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While I support motorcyclists (I was one for many years, 2+ decades) and the douchebag truck driver should not have taken the action he did, most of the comments in support of the motorcyclists are way off base. Clearly the dumb truck driver was not trying to kill the motorcyclist. He took up enough room on the road to still give the motorcyclists room to get by, but was trying to slow them down to address a problem situation for which this video doesn't give the full context. The truck driver is a dumbass for crossing a double yellow line, but wasn't trying to murder someone. The second motorcyclist (these two have a history of terrorizing the roads and have done this in the neighborhood where the truck driver and his wife and kids live there) all adrenaline hyped came up and cold cocked the truck driver without warning. Let's view a hypothetical situation for a moment: suppose that one of these rice-burning-crotch-rocket douches was tearing up the road at 100+ mph in front of the truck driver's home and wiped out, sending bits and pieces of his bike flying into the yard where the truck driver's kids were playing. Do you think that could injure or kill his kids? Certainly seems there is that risk, so the overpowered-vibrator rider getting his jollies through his ass tickling ride is in the wrong with potential deadly consequences, but so was the truck driver for his potential deadly consequence driving, but NEITHER were trying to murder anyone. The shout-down by all the rice-burning-crotch-rocket douches on the comments section of this video is just intellectual dishonesty at work.

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