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DayZ Update @ E3 2013


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Everyones favorite guy! Dean "Rocket" Hall bumble farts around with zombies leaping around like electrified cats as well as confirming DayZ for consoles.

Edited by XJackerooX~SPARTA~
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I never understood why they stuck with the ARMA 2 (I mean 2.5) engine and didn't go with ARMA 3. This looks like a more polished ARMA 2 Mod, nothing worthy of a standalone. To be honest, the stuff that http://www.dayzorigins.com/ is making is already better than what I have seen even announced for DayZ.


And sticking with Chernarus just seems so lazy. I remember saying that he should have sold the rights to DayZ to a team of people that know what they are doing and just make a cool 5% profit.

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I never understood why they stuck with the ARMA 2 (I mean 2.5) engine and didn't go with ARMA 3.

That's EXACTLY what I said when watching at a part where he crosses diagonally between some buildings looking over his shoulder.

If I had to guess its because hes trying to get it on console and get it "soon". Arma 3 hasn't even made the leap to full release yet... ahhhh full release... so nice om-104-full-release.jpg

... but anyways, it also sounds like when hes "redoing weapons completely" and vehicles as well "later on, perhaps all at once in a patch" hes planning on the DayZ origins/Arma3 gimmicks of customizable vehicles (look out mad max here we come), and weapons attachments.

Not saying he's made the smartest moves for developing/producing the game *AHEM* CLIMBINGMOUNTEVERESTINSTEADOFFINISHINGTHEGAAAME *AHEM* but he says it best toward the end of the video i believe its something like, That's the problem we (game designers) face with including players and outside input, when they could have been completely private and secretive about their work... or "That's the Problem with Hype"

Either way... If he's going console I really hope he allows cross platforming... Like Portal 2 did through PS3 and Steam. UHHHNNNN head shotting someone doing the old slow motion controller turning.. would be epic.

Edited by XJackerooX~SPARTA~
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Well, DayZ (the mod) itself is quite fun but for me it was a passing interest. Especially considering that the zombies themselves were far less interesting than the players.


This I'm going to keep an eye on, however. As for why he didn't use the ArmA 3 engine, that comes down to wanting to get it out months earlier than would have otherwise been possible, I would think. Though I think that was a bad decision, personally, the game still could have potential regardless of it not being "up-to-date".

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Well, DayZ (the mod) itself is quite fun but for me it was a passing interest. Especially considering that the zombies themselves were far less interesting than the players.


This I'm going to keep an eye on, however. As for why he didn't use the ArmA 3 engine, that comes down to wanting to get it out months earlier than would have otherwise been possible, I would think. Though I think that was a bad decision, personally, the game still could have potential regardless of it not being "up-to-date".

I agree, I believe that its more a compatibility (as well as get it done already) issue. Going with "cutting edge" engine is going to mean he has to start all over (as slow as he moves we definitely don't want that lol) and work hand in hand with the arma3 team progressing that engine before being able to mod it to be usable in dayZ. Then we're right back to arma 2 glitches and inventory fuckups and patch.. patch.. hotfix.. RAAAAAAGE!


All in all I am doing is looking at it for what it is. A game that has been in development for 2 years (and somewhat unfortunately we kept a close eye on and were HEAVILY involved early on). A sandbox zombie themed multiplayer that plays with familiar if not exact controls to the ARMA series as their keyboard controls/ joystick mapping/ Track IR, and simulation capabilities are near and dear to me. Third and finally, this is the closest thing we'll have to a complete arma 3 game, perhaps we can start gaming together ARMA style again soon? All the feeling and floods of images you get when someone says "Oh yeah remember that time in Cherno when..." ...I'm hoping for a similar if not better experience keeping zombies from ripping you fuckers apart lol. :cheers:


Here's a trip down memory lane for some Spartans

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Terminator face with my ACOG. I do miss that.


EDIT: Who remembers the Apples Incident?

DUDE! i was going to say the way you feel and the memories when someone says "hey remember on mt skalka when ______.." LOL and yes... what a strange strange (for me anyways) and shitty day that was for everyone.


I was not present on the apples incident, but from I recall, all the nubs got killed and Karl finished them off...

no skaz, as you said... you werent there ;*


My problem with most online zombie games is its more like a PVP death-match with zombies to keep you from completely falling asleep.

For the lone wolfs... yeah pretty much, but for the Spartans (ASSEMBLE!!!!) it was the matter of playing the game with survival tactics, figuring out who else on map was friendly, getting gear and supplies for each other (and sometimes without asking *tee hee*), fixing vehicles and building a base with MULTIPLE heli's, Raiding cherno, and if a team mate gets killed we did our best to seek out and destroy the enemy and secure our buddies gear. The thing is DayZ isn't going to be "most zombie games" I have faith in whats not disclosed for everyone, you have to respect his privacy (i mean did everyone forget he was COMPLETELY

ripped off by WAR Z!?!?).

I'm looking forward to joining with the proud stragglers who will be joining in :thumbsup:


That being said... Video time :allgood:

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It was a very fun couple of months of intense dayz. I really enjoyed that we used all the tactical and map knowledge acquired from endless hours on domination. It gave us a clear advantage on any one or any group we encountered. It was very few people that managed to kill us all. In most conflicts or engagements we always had the edge.

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Sadly Jack it generally meant everyone else was not friendly if they weren't a Spartan or on TS with us....

I'm unsure if we ever actually played Zed together, if we had I'm sure this wouldn't be your stance. Constantly Direct chatting with other players. Also when the ECWC formed we basically had 2 groups of 6+ players one on the western side and one on the eastern side. It was a mod of a deathmatch game mode, and we WERE playing an FPS military simulator so there was definitely the COD jerk offs shooting everything in sight, thats to be expected.

Plus Tyler says it best at the end of that video on post #10 "if you're in our group and you aren't TS, you deserve to be shot" :yes:

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Definitely after seeing this release that happened yesterday.. o.0

Is origins a mod for vanilla a2? or is there a mile long list i need to keep up to date :ranting2:

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Would definitely be back in for some Origins.


I was talking to jack about this. I would be willing to pay for a server for the first month or two. Only reason why I think we should have our own server is because of some of the Shit me and Phisher dealed with on other peoples server. Yalls feed back would be good and we could get started this evening.

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O shit i didn't see the epic triple, now i feel like a dummy for posting the same one 2x.

Nevertheless, i am excite... and i am downloading dayz commander and A32 CO...

lets create a new origins channel and get to work! :D

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