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If anyone declares ware, you all need to know some basic facts.


Firstly: You need to know your enemy


example here we will use the kids corp. Tower Inc. (Ratkiller2)





You need to know how they work and if it comes to it how they will be defeated. Wars are not cheap and the corp that declares war has to pay the game controller (Eve) $2,000,000 ISK per week while the declaration is in effect. No corp. can declare more than 3 declarations of war at a time.




In order to keep things interesting and retain a bit of realism, declarations of war do not require a mutual agreement, just as in the real world. The declaration of war is sent from one CEO to another and the fight begins. Corporations are limited to three declared wars at a time, though the number of wars in which a corp can be involved is limitless. For example, if Corp A has declared war on Corps B, C and D, the CEO must surrender ? or force the CEO of B, C or D to surrender ? before he can declare war on Corp E; however, if Corp A has declared war on Corps B, C and D, Corp E may declare war on Corp A.



Remember you represent Legion of Sparta and not just yourself, when you get into a situation if war is declared then everyone in the corp. becomes apart of it, ready or not.






IPB Image




War Declaration



EXODUS War declaration and war management changes


"Strife is the father of all things, the king of all things, and has made gods and men, free men and slaves." - Heracleitus (500 B.C.)


In EXODUS war declaration will be split up into 2 major cases, involving an alliance or not.




Corporation warfare


The biggest change to normal corporation warfare is that declaring a war will cost depending on how many existing wars the declarer is currently in and there is a weekly cost for sustaining a war.


All wars that don't involve an alliance as aggressor or victim are classified as normal corporation wars.


In EXODUS starting such a war will cost the decelerator 1.000.000 isk * 2 * number of current wars. Meaning that first war will cost 1 million, next will cost 2 million and the 3rd 3 million, etc.


Each week the war goes on a new bill for 1.000.000 isk is issued and if there is an unpaid bill for that war the war is cancelled.



Alliance warfare


All warfare involving an alliance, as aggressor or "victim". Corporations with in an alliance can't declare war on other corporations or alliances, they can't be the target of a war declaration either, only the alliance.




Alliance to Alliance warfare


The Executor of an Alliance can declare a war on another Alliance. this has the cost of 1.000.000 isk * the number of corporations in the declarer alliance * 2 * number of existing wars. The same weekly cost applies to maintain the state of war.



Alliance to Corporation warfare


The Executor of an Alliance can also declare war on any corporation in EVE that is not a member of an alliance. Same cost and maintenance rules apply.



Corporation to Alliance warfare


Corporations in no alliance can't declare war on individual corporations in an alliance. They have to declare war on the alliance itself. Same declaration cost and maintenance cost applies.



Ongoing wars and Alliance applications


Corporations which have ongoing wars which they are the decelerator of can't apply to alliances, nor can their existing applications be changed to status Effective.


If a corporation that is the victim of war, joins an alliance, the war will be adopted by the alliance. This means if you declare a war on a corporation that then joins an alliance you will be at war with the whole alliance.








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