to crash) and I wasn't impressed with its performance. I just want an LMG that isn't 7.62 and has an optic. I tested a couple and this one seemed the best, it adds 4 to the box and the optics can be changed. It has manageable recoil so you can shoot and advance with the squad.




                "modId": "60C40CDB56C23C6B",
                "name": "vPad"
                "modId": "61AEB4EBB4831C34",
                "name": "MinimiMk3AMPPara"


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The minimi has a scope rail dependency we don't have on the server. I didn't notice when I tested it locally because my dedicated server downloaded it automatically even though it wasn't in the config.json. I don't know if Luggage's server will do the same so I have added it here.

                "modId": "5B0D1E4380971EBD",
                "name": "COALITIONSquadInterface"
                "modId": "60C40CDB56C23C6B",
                "name": "vPad"
                "modId": "61AEB4EBB4831C34",
                "name": "MinimiMk3AMPPara"
                "modId": "5AF6E0F075D79473",
                "name": "M249ScopeRails"


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Added to the config - version 11




UH60 + one depndency (Project Redline - Core)


I am sure there was another mod requested, can I have a reminder :)

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it was AH6M - DRIVE-BY, but it's a WIP and doesn't use the AH6M upgrade so I don't know if it works. I was thinking of dropping the minimi and M249 rails. They may cause the server stutter. I am the only one using it and I can switch to the MK48. I have already been practicing so it won't be a problem for me.

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I have found he Mi8 for Blufor, I also found a mod that starts everyone at Lieutenant, The Mi8 can carry 400 cargo normally (so 800 on the server?). I tested them locally and they both work.




                "modId": "60E50DDC812409E9",
                "name": "ConflictLieutenantatstart"
                "modId": "62D81B743651CAC4",
                "name": "AddMI-8toUS"



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