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Why it does, or does not pay to work harder


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Worth the read.


I have always known that hard work has nothing do with success, Its all in the cards, like my current career was pure luck mixed with some ass-kissing. Granted the work I do now has some ball-busting instances the high pay factor makes it well worth it, and for the meager few hours of manual labor I am tasked with in the heat and humidity; I have 100 in the a/c watching tv and drinking a coke, and staying in constant fear for my life of those gerbils. By no means is my pay linked with my physical effort or performance, but merely the title I hold and what my job description says I do.

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this is true. but it also helps to take risks being ballsy. a person who works hard and does whatever his boss asks isn't likely to be promoted. it could be the antsy arsehole who all your collegues hate who just marches in and has a full blown argument with the boss who could either fire him, take disiplinary action or give him a promotion for being different.

people who follow the rules work hard and dont stir the nest turn into the furniture.

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