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I now officially HATE FoxNews. Biased assholes.


They conveniently forgot to compare video games with THE REST OF THE MEDIA OUTLETS. What a bunch of fucking retards!!!


And none of them have actually even played a newer console or video game.

I bet if you had gotten the camera operator on screen, he would have slapped that dumb bitch back to 1980 so she can play her Atari.


If anything, this shows just how truly ignorant the average person is about modern video games as a media outlet.


truly sad.



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Video games will always be a target because people want something to blame for their own problems.

I thought it was funny when one of them said that the kids could still see videos of the game on the internet, so nothing could stop them from seeing it. Some how I think there are worse things on the Internet that a kid could see then videos of a game.

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I didn't see anything biased about this report. The anchor asked all the relevant questions of the two "so called" experts and the female expert was a moron and showed it, while the guy from SPIKE was intelligent and straightforward with his commentary. The panel that discussed it afterward was comprised of persons who obviously didn't know much about the topic and were chiming in as a nonexpert opinion panel might when presented with something they knew nothing about. The best opinion on the panel was that espoused by the last panel member about government should not be controlling every aspect of our game and internet life and that it was up to parents to be "in charge" echoing the comments of the SPIKE guy. Also, the anchor was very forthright in mentioning Microsoft's disclaimer AND she was fairly sexy and I had a short fantasy about giving her all those inches I know she is begging for!

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But I disagree with your view that this was not biased. While the initial debate between the gentleman and the chick who has never even played the game, was somewhat heated and a little over the top. Even though he didn't really have to do much, She mad it very clear she really didnt now what she was talking about. (She based her findings from a single college's finding that adolescent males cannot differentiate between video games and reality. Well I would like to see this study in its entirety. What age group, race, and income level was paneled? hell I lived in Maryland and I know who the majority of the people are who lives there... )


It seemed to me that number one they are targeting one game for all of the problems of video games but at the same time generalizing the overall problems of media in general.

Yes video games do include these situations in them, but Mass Effect is far worse than say Leisure Suit Larry or the Dead or Alive volley ball series. Even then you can turn the xbox off and turn the channel to Sex And the City, Desperate Housewives, Nip Tuck, and any of the other numerous sexually driven shows and find far worse situations.

I watch the film 'Good Luck Chuck' the other night with my wife , and while it did not make me uncomfortable to watch it, I wasnt expecting as much nudity and sex as I saw on the screen. I expected a true comedy.


Second, to support the fact that this is a perfect example of Fox News bias, they took the time and effort to assemble a four person panel of somewhat intelligent people, but forgot to include anyone from the opposition. The first guy explained that he is a retard and cant even figure out a princess game, so he doesn't really count. the Black lady explained that Its a real problem that these mature rated games are being played by the kids while their parents aren't home. What about the news? The News shows far worse and more graphic content then any video game to date, and the really sad part is that its REAL. People die, its a fact. Who do they think they are kidding?


The ratings issue is set by a group of intelligent parents. But it trully falls to the kids parents to make rational decisions about what entertainment their kid watches. It also falls to them to teach their kid reality and fiction, something that does not happen nowadays because there is a drive to "protect your kids from the evils of the world" well yes you should but protect them through knowledge of the world, not ignorance. I am not saying to let your kid watch porn and go off the deep end. But realistically, the society we have in America right now is extremely two faced. On one hand the American Porn industry brings in Billions of dollars every year, not to mention the sex toy market and everything that goes with that. What people do behind closed doors isnt anywhere close to what they, in public, say they do.


So for these people to out right attack a video game (and the video game market in general) they, one they have no personal interest in, two, inst harming anyone nearly the way the major media outlets could be, and three the fact that Fox would never attack one of its own shows or films because it would never want to hurt its ratings or sales, but goes after media that it has no interest in, plainly makes their case completely invalid.


their point is moot, and its the conservative fear that something may be damaging the nations children. Well their lack of teaching their kids how the world really is, hurts them far worse in the long run.

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I don't disagree with most of your analysis. However, I don't think that clip shows a bias. That panel is a panel that is assembled to give opinion on all sorts of things, not just the video game issue. Clearly the panel was not equipped to properly understand the issues involved. However, that is not necessarily a bias by FOX News. They use that panel or some variation of it for a variety of things. They didn't pick the panel to SLAM that video game or games in general. Bias would have been there if they had, but they didn't and its not biased.


The other basis for claiming bias would be the issue that they don't report negatively on FOX products or FOX Family products. I disagree with this assertion. In fact, I remember a month or two ago a specific report that was overall negative in its evaluation of a FOX Family product and they included a disclaimer at the beginning of the report that it was owned by same parent company as FOX News. I had found it funny at the time because the disclaimer was out front, but then the report slammed the product. I don't recall if it was a movie (I think it was) or something else, but I do specifically remember finding it funny/odd about the disclaimer followed by the negative treatment.


By the way, there have been many studies by many sociology and psychology departments at many Universities (no I can't name them off the top of my head) that I recall reading about or hearing of on the news, that show that exposure to violent and sexual content in all sorts of media, including games AND news, does desensitize (sp?) adolescents in general. However, I think you bring up a very good point that the specific demographics of those studies should be looked at. Also, you, the guy from SPIKE and the last panel member are all on point with the responsibility being with the parents.

