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Well, I was going to make the original post I was thinking about when i wrote the Knight Rider post and I got a phone call that changed everything again.


I was going to talk about how I finally found what I think I was meant to do. The Army. I feel that I am very good at what I do. Not the part about being a desk ranger, but a troop pusher. I have always been known as a good troop punisher and commended for this in the Reserves. Now I am on active duty and doing it more and better than ever. I get commended constantly on this by my superiors. I was also going to tell you about being to "go F*&% myself" and to "shut my f&%$ing fat ass up" yesterday and how I handled it. Oh it was a PFC (E-3. two ranks below me) that decided it was OK to talk to me like this. She has her day coming and it will not be pretty when that rank is pulled off her chest. But I will enjoy every moment of it. I promise that!!


Now to the phone call. My brother is still in the reserves and has been trying to get sent to Afghanistan with me. Well, half of his wish come true. He just called me and told me is getting attached to the 407th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne, Fort Bragg, NC. There are several problems with this. First, he is going to Iraq. Second, the time frame where he will be leaving. I am going to be in NCOES school for the army so I can get promoted the first two weeks of Feb. Guess when he is leaving. Thats right. The first week of Feb. So now I have to decide if I want the school, or to see my brother. This is my last chance to go to school before I leave for Afghanistan. I really need this school to continue my career. But I want to see my brother. So now i am face with yet another delima in my wonderful life. I do not see my brother, that means he does not see my daughter (you all know I have an insane ex wife). My brother would understand the decision to go to school, but be disappointed.


This all might not even be an option for me seeing that I am slotted for the school and might not even be able to get out of it.


I ask that you all pray for my brother and especially my family now that they will have their only 2 sons at war at the same time.


I am very proud of my brother and would want nothing less for him. I want him to be happy and do what will make him happy and this will be it. He loves the army and his country as I do.


Please remember us both at this time.


SGT John Strader

SGT Jeremy Strader


Oh, and lets not forget, I am 101st AIR ASSAULT and he is 82nd AIRBORNE!! Some of you know what this means. Something else for us to fight over. The next year and half will be interesting.

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Well, first of all, God bless you guys. My brother an I enlisted together. He is two years my junior. We also served in combat, not together, but at the same time. My parents went through the same thing that your parents will soon face. It wont be easy, but the time will fly by faster than they think.


As far as seeing your brother one last time before he deps, if you go with your heart, you cant go wrong. You're whole family is in my prayers.


what is your cadre saying about you taking a day of leave? You BatCO should have an open door policy, for items just like this. Tell him you only need 24 hours to make this happen, if not for you, for your parents.

Our country owes them that much for providing two strong, intelligent sons for the service of our flag.


I hope it works out for you. Hooah.


Doc Roberts


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Medic said it best. Go to your Batt. Commander and see what he has to say. Do you think you guys will be near each other over in Afghanistan? I think that, at the very least, you can get a 24hr leave notice to come back and see your bro/mom/daughter.

Brothers serving together is just about the most honorable thing I can think of at the moment. And as superficial as it may sound, your parents can now get that flag with two stars on it. It sounds superficial, but I'm sure they would be proud of it.

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This is my first time back on since the original post. Thank you for all the support. I talked to my brother again and he understands about the school. We also found out that he is leaving home on 30 Jan so that he can get some training and all the shots and stuff. I put in a request to get a long weekend next weekend. I was told it should get approved. I really hope so. We are planning a huge party for next weekend.


Once again, thank you all for the support.


I think that we are going to get them the flags for their cars and one to hang on the flag pole.

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