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Stupid biaatchs and dumb dudes.


I ain't making a declaration of fact in this reply but the bias against was evident, in a balanced debate you normally have two teams of equal number of persons to argue a point or two. In this video it was one guy via telly link v the other telly link + 3 or 4 in the studio.


The Presenter was fairly neutral and a bit hot ! :lol:



Courtney Friel


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I stopped watching when the twat with glasses made the comment 'Luke Skywalker meets Debbie does Dallas', clearly they do not know what they are talking about. I allways thought to comment on something you should actually have some experience or done some research on the subject.


Yep the presenter is hot and it's me she wants not you he he

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*cough cough* *dons my media student hat and clicks my fingers*

After studying the news for a term (boring as hell) I learnt that all media is bias, this is unavoidable and not all ways bad. And on the account of news programs aren?t made to inform you the facts it is there to entertain like other programs. I?m not shore how it is with the television system over in the US but here (uk) the TV broadcasters have to show so much news otherwise they get reviewed and fined and even there broadcasting rights revoked. (ITV got into trouble because they moved there news program late because it?s not a real audience grabber) like if you are to watch two news programs (on different channels) you will probably see they cover different stories that aim to aid their own agenda. Fox will promote their sister companies so on and so forth. But all in all if the news showed the facts and was not people would tend to get board and not care witch the TV companies will not do because no one watching=no one watching adverts=no one wanting to buy adverts=no money


Hope I made some sort of sense and u find that intresting.


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*cough cough* *dons my media student hat and clicks my fingers*

After studying the news for a term (boring as hell) I learnt that all media is bias, this is unavoidable and not all ways bad. And on the account of news programs aren?t made to inform you the facts it is there to entertain like other programs. I?m not shore how it is with the television system over in the US but here (uk) the TV broadcasters have to show so much news otherwise they get reviewed and fined and even there broadcasting rights revoked. (ITV got into trouble because they moved there news program late because it?s not a real audience grabber) like if you are to watch two news programs (on different channels) you will probably see they cover different stories that aim to aid their own agenda. Fox will promote their sister companies so on and so forth. But all in all if the news showed the facts and was not people would tend to get board and not care witch the TV companies will not do because no one watching=no one watching adverts=no one wanting to buy adverts=no money


Hope I made some sort of sense and u find that intresting.



I stopped reading at "After studying the news for a term (boring as hell) I learnt that all media is bias, this is unavoidable and not all ways bad."


Yes it made perfect sense :lol:

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Ya there are anti violence/nudity/politicly corrective advocates out there buy the droves just waiting to jump on anything they can find. They are sicking and the bad part is they are gaining power. We have the right to free speach, and to bear arms, and to smoke in public if we want to. And live the american way.These little weasel faced bastards are slowly backing us out of our constutional rights like Michel moore and the like. There is more violence on saterday moring cartoons then just about anything. It boils down to raiseing your kidds properly now days, teaching them right from wrong and what reality is all about. And when hes bad give him the punishment he deserves. I myself don't give a crap about being politicly correct.I really don't give a crap about if there poor feelings are hurt or not. I tell them that this is America and if they don't like it to hopp back on their rafts and float on back home from where they came from. And to head on back to california and hang out with Michel moore and waite for the big earth quake, and to leave us all alone due to we really don't want to hear it. AMEN! =My two cent worth.

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Im not a father like some of you but i was let play whatever i want when i was young, my parents were staunch republicans but they were social liberals as well, they knew that one of the only true educations for children was not to say dont do it, but do the right thing when you do it, Dont teach abstinence but teach how to have safe sex, dont tell kids dont drink, just dont drink and drive and be stupid (which is hard sometimes when you are completely shit-faced but sometimes it comes through). I usually am a fan of FOX News when it comes to politics but when members of my republican party spurt outdated material from their pieholes it makes us look like we are afraid to move forward.


And like Athlon mentioned, people like that fat unpatriotic bastard Michael Moore, who market off the fears that little johnny wont be perfect due to video games and certain books or magazines, These people can suck my left one. Too many people these days are too self-righteous and their selfish philosophies are generating a narcissistic generation of kids who believe they can do no wrong and when they do get in trouble at school for breaking a window or punching somebody (or something else completely ridiculous) that the punishment is administered on them just beacuase the administrator doesn't like them on a personal level. This is why i have decided to get a Phd and teach on the college level so when billy thinks i gave him a bad grade cuz i didnt like him i can tell him it was because he stayed up all night and partied and didnt study and on top of that the only reason he got into college was on a football scholarship cuz he was too dumb to get one academicaly (sp?) and this is what happens in the real world. If i did high school or any grade below would have to listen to his mommy call me and tell me how horrible i am for picking on her son because of some unnamed personal issue while i held back from telling her that her son really is a blooming idiot and that it is her fault beacuse all she did was coddle him and show him the world through rose colored glasses. god damn people.


its 1:00 in the morning on a Thursday and im pissed


oh and the people on the fox video, way to go passing judgement when you havent even played the game jackasses

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